10/18/2023 0 Comments 134) Mickler's Landing, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida LIVE! Wake Up The Sun With Me! Let's Walk 1 MileWhere will we all be in July of 2029? That is the question I am pondering today. And I would like you to join me on a six year journey - together. Let’s go! On Friday, October 13, 2023, SpaceX launched a Falcon Heavy rocket for NASA into outer space. I find this quite fascinating, so I invite you to join me as I ramble on about this venture - and - let’s walk one mile together on the beach while we’re discussing this massive voyage. This launch was SpaceX’s 8th Falcon Heavy, and NASA paid SpaceX a sum of $131 million to launch this mission. The mission cost to NASA is $1.2 billion. The spacecraft is the size of a tennis court, and is now traveling on a six year journey, going 2.2 billion miles away from us here on Earth. It will arrive at an asteroid in July, 2029, and then study its magnetic fields and chemical makeup. Now- all of that information is WAY too complicated for me to even begin to understand. I can barely process the fact that the rocket lifted off successfully and left Earth’s atmosphere, let alone the fact that we sent something to land on an asteroid billions of miles away. But the point I’m making here today is about the journey - the voyage itself. We are voyagers… we always have been, and we always will be. As humans, we will always be looking out at the horizon, and wonder what is beyond it. This mission acts upon that belief. And I can’t help but do some dreaming of my own today... About what life will be like when that spacecraft makes it to its destination? Where will we all be? What will we be doing? What dreams - that we have today - will we have made come true? What will we still be dreaming about - six years from now? In this video, I invite you to add your dream, or dreams, into the comment section down below. I told you my own dreams in the video, and I’d love for you to share yours with me, and with the rest of all the dreamers out there. Think of it as sort of a form of ‘accountability’ or a declaration of sorts. There is definitely power in writing down your thoughts. So go ahead and let me know what a dream of yours is that you hope to have accomplished by the time this spacecraft meets up with the asteroid 2.2 billion miles from now, and six years from now. We can all work on our dreams together, and let’s meet up on the flip side once again. I’m going to check back on this video six years from now, and let’s see what we’ve dreamed along the way together. So today, I want you to dream - dream loud, dream hard, and dream proud. I am proud of you, and you should be proud of you too. Love ya! Christine Mickler’s Landing is a public beach access located in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. At the intersection of A1A and Ponte Vedra Boulevard, there are bathrooms and showers on site, and this beach access is handicap accessible as well. Mickler’s Beach, as it’s also known, is an extremely popular spot to soak in the sun while in the greater Jacksonville area. Especially during the summer time, and weekends, Mickler’s Landing’s fairly small parking lot can be constantly full, with cars waiting in que to park, and a backup on the roadway. There are now lots across the main intersection that charge to park to help in the need for extra parking spaces. Mickler’s Landing is also a known shark tooth hunting spot. So while you may be looking out at the horizon line when you’re here, be sure to look down into the sand as well. You never know what kind of treasures you may find. Filmed LIVE on Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Livestream number 15. #micklerslanding #pontevedrabeach #florida Ron On The Go: https://www.youtube.com/@RONONTHEGO About the mission launch: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/13/watch-spacex-falcon-heavy-launch-nasa-psyche-asteroid-mission.html About the mission: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaizD3e--h8 ___
10/11/2023 0 Comments 128) Neptune Beach, Florida Sunrise LIVE - We Found Some Dolphins - Looking At Emerald Colored WavesGood Morning Y’all! We are in Neptune Beach, Florida this morning to watch the sunrise, browse the tidelines for shark teeth, and glance out at the magnificently emerald toned waters. While the Atlantic Ocean was pretty flat today, the wave breaks were immensely loud and powerful. In the flatness of the horizon, we spotted a number of dolphins, jumping into the start of their day. A breathtaking sight - it always chokes me up - literally, lol. Also, I talked with two new channels in the chat, and it made my day. So thanks for joining me, and I’m wishing every single one of you a fabulous journey on the day ahead. If you are catching the replay, please say hello in the comments below. I do read every comment, and I would absolutely love to know how your day is going thus far? And - what is your favorite time of day?? Do you love early mornings like I do? Love ya, Christine Filmed Wednesday, October 11, 2023 in Neptune Beach, Florida. #florida #neptunebeach #dolphins These Are My Dreams - Podcast Episode #2 Today I really wanted to share with you EXACTLY how it took me three very long years to gain one hundred subscribers on my YouTube Channel. It was an extremely emotional and challenging three years, and I’m sharing with you some very personal and private moments of my life and the challenges I’ve faced during the process of creating content on YouTube. I explain how I used to be an extremely shy and quiet person. And I explain to you how being a YouTuber made me realize some very valuable life lessons and things about myself that, at age 42 years old, I am only now realizing about myself. By me sharing my story and journey with you, I hope it helps motivate you to also share your very own story with the world. One video at a time! You’ve got this dudes! Please let me know if you enjoyed this video and if my story can relate to you in any way? I’m so curious if by me sharing these sensitive life moments with you can help you in something challenging you are going through right now? You are NOT alone. Don’t ever give up. Chat with me in the comments section! Filmed Tuesday, August 1, 2023 in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. #contentcreator #youtubejourney #shetlandsheepdog #florida 9/12/2023 0 Comments 119) This Is How I Am Comfortable Talking To The Camera! I Put The Camera In My Face & I Talk To It.Celebrating My 100th YouTube Video!!! Hey Dreamers!! You There! Don’t Stop! Don’t Quit Now! If you’re a new content creator on YouTube… Or - Maybe you haven’t even started your channel yet? All because you lack confidence or comfort in talking to the camera…? Watch this video - to see how I handle the camera being in my face. This is my 100th video upload on my YouTube Channel (Christine's Floridian Dreams) and I made this video to celebrate that special milestone. Thank you so much for dreaming along side me in this wild and crazy life. But mostly, I made this video because I hope this can help you in any way as you pursue the dreams of your own YouTube content creator journey. Or, just to help you get out there and live the life of your dreams - each and every single day. And then - do it all over again tomorrow. If you’ve got dreams, it’s up to YOU to make them come true, and no one else. So pick up that camera - and hit record. You have a story to share with the world! For goodness sakes, TELL US! Love you, Christine P.S. Let me know how your dreams of talking to the camera are going? I would absolutely love to know… What stage of content creating are you in? How do you overcome the fear, anxiety, or awkwardness you may feel when attempting to talk to the camera? And what about all the rest of your dreams? Are you pursuing them each and every single day? Share with me in the comments… I’d love to know! This was filmed on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Video 100. Places I went in this video: Sneakers Sports Grille (phenomenal food, by the way!) 111 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 & Whit’s Frozen Custard (my favorite ice cream shop in Jacksonville Beach!) 1232 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville Beach, 32250 #talktocamera #motivation #contentcreator ___ These Are My Dreams - and JIMMY is a part of them. Dear Jimmy, Can I call you that? I feel like we’re on a first name basis… You see, I’ve been to Margaritaville a time or two. And Jimmy, you were there with me every time… even if you didn’t know it. Gosh, Jimmy, this one hits hard. Real hard. Because - Just like millions of folks, I woke up to the news… that you're gone. You’ve left us. I Truly Was Shocked. I didn't even know you were ill, and then I got the news via a text this morning from my Mom. Usually, when I hear news of a celebrity death, the news hits me just like any other piece of news… A little distant… and a bit far from home. Maybe a prayer, and a well wish to the family, deep in my heart, and no one, but me, knows what I wished. Or what I prayed, as that individual goes to Heaven. But Jimmy - your news hit me differently… Much different. Because, you see, I found my lost shaker of salt a very long time ago. And how come you never told us you were sick? I know, I know, you kept it private for a reason. You really didn’t want your Parrotheads to worry about you. Because - worry - really is not part of the Margarataville state of mind, is it? So, Immediately upon hearing the news, flashes of Margaritaville went through my head, and flew right into my heart… And I was right in the middle of all of my dreams… And I could taste that infamous cheeseburger… And I could visibly see that bottle of Heinz 57. And I went further away, deep into my dreams, and I thought of how much you have meant to me. Because - All through the years… As I grew up… And as life got hard… And living got even harder… And I grew older… And hopefully a little bit wiser… And never even just a little bit wealthier… You were always there for me. During all the hard times. In the back of my mind. And always in my heart. It’s actually MIND BLOWING to me how many of your hotels we have been to, including my dogs! And how many of your restaurants we’ve been to. And how much of your good food we have enjoyed. And HOW many memories that me and my family HAVE that YOU have been a part of. You don’t know any of that. And SO, I thank you today. And I will miss you always. And it’s up to us now. Your devoted fans and Parrottheads. To keep living life even just a little bit differently than the rest of the world. To live a little bit loose. And maybe just a little bit more carefree. Maybe just because if we couldn’t laugh, we’d all go just a little bit insane. So even if people laugh AT me. And Even if I’m the joke. It’s all ok. Because I’ve already changed my Latitude. Which did help change my Attitude. Because Mother Ocean called to me many years ago now. And Because I’ve been on that 7 Mile Bridge. And I’ve sat at the end of the world. And I’ve felt that salty air on my skin. And I’ve breathed in those Heavenly Mallory Square sunsets. And in my dreams I HAVE sailed away. And I truly do know exactly where Margaritaville is located. And I’m more than happy to post the address directly in the comments section down below. Because I don’t want to take life too seriously. And because I hope others do the same. Because as life gets more conventional every day… And modern living gets more serious every waking morning… Here’s to hoping you’re not one of the last of your kind… You were that constant reminder in the back of my heart, to continue being somewhat unconventional, because that’s me and who I really am. So with that news of your passing, my heart aches today. And I do wish you well. And your family is in my prayers. And you are in all my thoughts. But maybe I don’t need to pray for YOU right now.. Because as when most people go to Heaven, I know they are up there where they Angels are singing… Your trip to Heaven means something a little bit different… It’s what I’d call a Sail Away Party that’s a bit more unconventional… Because as you arrived in Heaven - Which is right where you should be - The angels are not singing TO you - I know YOU are singing to the angels tonight. You’re putting on a free show. The best concert the Heavens have ever seen. And they are lucky to have you there. And your song is on repeat. And the drinks are ever-flowing. And the rims are salty. And someday, the rest of us will be there, with you, wasting away in that Heavenly sunshine. And no longer searching… ~ A Year Of Art, A Year In Imagery A Year Of Art, A Year In Imagery 9/9/2021 0 Comments 113) God Bless America ~~ God Bless America ~
5/11/2021 0 Comments 107) 4 Years Killing It~ Celebrating Four Whopping Years Out Of Rehab ~ Wow. Today I’m celebrating four years of life. I may be 40 years old, but these last four years are what today is all about. May 11th is the anniversary of my discharge from Mayo Clinic’s Pain Rehabilitation Center - located in Jacksonville, Florida. Today... marking four years out. Four times three hundred and sixty five whopping days. Each and every single day being counted and tallied. All adding up to - four years strong - and four years of absolutely killing it at life. You don’t get to that numerical tally by simply blinking and repeating. Or taking a breath in, and a breath out, over and over again. But then again… you actually, and really, do. I would not be the happy, content, at-peace-with-the-world, and God loving person that I am right now and today, if it wasn’t for Mayo, and my time spent there. Because while God saved my life, Mayo Clinic helped give me the momentum to keep going after that. And I’ve rambled on about Mayo in the past quite a few times, so you can go ahead and check all of that out below, if you’re interested in learning more about my experiences at the Clinic: Christine’s Floridian Dreams: ABOUT Bean’s Library #34) Merry Christmas ~ And How To Buy For That Person On Your List Who Saved Your Life ~ #65) The Sea Life ~ Happy Easter The above articles delve a little bit deeper on how I came to be a patient at Mayo Clinic, my experiences traveling from Chicago, Illinois up to Rochester, Minnesota for treatment, and all the way to my new and fabulous life in Jacksonville, Florida. Plus, why my long and challenging month at Pain Rehab changed my life, and continues to change me - to this day. So today, I wanted to pull your attention to what I view and believe, very strongly, are the tools and virtues necessary for living a fruitful and rewarding life with chronic pain. Because, four years later, it’s not just a snap of the fingers and life is amazing - it requires work - constant work - every single day. And one needs tools in order to do this work. So - here are the most vital tools I deem imperative toward continued success and maintenance after leaving rehab: [ Plan ] I plan. And I plan for everything. I plan my day. I plan my week. I plan my next two weeks out, and I strategically and creatively title that plan - “My Two Week Plan.” I plan the month. I plan the year. And, most importantly, I also plan for all these things to NOT go according to this plan. But, at the same time I do all of this plotting and planning and scheming and theorizing... I simply live for today. (And, if that sentence makes any sense to you, please let me know.) [ Purpose ] I live. And I live now. I don’t wait to live. And I don’t count on tomorrow (even though I plan for it). I wear my favorite clothes today (and I don’t save them for a better outing). I burn my favorite candles (and I don’t save them for only when guests come over). I sign up for the class I’ve been aching to take. I paint on all my canvases. I purchase tickets to my favorite play. I buy my coffee on the outside (as Jerry Seinfeld once said). I go to museums. I try all the newest restaurants. I create every single day - and not merely when I have time. I read all the books - of all kinds. I travel. I explore. I look up at the sky - and not down at my phone. I drive with the windows down. And I say hello to strangers, all the time. I know exactly why I am here and exactly what I am supposed to do. And I do it. Now. And I don’t save any of it for the unknown future. Ahhhh, the unknown future. The future on a distant horizon we cannot possibly yet imagine. That brings me straight on up to my next tool. [ Perseverance ] There’s a reason the Mars Rover of 2020 was named Perseverance. My goodness! Can you even imagine the amazing journey that darn little robotic thing went on to get where it is right now? Mars!... Freaking Mars! Do you really even realize how far away Mars really is from us here on Earth? Enough ‘really’s’ already. Without perseverance, there would literally, and really, be zero evidence of humanity on Mars. Or should I say - evidence of Earthlings on Mars. And that’s because the road to Mars is not paved and narrow. There is no defined route to arriving on the Red Planet. We’re making this all up as we go. It’s all foreign territory. And it’s scary. But thrilling. This - this feat - never accomplished before - landing humans on Mars. Who on God's green Earth knows when this will happen? It could take a number of years - a tally of days - a number and amount of time beyond our comprehension right now. And - It will take determination. It will take struggle, and challenges we possibly cannot yet even imagine.. It will take sacrifice. It will take discipline. And it most certainly will take - perseverance. To persevere, means to struggle. To persevere, means to keep going. To persevere, means to face adversity, challenge, pain, hardship, and loss... and to keep going away. To persevere means you know how far away the future is, and to continue onward anway. To persevere, means it’s ok to fail. To persevere, simply means to get back up and try again. So, while I plan for the future... And I live life for today… And if at first I don’t succeed, I try, try, again. This fact brings me to my final bullet point of today’s discussion - Patience. Yes, I live in the moment, while at the same time... I have to have the patience of a freaking saint. [ Patience ] The single most important factor to making it through one thousand four hundred and sixty days of life outside of rehab. Without patience, I wouldn’t be writing this today. Without patience, I would not be celebrating four years strong. Without patience, I would have zero creativity. Without patience, I would be suffering. I’d be pacing, and agonizing, and wondering when in the freaking heck is all of this pain ever really going to go away?... Really. Without patience, I would not be alive. There’s a real and solid reason why there is a saying on this Earth that goes a little something like this: Patience Is A Virtue. That’s because it really and truly is. Patience is NOT the most popular kid in school. People tend to not like Patience. And actually, people tend to despise Patience. Patience is continuously, and unrelentlessly, teased and taunted and bullied. And sadly, Patience gets tortured every single gosh darn day, somewhere on this planet. Yes, Patience is really hard to live with. But Patience is Required for Success. So if you really want to succeed at whatever your goal is, I’d say to simply suck it up, buttercup... And to welcome some good, old-fashioned Patience into your new and modern life. Become friends with Patience. Actually, I'd even go so far as to say to make Patience your very best friend in life... Yeah, Patience is really that important. So while everyone else is beating up Patience in the back alley around the corner from the school yard… YOU - you there, you go ahead and save Patience from that beating. Drag Patience out of the alleyway. And usher Patience straight on into the nurse's office for a solid checkup and mending and a bag of ice to go home with. Then, take Patience home with you. Serve Patience a plate of cookies and milk - almond milk - not cows milk. And ask your mother if Patience can sleep over. Watch your favorite movie with Patience. And then, go ahead and watch a film that Patience likes, that you happen to utterly and totally despise. But suck it up and have some darn patience already. Humor Patience, and watch the movie anyway. You’ll be best friends in no time. Gosh, and at that exact point - Patience will really and truly love you back, too. If you can learn the value of patience, you can learn the secret to life. If you can learn the virtue of patience, you will be exactly where you are meant to be. If you can simply have patience, there is nothing that you cannot do in this world. But gosh, golly, oh jeaz - there is most definitely a secret to being patient - and that is this. if you can accept patience, you can accept your pain. Your struggles, your misfortunes. Your annoyances. Your anger, temper, and all your irritations. Your mind - arguing with itself. Your heading - spinning. Your every breath you take. You can then handle the deck of cards you’ve been dealt. You will learn from this adversity. And that experience will build momentum, and carry you forward, through time. Yes, if you can accept and welcome patience into your life, you’ll be killing it at life too. Because, without patience, you’ll really never know or even possibly imagine where you will be... four years from now.~ *Editorial Note & Disclaimer: All views, opinions, and statements herein are my own. I am not a doctor. I am not trying to save you, and I cannot make your pain go away. I am merely detailing to you my own personal opinions and experiences with the Mayo Clinic as a patient. Each person is unique, and what works for one, will not work for all. I share my story in hopes it will reach someone who may need to hear or see just these exact words at this exact time to push them to get the help they need… right freaking now. Because - sometimes saving yourself, is allowing others to help you save you. If you are in chronic pain, struggling, or severely depressed, I would highly recommend calling the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida to explore treatment options. Their phone number is 904.953.2000.
5/2/2021 0 Comments 106) So Proudly We Hail
4/28/2021 0 Comments 105) Binary Sunset
3/22/2021 0 Comments 103) If We Couldn't Laugh
3/11/2021 0 Comments 100) The Pandemic ~ One Year Later
3/8/2021 0 Comments 99) Tweet Ya Later
6/3/2020 1 Comment #80) June 2020
5/27/2020 0 Comments #79) At A Crossroads...When you come to your next fork in the road, what way will you go? There’s a favorite Seinfeld episode of mine - where George Costanza does the complete opposite of what he usually does throughout the entire show’s running. For example, if George would normally be shy in front of a woman, he does the opposite. So, in this episode, he would go right up to her and ask her out on a date. He says that he always orders tuna on toast at the diner. But, he ponders, nothing exciting ever came from tuna on toast, for him. So he’s going to go ahead and order the exact opposite of tuna on toast…. And see what happens. And, if he normally does absolutely and literally nothing, all day long, then he now would do the opposite - meaning he would do SOMETHING! Whatever it is in his entire life that is his usual REACTION - he decides he will now go ahead and do the absolute opposite reaction. And in turn, he gets a whole heck of a lot done, accomplished. It may not have all turned out the way he wanted, but he was acting, living, and most importantly, trying. I tend to think that George considered himself a failure in life, most of the time. But in this episode, as is usually the case in sitcoms, everything changes, for a single show. And Jerry tells him, “If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.” With this realization, George gets out there and kicks some major behind. And for 22 minutes - George is living his best life. He is successful. He is alive. Because doing something, he realized, was better than doing nothing. And making that hard choice was better overall, than making the easy choice. The usual choice. So, maybe go ahead and watch that episode, or even just some hilarious clips from it, online, if you have a few moments to spare. Or even if you have a pending decision to make. Because there’s a Seinfeld episode out there about every single decision in life. And this one is a Hallmark Classic. Bringing me to the question I have for you today… When you are at a crossroads - which way will you go? Which way have you gone when reaching crossroads in your past? When you reach the very next junction in your life… Do you know which direction you will be choosing? I’m here to remind you of that tiny, little voice inside your own head… directing you… to…. The Opposite. If you do the absolute opposite of which you have always done, won’t you theoretically get the opposite results from which you have always received? Thus, leading your life in a completely new, and foreign, and challenging, direction? Stimulating growth, new ideas, and therefore, completely new results, in your life. And it is with that question in mind, that I hope you enjoy this week’s vlog of Christine’s Floridian Dreams... My newest YouTube video that I’ll be sharing with you later this week. In it, I’m merely taking you along on a little, minor, daily adventure. For some small, and simple, choices in daily life. Where do I go that day… where will we eat… what do we order? What dessert location should we go to? And - how will we get there?... Because - There are multiple bridges to cross along the way too. And sometimes, it’s the actual bridge that becomes the best part of the day. Not where you have gone, or where you are headed to next, but simply stopping along the journey, and enjoying the junction itself. So, what direction will you choose - at your next fork in the road? What way will you turn, and therefore, which route, will you take, at your next crossroads of life? When that fateful question begs inside your own head - Maybe it’s time to consider the absolute opposite of tuna on toast - to you - and choose that. ~
*What’s your favorite Seinfeld episode? Do you always order tuna on toast, like George does? I’d love to know. Drop me a comment down below: Also, if you’re enjoying my Floridian Dreams, adventures, writings, ramblings, poetry, challenges, and reviews, you can go ahead and check out some more, right here: 77] The Lost Art of the Phone Call 75] The First Supper @ Palm Valley Outdoors Bar & Grill 73] What I’m Missing Right Now 71] My 69 Week Break From Social Media ~ Why I Left & Why I Came Back 68] A Sunday Stroll 63] Mercy & Comfort 62] PERSPECTIVE @ Seaside Sculpture Park 61] Bean’s Idea List ~ 15 Daily Activities For Well Beyond 15 Days 59] REACTION ~ To World War 19 57] First Watch on the First Coast 56] Shell World ~ Key Largo 51] Life Is Full Of Pasta-Bilities ~ Bean’s Red Sauce Recipe *Part of - Bean’s Kitchen - series 46] Key Largo, Montego, Baby Why Don’t We Go? 40] Visiting The Florida Cracker Kitchen ~ Jacksonville 36] The End Of A Decade & My New Year’s Wish To You 5/25/2020 0 Comments #78) The Best Part Of Waking Up...The best part of waking up... Is Folgers in your cup… Sorry, I had to. If merely because I love coffee so very gosh darn much. But right now I’m actually literally stuck on Folgers. It’s cheap. It’s basic. It’s good. Buying at least one pound worth a week, and making it every single morning. In my trusty ol’ Mr. Coffee coffee maker. Just like the one my grandparents used to use every day. And all those massive amounts of coffee beans got me thinking... about mornings. And how important they are to how one’s entire day will eventually turn out to be. If you are literally rolling out of bed every morning, strolling over to the bathroom and getting right in the shower, then heading directly off to work, hair barely dry from being shampooed and conditioned - I’m here to put a thought bubble above your head, and let it pop... You may be doing mornings wrong - in my opinion, that is. For the past few years I’ve been taking my mornings quite seriously. Meaning, I devote a huge chunk of time to myself - at the start of every single day. Whether it’s exercise, reading, or a bit of both and then some, I am absolutely certain to do something just for me each and every morning. This simple act sets the path for a better day forward. I talk to you a lot about momentum - And mornings mean momentum, my friends. I take my mornings so seriously that I rise well before I need to - a good chunk of hours ahead of time actually. And the morning activity I partake in may differ as much as the day itself does. But the one act remains the very same and true each day. It’s the activity of time for self that is imperative. So, if rising early is something that you haven’t been doing, but are interested in getting started with, I’ve got a few ideas and examples to help you begin, right here: 1-Grab a book: Read. Even if it’s just five pages. Or ten. That’s how a book gets read, doesn’t it? One page at a time? 5 pages at a time? Just pick up a copy of the latest book you’ve been dying to read, put it by your bedside table, and when that alarm goes off the following morning, grab Grishman’s latest novel, Camino Winds, and read the first few pages. [Spoiler-not-spoiler - it takes place in a fictional town based on an island exactly where I live here in the Jacksonville, Florida area. And - It’s a sequel to Camino Island.] 2-Exercise: There is nothing better to kick your day into high gear than to get your body moving. Even if moving simply means stretching. If you haven’t been doing a whole lot of exercise lately, I’d highly recommend you start with some simple stretches. Add onto that routine a bit at a time, and then start walking. Days, weeks, and months later, you’ll have a solid walking routine down. And - if you miss a day, you may actually really be missing it! 3-Gain Mental Strength: I believe that mornings to myself help my mentality, my overall mental state. By doing what I mentioned up at the beginning… rolling out of bed, hopping in the shower, and driving off to work… that doesn’t allow much time for the mind to wander. Freely. So set your alarm early - far before you have to be in the shower… and simply light a candle, if that’s the best you can do at the moment. And maybe breathe. Or journal. Meditate. Make a cup of hot coffee. Sit in a hot bath - maybe, with a podcast. Chill… just…. hang out… with yourself. Your mindset will lighten. Your shoulders will become unburdened. It may take some time. And repetitiveness. But that load will lighten, I promise. Just keep at it. And let these minor, daily actions build into momentum, which will build movement, and massive action will then follow. 4-Creativity: If you are a creative person, mornings are a phenomenal time to get it all out and onto the medium you may be working with at the time. Don’t wait till the end of the night, after work, after dinner, and after dessert and night-time television, to open up your creative side. Because your best work might actually be done in the mornings. When you can rise early, to devote the time just to yourself, without any of the upcoming day’s distractions to block your outlet. If you paint, get on over to your studio. If you write, pull open your laptop, and get typing. If you are merely planning ideas and brainstorming, open up your bullet journal and get those ideas onto paper. Draw. Sketch. Apply for art shows. The list is endless. Whatever it is that you don’t have time for during the day - the time is now, to work on that. Which brings me to my own latest announcement I’d like to share with you today: Christine’s Floridian Dreams now has a YouTube Channel! It’s out there, public, and with one whole solid freaking subscriber to date… plus, one whole, whopping 49 second video, just sitting out there, waiting for you to go ahead and watch it. Wahoo! :) You can access my channel by clicking on the link below: Why YouTube? For myself, personally, It’s part of what I mention in bullet number four above - creativity. There’s a creative outlet there for me that I want to brainstorm. Explore. And paint a new picture with - so to speak. The app is the easel. The mind is the creator of the artistic content, and the video is the canvas. I see it. I envision it. And now, I’m just going ahead and doing it. YouTube has been something I’ve been wanting to do for quite a very long while now. And why have I finally decided to start it? Because I’m here to take my own gosh darn advice, y’all. The only one stopping me - is me! I have no excuse not to do something I really want to do. It’s free. I already have a smartphone. And I have a whole heck of a lot of ideas that I’m currently filming for y’all. Again - did I mention... it’s free? And this brings me back to my own creativity and how to get started with your own creative ideas... Christine’s Floridian Dreams is alive as my creative outlet. And my ultimate goal, by sharing all of my writings, paintings, Etsy shop, inspirational tee-shirts, blogs… my entire website, and now - my videos, with you - is to help you get out there and live your own dream. I’m living my dream, and I want you to know that you can live your own dreams, too. There is nothing stopping you. You are the one who has to make your own dreams come true. And once you truly understand and comprehend that fact, there will be nothing stopping you from living out your wildest and happiest dreams and goals in life. Dreams just don’t miraculously come true with the waving of a magic wand. They come true through hard work. Visualization. Planning. Plotting. Sweating. And maybe even by lighting a candle, sitting in the bathtub, and listening to a podcast... instead of sleeping in…. They come true because you took the action of getting out of bed - well before you may have been ready to. So go ahead and get started on yourself. Give yourself that momentum to a better day ahead. Give yourself the gift of your morning. When you hear that alarm go off, jump out of bed, and begin your day. Whether you want to or not... March before you feel like it. And while the best part of waking up, may very well indeed be Folgers in your cup…. it’s really the best part of the day by simply just doing whatever you want to do most in your life. You merely need to get up, dust off that big and heavy thought bubble that’s just hovering around patiently above your head like a cloud, pop it, and get started. ~
*How do you spend your early mornings? Do you allocate a good chunk of your day entirely on yourself? I’d love to know. Drop me a comment down below: Also, I’ve got some more of my ramblings and writings and adventures for y'all to check out, right here: 77] The Lost Art of the Phone Call 73] What I’m Missing Right Now 71] My 69 Week Break From Social Media ~ Why I Left & Why I Came Back 68] A Sunday Stroll 63] Mercy & Comfort 62] PERSPECTIVE @ Seaside Sculpture Park 61] Bean’s Idea List ~ 15 Daily Activities For Well Beyond 15 Days 59] REACTION ~ To World War 19 55] The Shamrock 51] Life Is Full Of Pasta-Bilities ~ Bean’s Red Sauce Recipe *Part of - Bean’s Kitchen - series 49] A Picture Worth A Thousand Words ~ Happy Valentine’s Day, World 48] Love & Donuts In The Air @ Beaches For Australia *Part of - Bean’s Coffee Shop Challenge - series 46] Key Largo, Montego, Baby Who Don’t We Go? 39] The Very Official & Quite Serious Donut Debate Of 2020 *Part of - Bean’s Kitchen - series 24] In Real Life ~ My First Visit To A Southern Living Idea House Go ahead and admit it - with great pride and your head held high… you’ve been spending more time on the phone lately, haven’t you? It may be one of the single greatest positive acts that has resulted from the coronavirus pandemic. People have definitely been talking to one another on the phone, more than they had been in any of the recent past. And all this talking, it got me thinking... about Lucy Ricardo... Because Lucy always spent massive amounts of time on the phone. I’m a huge ‘I Love Lucy’ fan. I have been, my whole life. My grandparents turned me onto it, and when I think of Lucy, I think of them. I have memories of being with my Papa and Grandma - in person - in their house, with Lucy playing in the background. While we visited, and talked, and laughed, and cooked, and baked, and played games, and read, and celebrated holidays, as well as a whole heck of a lot of regular days, Lucy tended to be there right alongside us. And whether you’re a fan or not, my point about Lucy is this: She spent a lot of time at home. Inside her house. She wasn’t quarantined. There was no active plague. But she was at home, a lot. But home, or not, she always seemed to get herself into some sort of trouble. Big or small. There was always a crisis, many times of her own making, that needed solving. And with problem solving comes communication. And so she was always on the phone. Trying to solve one problem - while creating many others in her wake. Lucy talked so much on the phone that it might have well been her speciality... Her art. Her unique talent in life. But I also tend to think she used the phone simply to help pass some of her time - in between and amongst those many problems, of course. And Ricky was always making fun of her for that time spent. He’d be reading the paper, and she’d be on the phone - for hours at a time. Ricky couldn’t understand it! He couldn’t fathom how a person could spend so much of their time talking into that odd-shaped device? And most of the time it was all just chit-chat. Lucy gossiping with her friends. Rumors spreading, and lots of laughing. And always getting herself into scrapes - of varying degrees of that trouble I mentioned. And a lot of those phone calls were between her and Ethel Mertz. Her best friend, landlord, and close neighbor. They lived one floor apart in the same apartment building - directly above and below one another - for years. And even though they lived so very, very close, they spent hours on that telephone, with each other. After hours - of gabbing away - as Ricky might say, one of them would come to the realization that they needed to borrow a cup of sugar from the other. They’d then hang up the phone, and go up or down the single flight of stairs, to get the cup of sugar from the other, in person. And Ricky would then be even further confused… thinking - why couldn’t they have talked in person that whole time? So today, while people are keeping some seriously major distance from one another - they have been seeking new ways of communication. And it’s almost like people have re-discovered the phone, and what it’s original intended use was for. Cause it certainly wasn’t originally intended to get your news, your emails, your social media notifications, or to play video games. It was to talk, using voice. Maybe a lost art? Because people just don’t really do it anymore. Instead, people rely almost solely on the following: Tweets. Texts. Telegrams - oh wait, we don’t have that one anymore, do we? Snaps. Tagging. Email. Private Message. Facebook. Insta. Video. Zoom. Stories. Etc, etc. etc. Digital communication - and a lot of written digital communication - rules. But on the worst days of the plague, when I was still out and about and working, I noticed something I hadn’t seen in a very long time… And I heard something I hadn’t heard in a very long time either. And that was the act of people talking to another over the phone. And this is what I heard them saying into those devices... “I love you.” “How are you?” “Is everything ok?” “How are you feeling?” “Where are you right now?” “I’ll be there soon.” “I’m scared.” “What can I bring you?” “Hang in there.” “I love you.” - I mentioned that one already. But you know what? I heard that one so many times, it was most definitely significant. And if I wasn’t out of the house during the plague, I might not have believed what I heard myself. As now many articles have been written regarding how phone calls have made a real and significant comeback during the pandemic… Stats, numbers, and charts giving authoritative proof to that numerical statistical change - I only needed to see it first-hand, in my own little corner of the world, to know how true it really was. With people’s necks constantly bent down, eyeballs looking at their phone screens, for years upon years now, then quickly adapted into actually seeing their heads up, and talking from their mouths, and listening from their ears, the change was real. Maybe talking on the phone has become so rare that the act of doing so has become an actual gift - to another. A gift of time… Especially today, in this ever-innovative, fast-paced, and digital age. Tweeting… and texting... it’s all so very fast, so instant, and so non-commital of a person’s time, that a quick bubble of letters and numbers and symbols and emojis has seemingly replaced real, verbal communication, enmasse. But a phone call means commitment too. In a way the digitally written word does not. A phone call means really taking that time and sitting down - to chat - with another - one-on-one. Devoting one’s personal time and voice and ear to another human, for a specified chunk of one’s time. While the written word, and the internet, is, as they say - permanent, or cannot be taken back after it’s out there in a sense, the phone call remains something permanent as well. Because it means you gave that time away to another person in a way that cannot ever be taken back. You cannot recall it. You cannot hit the Delete button. You cannot erase it. You cannot unpin it. You cannot wipe it. So the phone call has, in a pandemicy kind of way, become a valuable, and non-regiftable, present. And not to say that there are numerous societal benefits to texting and instant messaging, but the phone call is now special in its own way. With entire generations currently growing up on social media and digital communication being the norm, the phone call is seemingly less and less important to society as a whole. But, just like war, plagues have a way of changing things... Of amending the trajectory of society. And, thus, the way people communicate. For better and for worse. And while most all of the plague lies in the worse category, for obvious reasons, there are most definitely some good aspects of global change that have developed out of this crisis... And that is the clear and present fact that people the world over have started talking to another once again. And I got in on the act myself, too. Talking on the phone is actually one of the things I had been praticing myself these past few years of living far away from friends and family. I knew that, with moving away from everything and everyone I knew, I would need to rely on the phone more so than I had in the past, to stay in touch with those I love. So over these past few years, after my move to The Sunshine State from Illinois, I had already been trying to be in better, one-on-one communication, with many, many people. But the coronavirus ended up only strengthening that resolve further. During the course of this virus, it sometimes feels as if I spoke with more friends and family from afar on the phone than I had in the whole time since I moved away. And I think maybe that feeling is actually true. I have reached out to loved ones, and they have also reached out to me. All, over the phone. No, it wasn’t email. It wasn’t Facebook. It wasn’t Instagram. And it certainly wasn’t TikTok or SnapChat. Crisis does bring people closer together. And sometimes a text just doesn’t count. Sometimes hearing another’s voice is all the more important, and valuable, in a time of fear, loneliness, crisis, confusion, and loss. And whether we lost someone we know personally, or not, during these past months of crisis, we all lost a whole heck of a lot…. of a whole heck of a lot. Life is changed. Forever. And it’s up to us to Adapt to those changes. Modify. And Proceed. And it is now my call to action - to you, fellow humans out there in InternetLand - to pick up that cellular phone. Today. And call someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Flip through your digital Rolodex. Choose some digits. And talk. Use this long, holiday weekend… And maybe spend a long while on the phone with that person. And maybe even if that person lives just around the corner from you. Maybe even if they are your Ethel, and you are their Lucy. Even if they live so close to you that you can reach out your arm, maybe by standing on your own balcony, stretching less than six feet apart, and swap with them a cup of sugar - in exchange for a stick of butter, or a cup of flour. Even if you are that close. Pick up the phone. And give them a call. Let that cup of sugar be your excuse if need be. Because while the entire world keeps on changing, and keeps on spinning, some things just never change… Plague or no plague… There’s still more problems that need solving… And Lucy and Ethel still need to gossip… And there’s still another celebration on the way - another cake to bake - and yet still another cup of sugar to borrow. ~
*Have you picked up the phone more so lately, during the coronavirus? Who have you called recently that you haven’t talked to in a very long time? I’d love to know. Drop me a comment down below: Also - if you’re enjoying my ramblings, my writings, and my Floridian adventures, there’s some more for ya, right here: 75] The First Supper @ Palm Valley Outdoors Bar & Grill 73] What I’m Missing Right Now 71] My 69 Week Break From Social Media ~ Why I Left & Why I Came Back 68] A Sunday Stroll 63] Mercy & Comfort 62] PERSPECTIVE @ Seaside Sculpture Park 61] Bean’s Idea List ~ 15 Daily Activities For Well Beyond 15 Days 59] REACTION ~ To World War 19 55] The Shamrock 51] Life Is Full Of Pasta-Bilities ~ Bean’s Red Sauce Recipe *Part of - Bean’s Kitchen - series 49] A Picture Worth A Thousand Words ~ Happy Valentine’s Day, World 48] Love & Donuts In The Air @ Beaches For Australia *Part of - Bean’s Coffee Shop Challenge - series 42] Where Does The Chicken Cross The Road? 41] Minnie The Daschund Mouse & Her Birthday Wish 24] In Real Life ~ My First Visit To A Southern Living Idea House 21] Cinotti’s ~ And Why Life Is Too Short To Not Eat Donuts 18] Sea & Sky Jax Weekend ~ Fun In The Florida Sun, Sea, Sky & Sand When The Last Supper took place - no one, except Jesus, knew what was to come. Because, sometimes, you just don’t really know that it’s actually The Last Supper, until The Last Supper is completely over with. Done. Finished... Time, and actions, have both passed. Jesus hung on the cross… and then it hits you - that was the last time you were able to dine with Him. Would you have done something differently? Had you known it would be the final time? The final meal? Would you have asked Him a different set of questions? Would you have had a different sort of conversation? Had a second helping of bread and butter? Would you have ordered every dessert on the menu? Because - what the heck - it IS The Last Supper, of course. Of all the meals in all the world, now is the time to order the chocolate lava cake, with vanilla ice cream on top, draped in chocolate syrup, and then topped with sprinkles and a cherry on top. Over the last few months, #lastsupper might have well been trending every single day. Because with every conversation I have had with another human being - this meal - this act - was a topic of conversation… Where was your last dinner out? What did you order? Who were you with? And even - what did you talk about? Ahh, who were you with??? Before quarantine took us all over. Were you with the ones you are with right now? Were you with loved ones you now have not seen in eight weeks? Separated by an invisible plague. A plague that is wreaking havoc on civilization itself. Were you celebrating a special occasion during that final meal? Or was the dinner out nothing special at all?... Just another day, just another outing. Not really having given it a passing thought. Yes, everyone has their own Last Supper right now. We all dined out one last time before shut-down orders took over the globe. And restaurants shut their doors. Some for a short time. And sadly, some forever more. And at-home cooking and dining became the new way of life. Either that, or a whole heck of a lot of take-out, delivery, and curbside service, which started enmasse, in the wake of the pandemic. There are lots of meaningful moments in a person’s life. Many moments that, when they are taking place, the person does not know it’s the last time. That’s why the old adage… Live each day as if it were your last. OR You don’t know what you’ve got, till it’s gone. So, maybe now is the time to ask yourself: Are you living each day? Yes, even during quarantine. Are you fully alive? Each and every single day. Regardless of place? Circumstance? Location? Setting? Situation? Finances? Limitations? Roadblocks? Mystery? Scarcity? Hope? Fear? I am. And I have been, living, each day. For three years. I am fully ALIVE. Pandemic… Or no pandemic. I am alive. And I am living my very best life. I was fully alive before the world changed, and I am extremely grateful to be fully alive during it. And I’m still completely and 100% alive, as the world awakens, opens up their front doors, and steps off their front porches… many, for the first time, in a very long time. You see, I was already out there… standing in the street… looking inward, toward humanity, inside their houses. Just waiting for y'all to come on out again. And join me. In life. Because life - in Florida - means fresh air. While it was winter, and a cold and rainy spring, in many areas of the country, during this horrific shutdown, living in Florida during this plague was an extra special blessing to be from God Himself. I was able to still walk outside, and get fresh, warm air, every single day. I was able to sit on my balcony, outside, every single day. I was able to literally soak in my vitamin D. The vitamin they keep discussing in the news as being imperative to fight CoVid19. So, I’m happy to FINALLY see and hear of many other people starting their own venture outward. Yes, even New York is seeing signs of hope and life again. So, as the weather turns warmer, and brighter, in other parts of the world, many others can now also soak in their daily vitamin D. Have their coffee on their balconies. And get outside. I’m happy to be joined with the sea of humanity as they open their front doors. Many are afraid. Many are terrified. Many are following guidelines, plans, and executive, gubernatorial orders, or newly enacted city ordinances. And, yes, many are stepping off their front porch steps at the very same time. So, I’m out here to say to those who are starting out right now... Hello. Welcome back. And - There’s a life to live out there. Life is happening - whether we know it or not - whether we like it or not - and whether we want it to or not. And life is, merely and once again, your reaction, to other actions. I am showing you my reaction. As the national guidelines, and statewide safer-at-home orders were slowly and gradually lifted in The Sunshine State… businesses started opening back up. Over these last many weeks, signs of optimism grew by the day. Little by little. They opened their doors. Many, very many in fact, are still shuttered, didn’t make it. But just as many, have once again opened. With limited indoor seating, and tables spaced safely apart from one another, and nearly unlimited outdoor seating in the fresh air, lots of outdoor patios are having the times of their lives right now. People are craving normalcy. People want to socialize. And people want to go out to eat. Well, we, in Florida, were able to finally do just that. For the first time in over two months. We dined out. We sat outside. We were far away from other humans. And we had a great meal. As we gazed at a gorgeous, waterfront setting. We traveled down the winding Palm Valley Road toward the bridge. Nestled and tucked under that large expanse of a hovering bridge is the Palm Valley Outdoors Bar & Grill. Located at 377 South Roscoe Boulevard in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, the location really is perfect as well. On a bright and shiny and blue sky day, we arrived at the Grill for a lovely lunch outing. We planned our outing to go earlier in the day, rather than later. My work schedule has me going to bed early, so we usually end up with a lot of lunches out - instead of dinners. But considering this was a first meal of sorts, and it was a birthday celebration, both hubby and I were extra excited to arrive - no matter what the time was. We knew it would take a while. We knew they had just recently opened to the public once again for dine-in service. We were prepared to wait, long. And all their signage around the building told me another story… That they were open during the worst. That they were doing curbside pick up - and even dock side pick up, for boaters. I was extra grateful to be a dine-in patron that day. We had about a one and a half hour wait… They had told us about 35 minutes, it ended up being a lot longer, obviously. No problem. We knew what we were getting into by dining at a restaurant just after an official re-opening to the public. In my mind, I treated this outing as the equivalent of visiting a restaurant on their first day of operation - a new business. A restaurant’s first day is always a huge mountain to climb. Always a challenge. And yet, no one seemed to be bothered by the wait. But it’s kinda hard to be bothered with anything at all when this is the setting: Besides, what can one expect during a global plague, with food supply chains completely disrupted… We went more so for the experience, and what food we got - we got, in our book. And the wait - was the wait. During that extended wait, I ordered two lemonades from the bar, and hubby ordered a birthday margarita, and then a beer on tap. The lemonade was very, very small, and I drank it in about three gulps. Hubby’s alcohol lasted much longer than both my drinks. We sat, in the partial shade on the wooden dock, feet hanging over the water, for a long time. After a while of watching boats go past, quite peacefully, we found some wooden adirondack chairs and decided to move. The entire wait was pleasant and calm and very enjoyable to watch all the activity going past. In that time period, we saw countless boats arrive and depart the dock. I’d say as many boats as cars coming and going from the parking lot. So this is definitely a popular spot for boaters to stop enroute. The sun was at its hottest and brightest part of the day overhead. After seeing the dining area patio baking in the afternoon sun, we then asked for a table in the shade. They told us the wait would be much longer. All the tables had spaces for umbrellas but there were no umbrellas to be had. When we finally sat at our shaded table we were quite hungry and very much ready to order. Our hostess had gloves on. Our server had gloves on. We ordered two side salads with a balsamic dressing. A delicious salad that, for the first time in two months, we didn’t have to prepare and cut all the fresh ingredients ourselves. For our main course, we then each ordered two burgers with fries. Um, because, no fried food at home for two months - need I say more? Hubby had the bacon and cheese burger, and I had the original burger. It was served hot and fresh, straight off the grill. Medium well, and perfectly done. Fresh lettuce, tomato, and onion. It was superb. I cut my burger in half, and had the other half for dinner that night - my way of watching calorie intake during that outing. The steak French fries were from Heaven. Because - again - key word being - fried. We chose not to have dessert there, as I had special-ordered a few cupcakes from Cinotti’s Bakery to act as the birthday cake dessert, that we would eat at home later that evening. We thoroughly enjoyed our meal. But the setting was what we especially enjoyed. And it was the action itself of dining out. Leaving the house, driving to a restaurant, reading a menu, and dining amongst others, that was most important to us on that date. Overall, the Palm Valley Outdoors Bar & Grill was a lovely experience. A great birthday outing. And a fabulous place to try if it happens to be your First Supper as well. The tables are spaced plenty distance apart, and the restaurant is following all the cleaning protocols in place. With employees wearing gloves, and lots of santitzing tables between customers. The setting is more than ideal, with the Intracoastal as a backdrop, and tucked just under and off to the side of the Palm Valley Bridge. You’ll enjoy the boats coming and going. Paddleboarders going north and south. And you may especially enjoy the countless doggies - sitting on the edge of their owner’s boats. Also taking in all the sights and sounds… and smells… of the salt life, and good food. It is my sincere hope that for those of you in states where restaurants have also been approved to reopen, just like in Florida, that you use the experience of my First Supper, as a push to get out there yourself. For those still anxiously waiting for your own First Supper. Go ahead and get ready now. Your time is coming. To start your own venture outside. To open your own front door. To step off that front porch. Find yourself an open restaurant. Wait All The Minutes. Get seated. And have a lovely meal. Have your very own First Supper. And, what the heck, maybe even order dessert while you’re at it. It’s ok to be scared. And by all means, it’s also mostly certainly ok - to be very uncertain. And, just like The Last Supper, it’s ok if you don’t yet know when your First Supper will be. Just keep it in mind. Plan for it. Get it in your head. Because one day, and maybe when you least expect it, it will come to you. And you can ask yourself - will you be fully alive on that fateful day? Will you be living that day like it’s your last on this Earth? Will you remember the moment - so you know what you’ve got, when it’s gone? And then, finally, who will you be with when that date arrives? ~
And for many more dining out opportunities in The Sunshine State - check out the variety of my restaurant reviews, right here: 57] First Watch on the First Coast 53] Totally Terrific & Tasty Thai @ Blue Orchid Thai Cuisine 45] Dessert First, My Friends ~ Cantina Louie 40] Visiting The Florida Cracker Kitchen ~ Jacksonville 35] Happiest Of Holidays @ Hawkers Asian Street Fare 29] Dinner & A Show ~ The 26th Annual St. Augustine Nights of Lights 15] V Pizza ~ The Very Best Pizza In Jax Beach! *Part of ~ Bean’s Best ~ Award Winner 2019 11] Eleven South Bistro & Bar ~~ Supper Club Of The South 5] The Reef On SR A1A: Worth Pulling Over For 4] The Boathouse @ Disney Springs ~ Disney Dining At Its Best Plus, you may be interested in some of my other pandemic related thoughts, theories, activities, and other such ponderings - down below: 73] What I’m Missing Right Now 69] Chaunie’s Coffee Truck *Part of - Bean’s Coffee Shop Challenge - series 68] A Sunday Stroll 65] The Sea Life ~ Happy Easter 64] Stay-At-Home Sunday ~ Palm Sunday 63] Mercy & Comfort 62] PERSPECTIVE @ Seaside Sculpture Park 61] Bean’s Idea List ~ 15 Daily Activities For Well Beyond 15 Days 59] REACTION ~ To World War 19 Remember when it was somebody’s birthday? Ohhhh, so very, very long ago… Candles would be lit. A song would be sung. And the birthday boy, or birthday girl, would take in a big breath - with their lungs - and blow out all the candles. And then everybody would clap. The cake would be sliced. Every piece passed around - a plate of deliciousness for all at the party. Everybody sharing, in an act of celebration. Another person a year older - another piece of cake to commemorate the occasion. A fork in one hand. A plate of frosted, sugary goodness in the other. And without giving it a second thought, everyone would bite into their slice of dessert, even though somebody had just previously breathed upon said cake? Sacrilege! Those moments are now gone. But a girl can dream - right? No one will look at a birthday cake the same way again now. Because, while we all still may eat the cake, the sentiment just isn’t the same. And while we all still may sing a song… and candles can still be blown out… the world has once again changed. And I miss that corresponding sentiment. I miss a whole lot more than just that though. I miss it all... I miss coffee shops. I miss restaurants. I miss saying, “Table for two.” - Instead of “Two dinners to go, please.” I miss smiles on unhidden faces. I miss laughter. I miss jokes. I miss friends. I miss family. I miss parties. I miss the library. I miss fairs, carnivals, rides, cotton candy, and sno cones. I miss Art Shows, Art Walks, Art Festivals, craft shows, and concerts. And I still don’t miss nfl football. I miss my once a year and very boring visit to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle Department. Otherwise known as the FLHSMV. In fact, I miss that a whole heck of a lot more than football. And I missed out on the opportunity to see Hamilton - right here in Jacksonville, back in March. My tickets - sadly, refunded to my credit card. I miss the smell of a book, just picked up from the library, as I crack open the spine. I miss handshakes. I miss milk shakes. I miss hugs. I miss kisses on the cheek. I miss the darn dentist. I miss joy and good cheer. I miss good will to all people. I miss Christmas. I miss Walt Disney World. I miss All-You-Can-Eat Buffets. I miss unlimited scoops of ice cream, from large tubs, on the dessert line of the above-mentioned buffet. Where I can pick up my own cup, take the cold steel scoop, push it with my own hands into the milky cream, releasing chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry into my own cup. My very own ice cream mountain - as high as I want to make it. I miss simple get togethers - large and small. I miss people’s faces when I communicate with them. I miss the act of meeting up with those fellow humans - in person. In real life. I miss being able to hear that fellow human being, clearly, when they speak to me - their unmuffled voice carrying into my ears, and the sound of it not being blocked by a cloth mask. I miss people treating one another as fellow human beings - and not treating others as the walking plague. I miss closeness. I miss happiness all around us. I miss people leaving their house like it was just another day. I miss life… I miss seeing other people living their lives. I miss faith over fear. But just because I miss all these very simple things, doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing them, and living them, myself. In fact, I’ve been the busiest in my entire life - during the long and drawn out and quite dramatic duration of this entire, never-ending plague. Regardless of life outside my own front door. I am breathing. I am communicating. I am celebrating. I am being responsible for myself. I am making my own life decisions. I am sucking it up. I am dealing. I am not only surviving. I am proud and happy to be fully alive. I am living. I am reading. I am planning. I am dreaming. I am pursuing. I am working hard. I am exercising. I am writing. I am painting. I am utilizing this time to become stronger. To learn. To grow. To try new things. And most importantly, I am persevering. And I am coming home from work - and I’m stepping right in the shower, washing the invisible and mysterious and confusing plague off me each night. And, I’ve learned a lot. And I’ve learned what I already always knew - how imperative each breath we take really is. So let’s all inhale. Breathe in - In the face of fear. Exhale - and keep going, my friends. Exhale and continue onward. Exhale and push forward. Exhale and persevere. And if it happens to be your birthday, go ahead and exhale a big breath straight onto your very own birthday cake candles... Yes, I know that’s exactly what we will be doing this weekend. As we celebrate my hubby’s birthday, we will dine out, along the water’s edge, for our First Supper since the plague began. We will sit at tables, amongst other human beings. All partaking in the common and essential act of breathing, and eating. And I will pick up the special cupcake creations I ordered from Cinotti’s Bakery. And I will slap some candles on top of the frosted red velvety goodness. I will light the flame. And I will sing “Happy Birthday!” And my furry baby will probably sing a lot louder than me. And most importantly, my hubby will then inhale with his own set of two lungs, and exhale hard on top of all the frosting, extinguishing that flame. And then we will eat all the darn sugar. ~
*How have you been living through this plague? Are you persevering? Are you experimenting with new ideas? Are you at home brewing up new talents? Are you getting fresh air? I’d so love to know. Drop me a comment down below: Also, if you’re enjoying my Floridian daydreams, then check out some of my others, right here: 71] My 69 Week Break From Social Media ~ Why I Left & Why I Came Back 68] A Sunday Stroll 65] The Sea Life ~ Happy Easter 64] Stay-At-Home Sunday ~ Palm Sunday 63] Mercy & Comfort 62] PERSPECTIVE @ Seaside Sculpture Park 61] Bean’s Idea List ~ 15 Daily Activities For Well Beyond 15 Days 59] REACTION ~ To World War 19 55] The Shamrock 51] Life Is Full Of Pasta-Bilities ~ Bean’s Red Sauce Recipe 49] A Picture Worth A Thousand Words ~ Happy Valentine’s Day, World 44] Nothing Finer Than Coffee In The Keys ~ The Coffee Plantation Cafe 42] Where Does The Chicken Cross The Road? 39] The Very Official & Quite Serious Donut Debate Of 2020 18] Sea & Sky Jax Weekend ~ Fun In The Florida Sun, Sea, Sky & Sand 4/30/2020 0 Comments #71) I'm Not On Facebook
*Did you ever go on a social media break? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you live on social media or do you live entirely without social media? I’d so love to know. Drop me a comment down below: Also, check out these other adventures in The Sunshine State, right here: 68] A Sunday Stroll 65] The Sea Life ~ Happy Easter 61] Bean’s Idea List ~ 15 Daily Activities For Well Beyond 15 Days 59] REACTION ~ To World War 19 56] Shell World ~ Key Largo 51] Life Is Full Of Pasta-Bilities ~ Bean’s Red Sauce Recipe 49] A Picture Worth A Thousand Words ~ Happy Valentine’s Day, World 48] Love & Donuts In The Air @ Beaches For Australia 44] Nothing Finer Than Coffee In The Keys ~ The Coffee Plantation Cafe 4/19/2020 0 Comments #68) A Sunday StrollSo we went for a walk this Sunday - as we normally do. But there was one minor change to our morning routine. And… yeahhhh… I’ve officially become - that person. You know, the one who pushes a doggy stroller around town... Not ashamed. Not embarrassed. Not sad. Not mocking. And not making fun. Quite the opposite in fact. I’m soooooo happy. Very happy. Overjoyed. I actually know quite a few people who have a doggie stroller in their life, and all who do are sincerely happy with their purchase. They are the ones who gave me the idea in the first place, long ago. This amazing contraption and piece of complete and utter materialism was one of the best purchases I have ever made for the life and health and welfare of my precious little angel pooch... My dog is - sadly - getting older. Whether I like to admit it or not. This purchase has been a long time coming. A very long time. My little sugar plum fairy has had arthritis for many years. She limps, and tries, to keep going. Continually moving. Little things hurt her and if she jumps up a chair or down the stairs wrong she’s in a lot of pain for days. And then she limps more. Thus, her walks are increasingly shorter and shorter. But she loves her daily adventures and loves being outside. As is the life of a dog. And really, this whole pandemic “thing” going on in the world is what made me decide to go ahead and just buy the darn thing already. Cause there’s nothing like a pandemic surrounding a respiratory virus to prove how important fresh air really is. And our walks must go on. So the first day of this whole crisis that our little creature started limping, once again... was the very day I went ahead and placed the order. I refuse to have her “stuck” at home just because she couldn’t walk very far. Especially with her humans still out there exercising and walking and getting their fresh air - and the world in crisis… It just didn’t seem right to have to cut the walk short for her, or leave her at home altogether, just so we could go on a very long walk without her. So I made the executive decision to visit Chewy.com. And I quickly bought what I’m calling her buggy - her new ride. Now Miss Madeline can ride around town in style. And not miss out. On FRESH AIR. That we all need in this life. Plague - or no plague. Because fresh air can do wonders. For doggies too! So I purchased the Paws & Pals Deluxe Folding Dog & Cat Stroller, in black. The cost was $129.99, plus $9.10 in tax, for a total of $139.09. And yes, you can zip a cat in the netting, allowing them to sit, safely, so they can’t escape! How cool! Free shipping goes along with any purchase through Chewy costing $49.00 or more. And I set up a free Chewy account while I was at it - so now we can order dog food and medicine and other supplies if needed as well. I don’t anticipate needing to buy much from the site, as most all of her purchases are made at Petsmart, in person, and not online. But then again, I’m always happy to try out new or different pet suppliers. And mostly I’m just happy we finally made this purchase for our little angel. Then the day came when our stroller “finally” arrived to us - with impressively fast shipping actually. And we went on a lovely Sunday morning stroll. And I’m so happy that Madeline absolutely loved her buggy! She walked shorter than her usual route - and slower - and I could tell she was done, tired, in pain. This was when we normally would have gone immediately home. But noooo - not today! Prepared for everything - we finally were! We plopped our little ball of fluff into her new and comfy seat. We gave her some ice water. And then we continued onward. We walked for a much longer time period. Like - a lot longer. We walked a length that Madeline never would have been able to do and something I usually do all by myself. But this Sunday we were able to do it as a family of three! For the very first time. So it was a very good Sunday indeed. And we even made it to The Delicomb - once again. Enroute home on our walk, we just so happened to walk past the coffee shop, and quickly ordered two large lattes to go. You know I didn’t happen to plan things that way, right? And then, as our lovely Sunday morning stroll was reaching its conclusion, we were headed toward home and sipping our coffee, I saw something blue on the ground. I can’t see for anything, and from a distance I thought it was a piece of trash. But we got closer and I let out a gasp. If there is any reason to love Jax Beach that does not include the ocean - it is for all the little things. Yes, these little things. Like rocks! I found another scavenger hunt rock! People all over town paint rocks in their spare time and hide them - some hidden very, very well - camouflaged and tucked away - and some hidden more so in plain site, sitting out front-and-center - so people like me can actually find them. And I have never met a painted rock I didn’t like. And today’s rock was no exception. On the front is usually the artistic and painted design. And on the back is usually written who made the rock and/or how to tag it online to acknowledge the find. #jaxbeachrocks on Facebook is the usual group that I tend to find from. But I’ve found some from much farther away too. After you tag online you can then rehide it - so someone else who may just need a rock in their life at this very moment - can also get in on the fun. And some rocks do not come with a tag and you can keep them for your rock collection if you like. I have a small rock collection going right now sitting in my art studio. They bring me joy every time I look at them. And that is exactly the whole gosh darn point. Joy. There is joy in all the little things in life. And whether we like it or not, life is still going on. And we have to keep going. And we have to keep walking too. I learned a long time ago a very simple equation: MOVEMENT = LIFE So even though my little doggie is getting older. I have found a way for her to keep moving. I’ve found a way for her to still get her fresh air. For her to see the world around her. As I breathed in the delicious and heavenly scent of all the flowers blooming around me. I have found a way for Madeline to do the very same. For her to still keep moving and breathing and living. And soaking up all that surrounds her. And while this societal and economic crisis is affecting the pocketbook to the extreme right now, there isn’t a penny I wouldn’t spend on my little baby to help allow her to have her very best life possible while she is on this Earth. And if buying a doggie stroller allows her to have some more time with us during our day, seeing new things, and going farther on a walk than her four little paws could ever take her, then $139.09 is sincerely worth it to me right now… Plague or no plague. Since this entire crisis began it has been food and rent. Food and rent. Nothing extra. Nothing extravagant. But that doesn’t count for Madeline. I would happily even go into deep and severe credit card debt if it meant even the chance of saving her life somehow. So this cost was so worth it to me, and really not even a significant investment in comparison to the absolute joy it brought her - instantly. If you have a dog. And your dog is older or hurting and in some sort of pain, or injured or disabled. And if you have been on the fence about buying a dog stroller. Or if you have a cat - and always dreamed of bringing them along on a walk. I am here to tell you to go ahead and make that silly and ridiculous and oh-so-funny of a purchase. Yes - it might just be the most comical purchase of your life. And - It may make a lot of people laugh at you along your walking route while you’re on your Sunday morning stroll. But guess what - they’re not actually laughing at you - they’re really just laughing with you. Because it also may just bring your whole family together. And it may even bring you rocks. And mostly, it may just bring you some very needed JOY. ~
*Do you have a doggy stroller? Have you ever considered purchasing one but are on the fence? I’d so love to know your thoughts. Drop me a comment down below: Also, if you’re enjoying my stories - straight and freshly squeezed from The Sunshine State, check out some more of my other adventures right here: 67] Delicious & Delightful Days @ The Delicomb 65] The Sea Life ~ Happy Easter 64] Stay-At-Home Sunday ~ Palm Sunday 63] Mercy & Comfort 62] PERSPECTIVE @ Seaside Sculpture Park 61] Bean’s Idea List ~ 15 Daily Activities For Well Beyond 15 Days 60] Welcome To Muffin Land ~ The Ugly Cupcake & Muffinry 55] The Shamrock 52] Keeping Cool - And Creamy ~ In Key West 51] Life Is Full Of Pasta-Bilities ~ Bean’s Red Sauce Recipe 50] Sundays Are For Diners ~ Super Diners 49] A Picture Worth A Thousand Words ~ Happy Valentine’s Day, World 48] Love & Donuts In The Air @ Beaches For Australia 46] Key Largo, Montego, Baby Why Don’t We Go? 44] Nothing Finer Than Coffee In The Keys ~ The Coffee Plantation Cafe 42] Where Does The Chicken Cross The Road? 41] Minnie The Daschund Mouse & Her Birthday Wish 39] The Very Official & Quite Serious Donut Debate Of 2020 38] The Year Of The Sweater ~ Bean’s Minestrone Soup Recipe 32] Jolly Holiday In Jarboe Park ~ The Beaches Green Market 31] Tuesday’s On First Street ~ The Jax Beach Art Walk ~ 22] Saturday On San Pablo Island 3] The Dog Days Of Endless Summer 4/10/2020 0 Comments #65) The Sea Life ~ Happy EasterEaster Morning: 2020. It will be very, very different this year. Most years past, after our move down south to Florida, Easter Morning has become a wonderful and tropical tradition… and always, at the beach. We’d wake early - as usual. Make a fresh pot of coffee - as usual. But then, not, as usual… I’d pop a tube of highly processed, cinnamony, and sugary goodness into the oven. As the rolls of spiced dough rise in the heat we’d get ourselves ready for a day in the sand. Surf and turf. And pure fun. As the heavenly scent of cinnamon wafts throughout the apartment in windy swirls, combined with the fresh, salty, ocean breeze floating through the patio door. And coffee beans - doing their thing. We then ready our beach bag and grab our umbrella. When all is packed up and ready to go, and the buzzer finally decides to ding, I then proceed to slide the Easter Morning breakfast treat out of the oven. Something that costs a mere couple of dollars, but brings forth great and priceless joy. In the final step of preparation, I then glide the spatula over the cinnamon rolls and spread the most delicious frosting atop. Standing in the kitchen, I watch as the ice cold frosting melts over the slope of a doughy mountain. And then, finally, the frosting completely melted, meeting in its final descent, gently hitting the baking tray. And with that act, it is our que to leave. It’s then off to the beach for our Easter Morning. To sit and gaze at the ocean. To take in all the beauty of the sea directly in front of us. Stretching all the way out to the horizon. No end in sight. What’s past that line nobody really knows. Going to the beach is something we do all the time. But on a holiday - it’s just all the more special. And all the more peaceful. Hubby plants the umbrella into the sandy floor. We lay out our beach towels. And our doggie sitting between us nestled in the shade. And we swim. And read. And listen to podcasts and music. And mostly, we just drink coffee. But Easter in Florida will definitely be very, very different this year. The beaches here are closed to the public. Wrapped up with police tape. Barricaded. Coned off. Caution and warning signs abound. Parking not allowed. To help stop the Coronavirus spread, of course. So, while there may be coffee, and while there may be cinnamon rolls, and while there may be frosting. There will be no surf and turf. But knowing all that, one thing is still very, very certain. While they can most certainly close the beach, and can do so fairly easily I might add. There is no front door to the ocean. There is no window they can shutter and latch to prevent us from taking a look. And they certainly can’t throw away the key. So while it may be in everyone’s best interest that the beaches remain closed this spring, the sea is still sitting out there - doing it’s own thing - very much alive and breathing - and it will be there still, on Easter Morning. In fact, I tend to think the Sea and all the life within it, are kinda, sorta, wondering, at this point, where all the humans went? I think, maybe, the ocean is getting a little lonely? The dolphins that swim alongside us… what are they up to right about now? Either that - or the sea is laughing at us and saying, “Good riddance! They’re finally letting me take a nap!” And it is with that thought in mind that we have been regularly going for our morning walks, still, throughout global chaos. As usual, throughout this pandemic, we take a peak, and glance out toward the ocean - from afar. As we get our cardio in, doggy included, we take a look outward toward the gorgeous and colorful and ever-changing skyline. And the forever distant horizon. While never, ever, crossing over the strategically placed yellow and black police tape. Of course. And that is what life at the beach is all about, Charlie Brown. The Sea. Life. And The Sea. Life surrounding the sea. On the sea. In the sea. And… looking at the sea. Gazing at the sea. And dreaming of The Sea. Yes - I’ve lived The Sea Life for a few years now. It’s been over three years since I moved to Florida from the Midwest. Dreaming of the sea, ultimately, brought me to the beach. To San Pablo Island. And with that milestone, there’s another kind of Sea Life that I’ve been living since my move to Florida. It has also been nearly three years since I was discharged from the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Clinic - located in Jacksonville. There is a cognitive behavioral therapy tool that all of us patients learned as we went through the long and detailed and rigorous rehabilitation program. It divides our life - the life of an individual living with chronic pain - into three very distinct phases… The A Life. The B Life. &... The C Life. And while my C Life is ultimately why you are reading this right now, I wanted to provide you a brief explanation as to how the A and B life have to be lived - in order for a participant in the program to EVER even obtain the opportunity to have a C Life. Their own C Life. First up is The A Life. And The A Life is just that. It’s LIFE. The A Life is everything and anything and anybody that came before chronic pain took over the body. The A Life, for me, and for hundreds of other patients, was growing up… it was going to school… it was sports, it was college, it was marriage, it was graduate school… it was first jobs, or many jobs. Full careers. Family. Friends. Parties. Travel. Success. The A Life - was life, itself. And then, all of a sudden, that darn, no good, very bad day of a B Life came along - and that was a very, very Bad Life indeed. The B Life enters into a person’s life as chronic pain takes them over. A patient's body succumbs in almost every single way to unrelenting pain. Marriages are lost. Jobs are most definitely lost. Whole careers upended. Some patients even get fired from their life-long career on the very day they choose to take back their own life. To be admitted to hospital. Money = gone. Even responsible and diligent financial penny pinchers and savers - their financial statuses, quickly changed. Debts add up. Lots and lots of bills. Bills that can’t be paid. Bills on payment plan. Bills leaving one drowning in paperwork and dollar signs. A feeling that they will never be able catch up. Financial ruin…. All as the patient, and sometimes their family as well, spends every single penny at their disposal on doctors appointments, tests, experimental treatment, lots of travel to specialists, surgeries, injections, miracle creams, potions, lotions, powders, herbs, capsules and tablets. In search of a cure. Daily life is abruptly changed. All the little things that make up a life. Hobbies are gone. Forgotten in nearly every way. Sports are not even an option. Cooking - gone. Reading - gone. Books sit closed and their bindings collect dust. Parties - gone. Friends - lost forever. Mental strength. Physical abilities. Exercise. Self care. As chronic pain sets in, as chronic pain takes over… everything else is lost. And The B Life can be a very long life. The B Life can leave a young 39 year old with a whole lot of gray hair on top of her head. After the patient has done nearly everything, and lost nearly everything, that tends to be when they find out about Mayo Clinic’s Pain Rehabilitation Clinic. Some kind soul usually refers them. A friend, family member, doctor, or maybe even a quick Google search - a quiet whisper in their ear - informs them of Pain Rehab at Mayo. And yeah - lots of people really do not even find out about the program I am discussing with you today until they’ve lived The B Life for a very, very long time. And a lot of pain has already been experienced. To the point that it’s all sheer madness of a life to live. But then… That’s when PRC comes along. The C Life comes along. And The C Life - is a brand new life. The C Life - is being reborn. Think of it kinda like a cat…. Just as a cat has nine lives… graduates of the PRC Program at Mayo Clinic have three lives. Like - no joke. I WAS reborn - at Mayo Clinic. My life WAS saved - at Mayo Clinic. I WAS transformed - at Mayo Clinic. But it wasn’t a light bulb moment. No one flipped the switch. I wasn’t injected with a shot, vaccinating me into a different realm. No, nope, nope, nope. That’s not how any of this works. I had to earn my C Life. Through a lot of hard work on my part. The C LIfe is a lifestyle choice. But The C LIfe is, once again, Life itself. The C Life is about acceptance. The C life is about making peace. The C Life is about discipline. Diligence. Routine. Adaptation. Moderation. Forgiveness. Patience. The C Life is about faith. The C Life IS hope. And, maybe most importantly, the C Life helps a patient to say goodbye… To say goodbye to their nightmare, of a B Life. And then, to take it even one step further - To say goodbye - for good - even to their A Life. Yes, that’s correct. The A Life is tossed out the window too. It is then and really only then that the C Life can become a real and new Life. We do not look backward in The C Life. We don’t try to meet up with our old selves. We do not try to re-obtain our A Life. We accept that it is gone forever. And we simply accept the new selves we have become. Accepting of our past, and working toward a better future. And work - each day - to build a life around that knowledge. If a patient fully believes and practices the program… all knowing the C Life Is a lifestyle - and not a magical lotion, potion, prescription, or pill - the C Life can really become a brand new life. A real rebirth. An Easter Resurrection. The C Life, for me, has been truly life-changing. Just as it was meant to be. Just as I allowed it to be. And. Just as I continue to allow it to be every single day. I’ve been practicing The C Life for nearly three years… It’s lifestyle - not a cure. It’s hard work - and not the waving of a magic wand. And, The C Life is not perfect. In fact, there may be newer, stranger, or more horrible nightmares of problems that crop up in The C Life. Maybe even more so than in either The A Life, or The B Life. And I say that to be honest. But with great confidence. Because even with pandemics, massive contagions, and disruption of the entire world order, The C Life - can still be a fabulous life. And anything, anything at all, can be accomplished living The C Life. Despite all obstacle. Despite any challenge. Despite a roadblock, clearly sitting directly in front of a person. The world is at the fingertips of the discharged patient - from the very first day they exit the Program and walk out the hospital doors for the final time. Life - is waiting for them as they enter their third life. Their new life. The C Life has brought me more joy and happiness than I ever thought possible. The C Life has stopped me from waiting… Waiting….. To LIVE. I now am fully alive. Even today. In the midst of the world’s largest global crisis of our lifetimes. Yes, amidst the apocalypse of this plague. This global pandemic. Every day is still special to me. Every day I am grateful. And every day I am truly alive. As we all continue in this, our strange and new kind of life. As everyone on Earth, right now, is also going through a transition of life. And, as Easter Sunday arrives on our doorstep. Churches, for the most part, remain closed. Family and friends will not be meeting up, from afar, to celebrate the special Sunday. Most of us, throughout the entire world, will be having our Easter dinners with only the members who reside in our immediate households. And while we cannot have the beach, and we cannot look out at the beautiful sea - as we sit in the warm sand - we can all still have each other. While we are all far apart. Yes, there will be no beach on Easter Sunday this year... That is - Unless Dr. Fauci goes on television sometime between when Christ dies and when Christ has risen - and then proceeds to tell us that it is all now safe, let’s open up the world again! But something tells me he won’t be saying that any time soon. Yes, Easter Sunday will be very different this year. And with some supply chain disruption, there may not even be those highly coveted cinnamon rolls. But there will be people sacrificing. For the good of humanity. And for the continuation of life itself. I saw in the local Jacksonville news the other day that an administrator at Mayo Clinic Jax is now accepting letters, words of encouragement, drawings, images, etc. They will be sent onward - to all the doctors, nurses, and hundreds of other staff members who make up the Clinic. To thank them. We, the general public, have been asked to pass along our best wishes and support. As Mayo plays a prime role on the front lines of this global war on disease. Mayo will no doubt be on the front lines of research, studies, testing, and treatment of patients - all in the CoVid19 fight. It’s basically like this - As one of the most amazing humans on Earth always says, “We’re number one!” All kidding aside though - They really are number one. And yes - they saved my life. They brought me back into the world. And they lifted me up when I needed it the most. My experience at Mayo Clinic has given me my C Life... As I started my first job outside the home in a decade. As I’ve now completed road races, a half marathon, traveled, met countless amazing people, and various other opportunities I never thought humanly possible. Countless milestones and achievements I never thought would be available to me, merely a few short years ago. But the most important part of what Mayo gave me really is my overall brand new life. The different life. The one that is in no way at all part of my A Life or my B Life. All the countless new doors that have opened. All the boats I’ve hopped on board - to float on out toward that distant horizon line in the vast and open sea. As I volunteered. As I fell completely and madly in love with Art. As I started my own Etsy Shop, Website, Lifestyle Blog, and Art Studio. As I fell in love with writing. As nothing is impossible to me now. As there is no limit to where all my dreams may take me next. As Christine’s Floridian Dreams was dreamed up - because of them - because of Mayo. Doing all things new. With confidence. Doing what was never completed in the A or B Life. Yes, I am truly living The C Life. Even amidst a global pandemic. In fact, I actually tend to think that it is because of Mayo Clinic that I am simply plugging along, no big deal, throughout this sci-fi, apocalyptic life we all now find ourselves within. When I graduated from the Program. I had a whole lifeline of tools at my disposal. Tools I have diligently utilized each day of my C Life. Tools I am continuing to use - right now - through crisis. Life is good. Yes, life is still good. And while there may be crisis. And while there may be death, and horror, and evil, and destruction. There will always be hope. So, to answer the call from the local news stations. These words of thanks are now my words of encouragement to all the doctors, nurses, and staff - as they fight on the front lines. As they battle the evil virus. As they fight for humanity. As they give hope to countless others. As they change lives each and every day. And as they continue to - right in the middle of a plague. As they give countless patients a new life. With each deed, word, and action: THANK YOU. You’ve got this. And we are all here with you. Yes, this may be a very different Easter. All throughout the world. And even right here in Jacksonville, Florida. And, rightfully so - There may not be the beach. There may not be surf to ride upon. There may not be men with metal detectors walking up and down the shoreline - looking for shiny coastal treasures. There may not be little children collecting shells, and building sand castles next to the tide pools. There may not be a grown woman with graying hair sitting out on the beach with cinnamon rolls, hot coffee, and a doggie sitting beside her in the sand. But there will always be life. There will always be hope. There will always be faith. And, there will always be good people doing God’s work - each and every day. And maybe, and most importantly, floating out there on the horizon line… with a door that never closes and most certainly never locks, just waiting for that next someone to step out and push themselves off the sandy floor, onward and outward toward their next high and mighty adventure… forever unknowing of what truly lies ahead… The Sea Life. ~ *Happy Easter to Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Florida. Thank you - for everything.* *This painting, titled - “The Sea Life” - is being donated to the Pain Rehabilitation Center at Mayo Clinic Jax - and will be hand delivered, in person… Whenever we can all see each other, once again - In real life.* [Editorial Note]: I am not a doctor. And I don’t pretend to play one on TV either. This article and personal story is not medical advice or a prescription in any way. But - if this post reaches you because you are living in chronic pain. If you found this article because someone thought it may be screaming YOU. If you were referred here by others who thought you might benefit from this story. Let this reading be that whisper in your ear - informing you of possibility. Know there is always hope. There are people everywhere - on all corners of this globe - who know how to help you. Never give up. The people and place that helped me are referenced within this publication. The main phone number to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida is 904.953.2000. Go ahead and pick up that phone of yours. Punch in the numbers. And help yourself - by getting help from others.
Hey - you - over there. If you’re looking for more stories of hope, inspiration, faith and optimism, check out the links below: 64] Stay-At-Home Sunday ~ Palm Sunday 63] Mercy & Comfort 62] PERSPECTIVE @ Seaside Sculpture Park 61] Bean’s Idea List ~ 15 Daily Activities For Well Beyond 15 Days 59] REACTION ~ To World War 19 55] The Shamrock 51] Life Is Full Of Pasta-Bilities ~ Bean’s Red Sauce Recipe 49] A Picture Worth A Thousand Words ~ Happy Valentine’s Day, World 48] Love & Donuts In The Air @ Beaches For Australia 42] Where Does The Chicken Cross The Road? 41] Minnie The Daschund Mouse & Her Birthday Wish 39] The Very Official &. Quite Serious Donut Debate Of 2020 38] The Year Of The Sweater ~ Bean’s Minestrone Soup Recipe 36] The End Of A Decade & My New Year’s Wish To You ~ 34] Merry Christmas ~ And How To Buy For That Person On Your List Who Saved Your Life ~ 27] Thanksgiving & Pete’s Bar ~ Not All Resolutions Need Be Fulfilled On January First 26] Deck The Chairs ~ BE THAT CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THIS OUR VERY OWN AND SHAREABLE WORLD 24] In Real Life ~ My First Visit To A Southern Living Idea House 23] Faith ~ And Life Lessons Learned Living With Wild & Untamable Hair 21] Cinotti’s ~ And Why Life Is Too Short To Not Eat Donuts |
February 2025
CategoriesAll 100th YouTube Video 12 South 12 South Nashville 12th Annual Deck The Chairs 15K National Championship 1935 Hurricane Memorial 1 Hour Loop Ocean Sounds 1 Mile Fun Run 1st Place Sports 1 Year As A Livestreamer 2020 2024 2024 Periodical Cicada Emergence 2024 Sleighin' Sweets Scented Plush 2025 2025 Planner 225 Christmas Trees 26.2 With Donna 30 Minute Beach Walk 3D Wood Dog Ornament 44th Birthday 4Ocean 4th Of July 4th Of July Travel 5K Race 9/11 A1A ABBQ Acosta Bridge Acrylic Acrylic On Canvas Acrylic Painting Acrylic Painting On Burned Wood Acure Acure SPF 30 Day Cream Adairsville Advent Calendars Adventure Adversity A Guy & A Golden A Guy And A Golden Alan Roberts Alba Botanica Alba Botanica Hawaiian Coconut Sunscreen SPF 50 Alba Botanica Kids SPF 50 Al Carius Alligator All Wheel Drive Amanda Moon Art Amazon Amazon KDP Amelia Island Amelia Island Coffee Amelia Island Florida Amelia Linen & Wood Amelia Schoolhouse Inn America American Red Cross American River Cruises Amphitheater Amtrak Amtrak Auto Train Amtrak Roomette Amtrak Silver Service Amtrak Silver Star Angeletti Cookies Angel Food Cake Angies Grom Angies Subs Anna Maria Anna Maria City Pier Anna Maria Florida Anna Maria Island Annual Tradition Another Broken Egg Cafe Appetizer Apple Cider Donut Apple Watch A Quiet Morning Arlington Lions Club Park Art Artist Arts Education Art Studio Ascension St. Vincent's ASMR Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach Arts Market Atlantic Beach Barbecue Atlantic Beach Elementary School Atlantic Beach Fire Department Atlantic Beach Heritage Tree Atlantic Beach Police Department Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Ocean Auntie Anne's Author Auto Ferry Autumn Autumnal Equinox Autumn In Avondale Autumn In Florida Autumn In The South Avenida Menendez Aviles Street Avondale A Year Brushed Upon Canvas Azure Oceanfront Residences Baby! BabylissPro Hair Straightener Baby Steps Background Ambience Back To School Sales Tax Holiday Bacon Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts Bahama Mama Bahia Honda Bahia Honda Key Bahia Honda State Park Baker Bakery Bake With Me Baking Baking Night Baking Powder Bali Balis Park Basic Invite Basketball Batch Bay Breeze Cottages Bayfront Inn Bayfront Marin House Bayfront Westcott House Bed & Breakfast Baymeadows Beach Beach Ambience Beach Boulevard Beach Cottage Beach Diner Beach Diner Ponte Vedra Beach Beaches Art Fest Beaches At Vilano Beaches For Australia Beaches Go Green Beaches Green Market Beaches History Museum Beaches Museum Beaches Oktoberfest Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol Beaches Town Center Beaches Veterans Memorial Park Beaches Water Tours Beach Fest Beach Getaway Beachin' Beach Style Beach Town Beach Vibes Beach Walk Beach Walkover Beans Baking Series Beans Basement Bash Beans Best Award Winner Bean's Best Bakery Blowout Beans Coffee Shop Challenge Beans Recipes Beautiful Beef Stew Before And After Beignets Bennie Furlong Senior Center Ben's Soft Pretzel's BEPREADY Best Western Best Western Historic Bayfront Best Western Oceanfront Betty Crocker Betty Crocker Angel Food White Cake Mix BeYou Jewelry Big Talbot Island State Park Bird Bird Island Bird Island Park Birds Bird Watching Birthday Birthday Party Birthday Zoomies Black Friday Blackhawk Bluff Blackhawk Trail Black Raven Pirate Ship Black Raven Pirate Ship Adventures Blowout Blue Angels Blueberry Muffin Bluebird Bluebird Of Happiness Bluebird Of Happiness Statue Blue Bloods Blue Cypress Fishing Pier Blue Moon Blue Orchid Thai Cuisine Boardwalk Boat Parade Bontill Boo Buckets Book Launch Book Proposal Boone Park Boone Park South Boxty Brach's Brach's Halloween Mellowcreme Pumpkins Bradenton Beach Brayden Of Mickey Views Breakfast Breakfast Review Breezy Coffee Shop Breidert Green Brewery Review Brick Restaurant Bridge Of Lions Broad Street Broad Street Chattanooga Broadway Bronchitis Brooklyn Bryan Pieper Bucee's Buffalo Check Burger Republic Butter Butterball Turkey Talk Line Butterfly Butterfly Garden Cafe Du Monde Calhoun California Calming Cal-Sag Channel Cal-Sag Trail Candy Cane Cookies Cantina Louie Carnival Cruise Line Carnival Elation Carriage Way - Centennial Bed & Breakfast Carriage Way Inn Bed & Breakfast Casa De Buenos Bed & Breakfast Casa Marina Hotel And Restaurant Casa Monica Resort & Spa Castaway Island Preserve Castillo De San Marcos Cat Cafe Celebrate Celebration Celebration 5K Celebration Florida Cell Phone Centennial Park Centre Centre Street Change Change Your Life Characters Charms CC Charms CC On Etsy Chattanooga Chattanooga Tennessee Chaunies Coffee Truck Cheap Holiday Photo Cards Cheers Cheeseburger Cheeseburgers In Paradise Chicago Chicago Food Chicagoland Chicago Pizza Chicken Chickens Children's Arts Children's Book Children's Book Illustrator Children's Books Chili Recipe Chill Chimney Chocolate Chip Cookies Chocolate Chip Muffin & Quick Bread Mix Christmas Christmas Cookies Christmas Cookie Tin Christmas Cookie Week Christmas Day Christmas Decor Christmas Decorations Christmas Eve Christmas In Avondale Christmas In The South Christmas In The Sunshine State Christmas Lights Christmas Merch Christmas Pajamas Christmas Pop Up Bar Christmas Shopping Christmas Tree Christmas Tree Trail Christmas Vacation Church Cicada Cicada Coemergence Cinderella Castle Cinottis Bakery Jax Beach City Of Angels City Of Atlantic Beach City Of Jacksonville City Of Jacksonville Florida Special Events City Of St. Augustine City & See Civil War 2.0 Clark Griswold Clay County Clay County Historical And Railroad Museum Clay County Historical Society Clinique Clinique Moisture Surge SPF 28 Clinique Superdefense City Block SPF 50 Clover Coastal Birds Coastal River Town Coastal Town Coast Guard Coffee Coffee Plantation Cafe Cold Cold & Flu Season Cold Press Watercolor Paper College Columbia Restaurant Comfort Comfort Zone Community Community Blood Drive Community Garden Community Loaves Community Of Dreamers Community Presbyterian Church Atlantic Beach Compass Competition Consistency Constitution Plaza Content Creator Cook County Cookie Dough Cookies Cook With Me Coola Cordele Cordele Railway Park Cordova Street Corinne Crabtree Corona Coronavirus Cottage By The Sea Courtyard By Marriott Courtyard Marriott Jacksonville Beach Oceanfront CoVid19 Crane Island Creative Discovery Museum Crescent City Crescent Lake Crisp County Crock Pot Crocs Cross Country CSX CSX Railroad Cumberland River Cumberland River Greenway Downtown Connector Trailhead Cummer Cafe Review Cummer Museum Cummer Museum Of Art & Gardens Cupcakes Curiosity Daily Activity Daily's Place Dames Point Bridge Dames Point Bridge Park Dancin' In The Street Dangerous Ocean Conditions Danny Reagan Dapper Dans Daschund Daylight Savings Time Daytona Beach Day Trip Debby December December Birthday December In Florida Deck The Chairs Deck The Halls Declaration Delicomb Deltona Dessert Detailed Cottage Tour Detailed Room Tour Deviled Eggs Diamond Junction Diamond Junction Interchange Dickens On Centre Dick Mondell's Burger & Fries Dining In Atlantic Beach Dining In Jax Beach Dining In Ponte Vedra Beach Dining In St. Augustine Dining On The Water Dining Review Dining Review Vilano Beach Directions Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday Disney Disney Girl Kim Disney Munchling Disney Parks With Love Janel Disney Parks With Love - Janel Disney Springs DIY DJI DJI Air 3 Drone DJI Phantom 4 Drone Doctor Appointment Dog Birthday Party Dog Days Of Summer Doggie Stroller Dog Life Dog Ornament Dog Pajamas Do It Yourself Dolphins Don't Forget To Hang Up Your Sock Don't Tread On Me Donut Decision Day Donut Decision Day 2024 Donuts DoubleTree Doubletree By Hilton Hotel St. Augustine Historic District Dough Day Downtown Fernandina Beach Historic District Downtown Jacksonville Downtown Lemont Historic District Downtown Nashville Dream Dream Big Dreamers Dreaming In The 904 Driftwood Jax Beach Drive On Beach Drive Thru Lights Driving Tour Drone Drone Video Duck Pond Ducks Dune Restoration Project Dunkin Dunkin' Dunkin' Blueberry Muffin Dunkin Donuts Dunkin Munckins Dutton Island Preserve Duuuvall Duval County Shore Restoration Project Duval Street Each Day Is A New Beginning Earth Earth Day East Coast Greenway Easter Easter Sunday Brunch Ebay Eclipse Box Edens Leaf Naturals Edgewood Avenue Eggnog Element Element Jacksonville Beach Element Jax Beach Eleven South Review El Faro Memorial Ellie And Emma Ellie Golden Life Embarkation Embassy Suites Embassy Suites By Hilton St. Augustine Beach Oceanfront Resort Emerald Coast Endless Summer End Of Summer Escape Etsy Etsy Seller Everbank Stadium Every Damn Day Fitness Everything Bagel Executive Order Exploration Explore Explore Amelia Explore Georgia Explore With Me Exterior Walking Tour Facebook Fairfield Inn & Suites Fairfield Inn & Suites Jacksonville Beach Faith Falcon Heavy Fall Fall Front Porch Fall In Florida Fall In St. Augustine Fall O Stream Fall-O-Stream Family Family Traditions Father's Day Fernandina Beach Film Review Fireplace Fireworks First Coast Life First Day Of Fall First Watch Fish Fishing Fishing Pier Five Points Flag Day Fletcher Park Floating Generation Florida Florida Cold Front Florida Cracker Kitchen Florida East Coast Railway Florida Endless Summer Florida Keys Florida Man Florida Skimboarding Pro/AM Tournament Florida's Oldest Race Florida State Of Emergency Florida State Park Florida State Parks Florida Sunshine Florida Winter Flour Flour Explosion Flowers Football Stadium ForestCulture ForestCulture Etsy Shop Forest Preserve Forest Preserve District Of Cook County Forest Preserve District Of Will County Fort Clinch State Park Fort George Island Fort. George Island Fort Nashborough Fort Sackville Foundation Foundation Of Faith Four Four Points By Sheraton Foxtail Coffee Co. Frankfort Frankfort Country Market Frankfort Fall Festival Frankfort Fire Protection District Frankfort Grainery Frankfort Illinois Frank Reagan Frazier Park Freedom Freight Train French Cafe Fresh Off The Palette Friday Night Live Friday The 13th Friendship Friendship Fountain Frosting Fuller Warren Bridge Full Moon Full POV Fundraiser Fun Facts Garlic Artichoke Dip Gate River Run Gateway To South Georgia Geese Genevieve Genevieve Noel Genevieve's Homemade Blueberry Frozen Dog Treats Genevieve's Homemade Pumpkin Peanut Butter Dog Treats George Rogers Clark Memorial Georgia Georgia Southern & Florida Railway Get Ready With Me Gina Cristine Photography Gingerbread Haunted House Gingerbread House Gingerbread House Competition Gingerbread House Kit Girvin Road Give Some Away Giving Glade Pumpkin Candle Golden Hour Golden Retriever Golf Carts Goodbye Good Morning Good Tidings Goo & Matt Goo To You GooToYouLIVE Gourds Grace Grandpa Grape & Grain Exchange Grateful Gratitude Great Blue Heron Great Florida Birding & Wildlife Trail Green Cove Springs Green Spaces Green Springs Park Green Sulfur Spring Groundhog Groundhog Day GRWM Guana River Preserve Gulf Coast Guy Fieri Halloween Halloween Advent Calendar Halloween Decorations Halloween Ghost Mug From Target Halloween LED Purple Lights Halloween Merch Halloween Pumpkin Mug From Target Halloween Squishmallow Mystery Box Halloween Trees 2 Pack Hallow Stream Hallow-Stream Hampton Inn Hampton Inn Jacksonville Beach Oceanfront Hampton Inn St. Augustine Beach Hampton Inn & Suites Chattanooga/Downtown Hampton Inn & Suites St. Augustine Villano Beach Hampton Inn & Suites St. Augustine - Villano Beach Happiness Happiness Found Happy Birthday Happy Fall Happy Groundhog Day Happy Halloween Happy Holidays Happy Jimmy Buffett Day Happy Labor Day Happy Monday Happy Monday! Happy New Year Happy New Year's Eve Happy Thanksgiving Happy Veterans Day Hauntingly Good Times On Amelia Island And Beyond Hawkers Asian Street Fare Heart Of Georgia Railroad Hemingway Henry Flagler Heron Hey Boo Hey JB Hialeah Hibiscus Hickory Creek Hickory Creek Preserve Highway I-4 Hills For Helene Hills For Helene Miles For Milton Hills For Helene - Miles For Milton Hilton Hilton Curio Collection Hilton Garden Inn Hilton Garden Inn St. Augustine Beach Hilton St. Augustine Historic Bayfront Historic Historic Avondale Historic Bridge Street Pier Historic Downtown Fernandina Beach Historic Downtown Frankfort Illinois Historic Downtown St. Augustine Historic Downtown Valdosta Georgia Historic Downtown Vincennes Indiana Historic Old City Jail Historic San Marco History Hocus Pocus Holiday Holiday Baking Traditions Holiday Decorations Holiday Event Holiday Inn Holiday Inn Express Holiday Inn Express Jacksonville Beach Holiday Inn Express St. Augustine - Vilano Beach Holiday Organization Holiday Season Holidays In Jax Beach Holidays In Neptune Beach Holiday Spirit Holiday Week Holly Holly Berry Holly Branch Home Hospital Hot Chocolate Hotel Palms Hotel Review Hotel Room Tour Hotels Howard Gilman Memorial Park Howell Park Hoyt House Inn Huguenot Lagoon Huguenot Tennis Park Humans Helping Humans Humidifier Hurricane Hurricane Beryl Hurricane Debby Hurricane Disaster Reief Hurricane Helene Hurricane Joaquin Hurricane Kit Hurricane Milton Hurricane Relief Hurricane Season Hyatt Place St. Augustine Hydrate Ice Cream Iced Coffee Iced Tea Iguana Illinois Illustrator I&M Canal I&M Canal Trail I&M Canal Trail Passage Indiana Ingredients Interactive Pet Puzzle Intracoastal Intracoastal Preserve Intracoastal Waterway Intuition Ale Works Review IPhone IPhone 16 Pro Max Ireland Irish Blessings Irish Blessings To You Irish Food Irish Mode On Irving Berlin Isaiah David Hart Bridge Is It Humid Out Today? Islamorada Island Donuts Isle Of Eight Flags Italian Restaurant It's Cold It's Gonna Be May Jack-O-Lantern Jacksonville Jacksonville Beach Jacksonville Beach Fishing Pier Jacksonville Beach Tennis Center Jacksonville Grand Prix Jacksonville Northbank Riverwalk Jacksonville Preparedness Puppy Cricket Jacksonville Public Library Jacksonville Riverwalk Jacksonville's Brooklyn Neighborhood Jacksonville Track Club James Bond Jamie Reagan Janel Love January Jarboe Park Jarboe Park Christmas Tree Jax Jax 4 Kids Jax Beach Jax Beach Art Walk Jax Beach Coffee Shop Jax Beach Pier Jax Beach Vintage Flea Market Jax Ready JaxReady Jax Today Jellyfish Jerusalem Jesus Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Day Jimmy Buffett Memorial Highway Jimmy Buffett Sunset Cruise Jimmy Johns Joe's Crab Shack John Glaude John Ross Joliet Joliet Iron Works Historic Site Jolly Holiday Joy JTC Running Keep Shaking Your Tail Feathers Key Largo Key Largo Florida Key West Key West Florida Key West Half Marathon Kilwins Kindness Kindred Spirits King Tide Kiss The Sun Goodnight With Me KitchenAid Kona Ice Kookaburra Coffee Krispy Kreme Labor Day Lake Katherine Lake Katherine Nature Center & Botanic Gardens Lake Monroe Lake Monroe Historic Bridge Landon Park Latte Lemon Bar Lemont Lemont Area Historical Society Lemont Illinois Lemont Metra Train Station Le Petit Paris Let's Paint Together Liberty Library Life Along The Coast Life Before Facebook Lifeguard Chairs Life Is Like A Hurricane Life On The Coast Life Story Lifestyle Light Up Ceramic Haunted House Light-Up Ceramic Haunted House Light Up Ceramic Pumpkin Light-Up Ceramic Pumpkin Lilly Pulitzer Lime Bubly Limestone Lined Notebook & Little Donuts Live Oak Tree Livestream Livestream On YouTube Livestream Schedule Livestream YouTube Poll LIVE Walking Tour Lizard Los Angeles Love Love Life Love Muffin Love Yourself Low Tide Luck Of The Irish Lumi Bean Candles Luna The Mini Cockapoo Maggie Smith Magic Magic Beach Magic Beach Motel Main Street Main Street Bridge Main Street USA Make Your Monday Matter Mallory Square Manatee Mantanzas River March Before You Feel Like It Margaritaville Margaritaville Beach Hotel Jacksonville Margaritaville Beach Hotel - Jacksonville Margaritaville Beach Hotel Jacksonville Beach Marina Marion Motor Lodge Market Street Market Street Chattanooga Marriott Marriott Bonvoy Marshmallow Marsh Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Mary S. Holden Massive Action Matching Pajamas Max Velocity Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic Jacksonville Mayo Clinic Jacksonville Florida Mayo Clinic Pain Rehab Clinic Mayport Mayport Cats Mayport Florida Mayport Village May The 4th Be With You... May The Sand Be With You... McDonalds McDonalds Boo Buckets Medium Meeka The Husky Mellow Mushroom Memorial Day Merch Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Cards Merry Christmas Day Merry Christmas Eve Merry Cove Life Meteorologist Brian Shields Meteorologist Patrick Hammer Metra Metro Diner Mexican Food Mexican Restaurant Mezza Luna Ristorante MFPMilestones Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party Mickey Views YouTube Channel Mickler's Landing Mike Buresh Mile 0 Miles For Milton Mile Zero Milk Bone Milkweed Milton Minestrone Soup Mini Donuts Mini Golf Minnie Mouse Ears Mistakes MLK MLK Jr. Mokena Mokena Illinois Momentum Mom's Park Monarch Butterfly Monday Mondo Llama Moonlight Moonrise Moose Mug Morning Motivation Morning Routine Morning Walk Morning Walk With Me Mosaics Motivation Mourning A Loss Movement Mrs. Breadsticks Mr. Weatherman Muffins Mums Munchling Murals Murray Hill Murray Hill Preservation Association Murray Hill Theatre Music City MyFitnessPal My Morning Routine My Own Irish Blessing Mystery Box Mystery Munchling Mystery Pack My Wish For You Nabisco Nabisco Create-A-Treat Nao Trinidad Naples NASA Nashville National Donut Day National Hurricane Center National Monument National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration National Park Service National Register Of Historic Places National Weather Service Nation's Oldest City Natural Disaster Natural Disasters Nature Nature Preserve Navi Waterfront Bar & Grill Nemo Park Neptune Beach Neptune Beach Community Garden Nestpark New Lenox New Lenox Commons New Lenox Community Park District New Lenox Illinois New Merch New Orleans News 104.5 WOKV News4Jax New Year's Day New York City NHC Nights Of Lights Night Walk Nine Eleven NOAA NOAA Fisheries Nocatee NOLA Norfolk Southern Railroad Northbank Riverwalk North Beaches Art Walk North Pole North Pole South Notebook November Nurse Shark Nutcracker NWS Nylabone Oak Park Avenue Oak Park Avenue Train Station Oaxaca Club Obese To Beast Ocean Boulevard Oceanfront Dining Oceanfront Park Ocean Fun Facts Ocean Sounds Ocean Vibes OceanView Lodge October Oktoberfest Old Chicago Pizza & Taproom Old Plank Road Trail Old Town Trolley Tours Olivia Shore One Ocean Resort One Ocean Resort & Spa Opening Of The Beaches Opening Of The Beaches Parade Oreo Gingerbread House Oreos Orlando Orland Park Orland Park Illinois Osborne Street Outside Overseas Highway Pacifica Pacifica Sunblock Pacific Palisades Pain Rehab Clinic Paint And Coffee Paint By Number Paint-by-Number Paint-by-Number Kit From Etsy Palatka Palm Sunday Palm Valley Palm Valley Holiday Lights Boat Parade Palm Valley Outdoors Bar And Grill Palos Heights Pandora Pandora Bead Pandora Charm Papa Paperback Parade Of Trees Paris Olympics 2024 Parking Shuttle Pasta Pasta Party Pastries Patience Pawsitivity Peace Peanut Butter Bubbles Pecan Tree Pelicans Pelindaba Lavender Peppermint Peppermint Candy Cane Cookies Peppermint Extract Perserverance Perseverance Personal Update Perspective Peterbrooke Chocolatier Pete's Bar Petes Bar Petes Bar Thanksgiving Morning Gathering Pet Friendly Pet Loss Pet Parents PetSmart PetSmart Charities Pharmacy Phit-n-Phat Phone Call Pickleball Pier Pierre's Pub Piggy's In A Buggy Pigs Pigs Of Instagram Pillsbury Creamy Supreme Seasonal Cream Cheese Frosting Pina Colada Pine Avenue On Anna Maria Island Pinhole Projector Pink Lemonade Pirate Ship Pirates Paradise Pirates Paradise Souvenir City Plan Planet Earth Plant City Plants Plaza Plaza De La Constitucion Pluto Pluto Thanksgiving Sandwich Pneumonia Poinsettia Polar Plunge Pollyanna Ponte Vedra Beach Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Of The St. Johns County Library Ponte Vedra Inn & Club Porpoise Point POV Prairie Pralines Prayers PRC Pre Hurricane Helene Pre Hurricane Milton Pretzel Nuggets Prissy And Pop Prissy_Pop Progress Prospect Five Points PSL Public Beach Access Public Butterfly Garden Publix Pumpkin Pumpkin Candles Pumpkins Pumpkin Spice Pumpkin Spice Edition Pumpkin Spice In Paradise Pumpkin Spice Latte Purpose Quick Update Quiet Race Expo Railroad Bridge Rain Raintree Restaurant Random Acts Of Kindness Ranking RAP Reaction Real Christmas Tree Recipe Recipes Red Boat Tours Red Boat Water Tours Red Food Coloring Red Sauce Regency Inn & Suites Relaxation Relaxing Stroll Residence Inn - Jacksonville Downtown Restaurant Review Rest Stop Rick Burnett Artist Key West Ripley's Red Train Tours Ritas Jax Beach Riverfront Park Riverside Riverside Arts Market Riverside Avondale Riverside Avondale Preservation Riverside Duck Pond Riverside Memorial Park Riverwalk Road Race Road Trip Rockaway Garden Rod & Reel Fishing Pier Rollin With The Nolans Ronnie Phillips Ron On The Go Room Tour Rooster Roosters Rory Ross's Landing Routine Royal Mess Running Ryan Hall Safe Harbor Safe Passage Sago Coffee Jax Salt Salt Air Inn & Suites Salt Life Salt Life Food Shack Salt Marsh Salty Salvation Army SAM Shoreline Excursion Railroad Sandbags Sandcastle Competition Sand Dunes Sanderson Sisters Sanford San Marco San Marco Avenue San Marco Balis Park San Marco Bookstore San Marco Lions San Marco Lions Fountain San Marco Preservation Hall San Marco Preservation Society San Marco Town Square San Pablo Island Santa Claus Santa Was Here Saran Wrap Sautéed Onions Sawdust & Lace Studio Sawdust & Lace Studio On Etsy Sawpit Creek Boat Ramp Saying No Saying Yes Say Yes Seacoast Bank Sea Cottages Of Amelia Seafoam Seahorse Oceanfront Inn Sea La Vie Jax Beach Sea Oats Seascape Condominiums Sea Shells Seashells Seaside Park Seaside Sculpture Park Seaside Shoppes Sea & Sky Sea & Sky 2024 Sea & Sky Jax Season's Greetings Seas The Day Sea Turtle Maze Sea Turtle Nests Sea Turtles Sea Turtle Statue Seawalk Music Festival Seawalk Pavilion Seaweed See You In St. Marys Seinfeld Self Care Self-care Self Help Self-help September 11 Set Up Sevier Park Shadow Shamrock Shamrock Zoomies Shark Shells Shell World Shelters Sheltie Sheltie & Friends Sheltie & Friends Easter Coloring Book Shetland Sheepdog Shimmering Shimmering Snowman Notebook Shimmering Snowman Notebook: Let's Roll! Shionren Shipwreck Shoppes Of Avondale Shopping Shorebird Shorebirds Sights & Sounds Silicone Baking Trays Skaya Siberian Skimboarding Skin Care Small Towns Snail Sneakers Sports Grille Snow Social Media Soft Pretzels Solar Eclipse Sous Chef Southbank Southbank Riverwalk Southern Belle Riverboat Southern Grounds Southern Living Idea House Southernmost Point Southern Swells Southern Wind Inn Souvenir Souvenir City SpaceX Spanish Street Spanish Street Walking Tour Spooky Garland Spreadshop Spring Spring Break Springhill Suites By Marriott Springhill Suites Jacksonville Beach Oceanfront Spring In The South Spring Park Spring Park Coffee Spritz Pet Banner Squishmallow Mystery Pack Squishmallows Stand Mixer Starbucks Starfish Star Wars Star Wars Day State Of Emergency Stationary Statue Of Liberty St Augustine St. Augustine St. Augustine Beach St. Augustine Beach Farmers Market St. Augustine Lighthouse St. Augustine Nights Of Lights Stayc-66 Stayc-66 EBay Seller Staycation St. George Street St. George Street Walking Tour Stingray Stitch 626 Day St. Johns Avenue St. Johns County St. Johns County Dunes Restoration Project St. Johns County Emergency Management St. Johns County Ocean & Fishing Pier St. Johns River St. Johns River Ferry St. Johns Town Center St. Marys St. Marys River St. Marys Waterfront Park St. Nicholas St. Nicholas Day Stocking St Patricks Day St. Patrick's Day St. Peter's Episcopal Cemetary St. Peter's Episcopal Church Strawberries Streamlabs Streetcar Street To The Beach Study Sounds Sugar Sugar Cookies Summer Summer 2024 Road Trip Summer Beach Run Summer Beach Sounds Sun Sunblock Sunflowers Sunrail Sunrise Sunrise Beach Walk Sunset Sunshine Sunshine & Hurricanes Sunshine Skyway Bridge Super Bowl Sunday Supergoop Supergoop Sunblock Supermoon Supermoon Blue Moon Supper Club Surfers Sweetly Southern Chattanooga Gifts Take Out Dining Talking To Camera Tampa Tampa Bay Target Target Halloween LED Orange Lights TBI TECO Line Streetcar System Teddy Tennessee Tennessee Aquarium Tennessee River Tennessee Titans Tennessee Titans Football Stadium Tennis Teresa Echols Thai Food Thai Smile Thankful Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Merch Thanksgiving Week That Crazy Disney Lady The Adventures Of Mrs. Breadsticks The African Queen The Ancient City The Boathouse The Caffeinated Cat The Castillo Inn The Chattanoogan Hotel The Continental Hotel Site Landmark The Cricket Chronicles The Cuddle Collab From Target The Day Before The Dis The Donna The Donna Foundation The Donna Marathon The Economy Inn The Great War The Green Monster The Keys The Lazy Dog The Lodge & Club The Lone Sailor TheMakersMap The Mini Bar The Old Powder House Inn The Passage Water Memorial The Peach State The Perky Pelican Christmas Shoppe The Player's Championship The Reach Resort Key West The Reef The Renaissance The Renaissance St. Augustine Historic Downtown Hotel The Saint Augustine Beach House These Are My Christmas Dreams These Are My Dreams These Are My Dreams The Podcast The Shoppes Of Avondale The Spark By Hilton The Spark By Hilton St. Augustine Historic District The St. George Inn The St. George Inn St. Augustine The Sunshine State The Year Of The Cicada This & That Gifts Tide View Preserve Tide Views Preserve Time Savings Tinis Martini Bar Tinley Park Tinley Park Illinois To Do Downtown Jacksonville To Do In Celebration Florida To Do Jax Beach Togetherness Tolomato Cemetery Tony's Turkey Trot Tonys Turkey Trot Review To You And Yours Tracking The Tropics Tradition Traditional Irish Pancakes Trail Of Tears Train Depot Train Ride Trains In The 904 Trains Magazine Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Travel Trays Full Of Goodness Treasury Street Treasury Street Walking Tour Trick Or Treat Rhinestone Headband Tropical Disturbance Tropical Smoothie Cafe Tropical Storm Debby Trout Creek Trout Creek Community Center Tucker And Todd Tucker Budzyn Tumovo Luyan Art Turtlehead Lake Turtles Turtle Spotting Twistee Treat Uber UF Health Jacksonville Ugly Cupcake & Muffinry Ulta Products Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier Unboxing United Nations Unity Plaza Universal Endless Summer Universal Epic Universe Universal Orlando Resort University Of Florida University Of Florida Health Jacksonville University Of North Florida Unsalted Butter U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers U.S. Highway 1 U.S. Route 1 Valdosta Valentines Day Venice Venice Beach Pier Vertical Livestream Veterans Day Veterans Memorial Vicks Vicks VapoRub Vilano Beach Vilano Beach Fishing Pier Vilano Beach Nature Boardwalk Vilano Beach Pavilion Vilano Beach Pier Vilano Coffee Shop Vilano Grill 180 Vilano Road Vilano Town Center Vincennes Vincennes Historic Farmers Market Vincennes Indiana Virtual Railfan Visit Chattanooga Visit Florida Visit Jacksonville Visit St. Augustine Visit St. Marys Vlogmas Vlogmas 2024 Volleyball Volunteer V Pizza V Pizza Jax Beach Wabash River Waffle House Wake Up The Sun With Me Wake Up With Me Walk Walking Tour Walkover Walk With Me Walnut Street Pedestrian Bridge Walt Disney World War Memorial Warming Centers Watch With Me Watercolor Watercolor Painting Waterside Suites & Marina WaveMasters Weather Weight Loss Weight Loss Success Weight Maintenance Welcome Wellness Western North Carolina Wetlands WFLA News Channel 8 WhatANut White Bison Coffee White Christmas Whit's Frozen Custard Whits Frozen Custard Whits Jax Beach Who Builds It Better? Wicked Lick Wildfires Willaford Railroad Museum Will County Williams Sonoma Willowbranch Creek Winston Family YMCA Winter In The South Winter Meals Winter Park Winter Park Florida Winter Storm Winter Wonderland With Love From Florida Wondershop Wood Art Wood Slices World Market World Ocean Day World War 1 World War 19 World War II Worst To Best WWI WWI Memorial Xray Yacht Basin Park Y'all Yamasi Trail Ybor CIty Year In Review YMCA YouTube YouTube Anniversary YouTube Community Post YouTuber Youtube Shorts YouTube Update |
My Floridian adventures on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/@christinepieper ______ My motivational merch shop! https://christines-floridian-dreams.myspreadshop.com/ ______ © 2025 Christine's Floridian Dreams. |