This December marks my third holiday season living in the South. And while I’ve already enjoyed seemingly countless new, exciting, and very different holiday traditions each winter here, there’s always something else I want to try, or add to my must-do list. Many of these events and outings are completely unique to Florida, Florida’s history, and, unlike Chicago - with the fact that bodies of water are not frozen solid, or on their way to be, down here in December - it means a whole lot of those holiday traditions involve the water in some way or manner. St. Augustine’s 26th Annual Nights of Lights is one such event that I’ve incorporated into my holiday traditions here on the First Coast. And this year I planned my outing to be centered entirely around the coastal and inlet waters of Vilano Beach, Matanzas River, Anastasia Island, and the very historic city of St. Augustine itself. I’ve seen the St. Augustine Lights each year here thus far. But mostly I’ve gazed at the lights just quickly touring or driving through, so this year I wanted to do things a little bit different. Red Boat Water Tours - docked at the Vilano Beach Pier - hosts a nightly boat tour of the coastal waters which reflect the lights surrounding all the beauty in the city. We booked our boat ride months in advance. The tour is so very popular it sells out way ahead of time for each evening they take on customers during the entire holiday season. We had been on this exact boat tour during the day time with my family when they were in town for a visit about a year and a half ago now. We witnessed lots of dolphins swimming about during that ride, as we listened to the captain tell us many stories about the great history of St. Augustine. So I was pretty excited about gaining a different perspective of the city this year, at night, once the waters were completely dark, and with the lighthouse acting as a true beacon surrounding our entire ride, and all the magnificence of the lights display bordering the entire shore line. Tours start at $40.00 per person, plus fees, and our original total came to over $90.00. However, since we had been customers in the past, they had offered us a repeat rider discount specifically for the Nights of Lights Tour, with fairly significant savings - it nearly halved our total cost. This repeat customer deal was better than any other sales/codes/online deals offered. Honestly, the large discount is the only reason I booked the tour. I personally think we would never have paid this much to go back on the same boat we had already been on - as I tend to try different things each year, especially those that cost significant money. While tending to keep the traditions that cost next to nothing or are completely free. Sugar cookies, anyone? I also planned for us to have dinner at Beaches at Vilano in advance of the tour. It makes sense to me to try a restaurant we’ve never been especially when we’re right there in the vicinity. Our ride started at 7:15pm going through 8:30. Red Boat asks in the fine print for us to arrive about 15-20 minutes ahead of time. The restaurant is just opposite the pier and basically shares the same parking. So I planned our dinner for 5:30. That gave us enough time to work a full day, drive down, eat a leisurely meal, including time for a quick dessert, then head on over to our awaiting horse-drawn open sleigh upon the warm waters. Dinner was just fine. I say that meaning there was absolutely nothing wrong with it, while at the same time it wasn’t the best meal of my life. It ended up being roughly half the cost as our anniversary meal at The Reef, which is located just down the street a bit… so the lesser cost was fabulous. And despite it not being the absolute best, I do recommend stopping in Beaches if you get a chance. The atmosphere and the views are worth it alone. You will be transported instantly into vacation mode there - whether you’re on vacation, or not. And there are no complaints here about vacation mode. At 5:30pm on a Tuesday, in December, they were quite busy. They had some very large parties already seated, mostly corporate and holiday parties going on, but each table was filled. They were busy enough that we were lucky to get seated right away, have our meal, with just enough time remaining for getting out to our boat tour immediately after. We had tried for reservations - but they do not accept. Make sure to allot for enough time if you are planning the same holiday outing. I ordered a plain iced tea, skipped the soup, salads and appetizers, and had the flat iron steak with a side of broccoli - extra broccoli - skip the plantains, for my main course. This is how I stay healthy or even somewhat healthy while dining out. I researched the menu in advance online. I logged into MyFitnessPal in the morning to plot out my calories for the day. And I knew exactly what I was ordering for dinner. After massive weight loss, I’m not about to go back to where I was. While I receive lots of questions asking me how I maintain the's a daily plan just like it was during the loss. Even more so afterward, I’d say, than during, sometimes. Healthy decisions have to be part of the new and changed lifestyle. Wherever I am. Whatever options are available to me. And most especially when coming face to face with the almighty and highly coveted FRENCH FRY. No, I never met a potato I didn’t like. Don’t get me wrong, I still eat burgers and fries, just infrequently. The meal I selected for this outing is loaded with nutrients from the broccoli and is heavy on the protein from the steak. And nothing fried. The protein helps the tummy feel full, and takes longer to digest, upping the metabolism. The harder the body has to work to process the food, the more calories it burns in the process. That’s why protein is a major perk to weight loss. And, the broccoli’s many and countless benefits will basically go without saying for right now and the purposes of this post, as the perks of eating it should be self-explanatory for most. Hence, the large plate of broccoli. My only critique of this dish, at this restaurant, is that I would recommend the steak and broccoli be served on separate plates. The juices/sauces/butters/etc. from both dishes were already mixed together by the time my plate was served to me, and it didn’t take long for the entire dish to taste all the same. And when everything tastes the same, it’s becomes increasingly less appealing. Leading to less enjoyment from me, leading to my hubby’s meal becoming more and more appealing and quite tempting to me by the second. Here is the hubby’s meal. He ordered the burger with fries, and a side of grilled shrimp. He loved the shrimp, and everything else was exceptional. His margarita was just right. We ordered the volcano cake with vanilla ice cream, berries, and topped with a berry sauce to split for dessert. This allowed us to still have a treat for the night, a special treat since we were out, but splitting saved on calories immensely as well as cost. We received our volcano cake - minus the volcano. Sad face. My husband didn’t know what a volcano cake was, so I was excited to split it open to show how the chocolate should pour out like lava, but, sadly, that did not happen. It was very, very dry. But while the cake was not as it should have been - it was still edible - it was C H O C O L A T E…. after all. No problem there - not a drop of it left by the end of the meal - we had the plate clean for them and ready to pop in the dishwasher, no pre-rinse needed. After our dinner at Beaches was complete, we walked right on out to the very lonely looking pier. It was dark. And desolate. I instantly thought we had the wrong day. I was just about to check my phone for information. But alas, we kept walking down toward the dock, and I could see red lights.Our Rudolph. Our boat was there. Our Red Boat. It was just near empty and no one else was around - within an area that us usually fairly populated - any time of day. Apparently, right before our arrival there was a miscommunication between tour boat companies and all the riders standing out on the dock waiting to board their respective boats. Another tour company out of the same dock had some problems with their boat, sent everyone away, and when those people left, nearly all of the customers for our Red Boat left as well. So we were riding on a sold-out boat ride, and had most of the boat to ourselves. If you book this outing, don’t be afraid to call to verify if something’s up upon your arrival. And know there are many boating companies out in the area touring customers around. If one sends people away, confirm it’s your ride before leaving. It was a lovely ride. A chilly ride. A dark ride. With the sun long ago set, we were riding past all the low and tidal areas in the dark, with the lighthouse as a breathtaking backdrop in the black skies. Our boat captain told us some stories along the way. We learned of the ancient history surrounding Nights of Lights - something I had never heard before. I knew there were many reasons floating around online of how the Lights came to be an annual tradition within the town 26 years ago. And that the story of the light in the window tradition had potentially dated back to ancient times. But I knew no real specifics. Our boat captain told us his version… He said it all started with Jesus. Jesus. As a refugee baby. No room at the Inn. In need of safe passage. Safe housing for the night. When the Spanish settled here on the historic First Coast hundreds of years ago, they put lights in their windows at night during the holiday season. To act as a beacon. A beacon for weary travelers. A light to welcome Jesus. Jesus has room at their Inns. A beacon of hope to the world. Of all the stories I heard about the Lights, and why they exist, and why people still put candles in their windows to this day, I like the Jesus version. Baby Jesus… sleeping in the hay. I’ll choose Jesus. But regardless of why lights are put in the window displays, and which version and which stories are true, and which are legend in town… as the town itself has countless legends - the lights themselves are absolutely fabulous. You can choose which story you like. Which fits your reason as to why you light your way and what you choose to light your way with. Just always choose the light - over the darkness - and you’ll be good to go. They offered us heavy wool blankets onboard. They came in handy. We absolutely froze. I wore a turtleneck, the only long pair of pants I own, and one of the only closed-toe shoes I own, my new winter puffy down coat, plus ear muffs, gloves, hood, and brought two blankets of our own, as they served us hot chocolate. It was 53 degrees outside. We both froze near to death. It had just been in the mid 80’s a second ago, this was an ice age. We laughed at ourselves as if we were delirious. 53 degrees in Chicago in December is a heat wave. Break out the ice cream and sit on the front lawn with it. Open the windows! Now we were Floridian Fools covered in blankets. Not allowing our fingers and cheeks to feel the air if we can at all help it. I can already picture myself next year..., I’ll have the big Ugg boots to match. I already know it. How else can I get through another Florida winter? Either that, or we are moving to the Equator. No other sensible or reasonable or sane-minded options exist. I mentioned the cold makes us delirious now, right? If you’re a local and booking this ride, dress appropriately. Bring blankets. Pack for summiting Mount Everest. If you’re a tourist and here on vacation from anywhere up North, never fear, you’ll feel like you’re in the tropical paradise of your dreams as your boat captain plays ‘Pontoon’ from Little Big Town as you race off toward the lights of the night. Know that if you are looking to obtain quality photos, they will be hard to come by. With all the movement, added into the darkness, even with my hubby’s better camera, we couldn’t really capture the moment digitally with any great detail. Our best photo remains at the top of this post. If the boat had come to a complete stop, plus a tripod, then, maybe, we’re talking. But some things can’t be caught on camera I guess. You know, like Santa Claus. I tend to never capture a great full quality image of him, but I know he’s out there. If you are in the area, definitely check it out. It’s a holiday tradition and celebration in a beautifully historic town, for all to enjoy, regardless of background, beliefs, and a lovely addition to a family holiday tradition as well. After all, in constant learning about different beliefs and traditions and reasons why others might put candles in the window each December, we are reminded that while we are all different, we are also all the same. Everybody wants Hope. Everyone wants Light. I’ll choose not to do the ride again as it was costly. But, next year, I plan to view the Lights on foot, in town… off from the water's edge... and on solid ground. I’ll travel up close and personal. I want to see the fire lamps. I want to see the Christmas trees in the window displays. I want to walk the town and see the lights as close as possible. I want to listen for the sound of reindeer hooves on roof tops. And most importantly, I want to look for Santa Claus… I tend to believe he might be hanging around all the dreamy chocolate shops and gift shops and restaurants… blended in amongst the gorgeous and magical Lights of St. Augustine. Yes, those shops seem like a good place to start on my hunt for the big SC. But for now, I’ll enjoy my memory of a coastal Christmas holiday on the water’s edge. ~
What a most lovely of lovely and long, holiday weekends. Everywhere we went, everything we did, everything we saw, was surrounded by the feeling of Christmas in the air. And while I am one who does not partake in the Black Friday festivities that so many Amerian’s do count as part of their holiday traditions - because, as one of my friends posted on her Facebook that day with what I deem to be the utmost accurate declaration ever regarding the day that is so very Black: “It’s too PEOPLY out there!” Yes. In fact, besides the accuracy of that comment, it also might have been the funniest thing I read in a very long time. My concurrence with that statement led me to be busy doing many other fun and festive things - instead of shopping. Black Friday came and went for us, without purchase of any material goods. A most wise decision if I do say so myself. I have no interest in waiting in long lines for something that I can purchase any other day of the year, without such a line. Free snow globe included? No thank you; not worth it. Instead - we went to Jimmy Johns. How simple and basic and quite boring of an outing indeed. And boring was just what we were looking for. I decided that any store that would most likely have the biggest crowds and the most ridiculous lines would be all the ones we would skip… And that most restaurants would also most likely be quite busy - due to needing to feed food to hungry shoppers - so those would all be the restaurants we would skip as well. That eliminated basically everywhere on the face of the planet from my list… Where would be open - but completely and utterly EMPTY??? Jimmy Johns! And guess what? I was right. We drove our car into the parking lot. Not a car around. We walked in. We were their only customers. It was fabulous. We ate at the window counter, bar style seating, as we always do. I’m a regular there. And we watched the traffic go on by up and down Beach Boulevard. Slowly. Yes, it was crowded out there, even in our flat and sandy and salty little corner of the world. But not so at Jimmy’s place. In fact, it was so slow inside Jimmy Johns, as we listened to tunes blaring from their speaker with today’s best hits - i.e. music of this very own decade we are currently living in. I mention this because almost everywhere else plays music from the 80’s? Why? Universe… why? Yes, it was so slow the staff member said something along the lines of, I knew it was going to be slow today, but jeazzzz…. I never imagined it being this slow. Yes, we picked the most perfect place to eat a sandwich in the entire United States of America on Black Friday. I tended to be of the opinion that not many American’s have an interest in lining up outside the front doors of a sandwich shop at four in the morning, fighting to get in when the doors are opened, just to buy some deli meat? My opinion tended to be correct, at least from where we sat. No, they were out buying expensive and fancy and enormous TVs, and iPads, and clothing, and more clothing, and appliances, and more appliances. Everything I didn’t feel like waiting in a line for on this Black day. Yes, we made a great decision. It was a simple and pleasant and peaceful outing. Next time you’re looking for a quick - and healthy - lunch on Black Friday, stop in Jimmy Johns, and avoid the crowded everywhere else of this world. Right next door to Jimmy Johns and across the small and narrow street, I could see from the window we were watching the world go by from… Is a place called Rockaway. A greenhouse.. A garden center... A Christmas tree lot. We go to Jimmy John’s a lot. We see Rockaway a lot, sitting from the window of the sandwich shop. I had never ventured over there to date however. But that blackest of clear blue sky days was different from any other. Something told me that day was the day to visit. I tend to think my nose told me it was time. We witnessed car after car pulling up and loading one live tree after another onto the roofs of their vehicles. I had always wanted to venture over there and check it out. They were busy, yes, but they were not busy at all compared to the big box stores everywhere else in the nation. We finished our simple lunch and walked across the street to the greenhouse. Instantly! - I smelled Christmas! If you’ve never smelled yourself some Christmas before, I highly recommend finding some, and put it up to your nose, and smell it. I could smell the scent of pine and balsam and fraser fir from the road. And the scent only intensified as we got closer and walked into the garden, feet on top of gravel, dirt, and pebbles. I was in a dream. I had found a slice of heaven. I wanted to bottle it all up, take it home, and keep it forever. Never out of my sight - or away from my nose - again. We walked through the entire greenhouse and its property. It’s quite a large place! From the exterior, it appears that Rockaway is just a small, single story red farmhouse. A small house, with a vast plot of land surrounding it, all surrounded with various greenery for sale. But once you traverse inside its quarters, it’s quite larger than its tiny exterior makes it out to be. I was immediately met with rows and rows of flowers of all kinds. Grasses of all kinds. Greenery of all kinds. Ceramic pots and wall trinkets and other such decor for sale intermixed. But I went there for the Christmas. So the Christmas I was going to find. Never fear, my nose led the way. My nose led me to the far back area of the greenhouse. You know, it’s just like when you need a dozen eggs or gallon of milk or tub of chocolate ice cream from the grocer… The simplest and most basic and most necessary of items needed at the time, they always put in the back of the store. Silly us, they think we don’t know what they’re doing… It’s all strategic? In order to get to that gallon of milk, that dozen eggs, those tubs of chocolatey and icy goodness, we all have to traverse past every other item in the store first in order to find our basic essentials in life. To get to all the good stuff, you have to pass up anything else that might tempt your eyes. Ohh, I need that bag of chips. I really could use a loaf of bread… since I’m here. Are we out of juice at home? We better grab some bananas... while we’re at it. And toilet paper. We can’t forget that, heaven forbid. Yes, it’s Black Friday every day at the grocer. They always know how to make a sale. Have you ever seen anyone leave a grocer empty-handed? Certainly not in my lifetime?! Just put that toilet paper display out prominently on the end cap, where it can’t be missed, slap a yellow sign over it referencing something along the lines of a sale… or even better… 12 = 36… ???... and we’re gold. Jack Pot. Hence again, why would I ever shop on Black Friday? When I’m buying all that bread and all those eggs and all those tubs of ice cream, and carts loaded FULL of rolls upon rolls of toilet paper, on sale, every other day of the year, anyway? So my nose led me all the way to the back of the greenhouse. I was met with the most intense fragrance of Christmas. It was naturally the most fragrant standing amongst all the various trees for sale. And I never wanted to leave. Maybe my husband would have to drag me out of there kicking and screaming all the way? Ha - maybe I am ready for Black Friday… Fighting for a chance - screaming to be the one. Can I stay here forever? And never part with the dreamy aroma surrounding me. Can I win the prize? Where are all the doorbusters? I’m NOT going home. We checked out all the trees. Standing there, I immediately imagined myself in Michigan. Years and years ago. Happy memories; very happy memories. I was quite young, so the memories are somewhat fuzzy. But there I stood; on a Christmas tree farm. With all the family - moms and dads, aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. We took a hay ride (don’t remember if pulled by horse, but my dreams say yes, there were horses present). The ride took us out onto the farm, to pick out our very own living tree. It was beautiful. It was farm country. It was quiet. It was peaceful. Nature everywhere. It was the best day. It was Pure Michigan. Looking back, I’m so grateful for my family. All the things we did growing up. All those memories. It doesn’t matter if I can’t remember if it was horses who dragged me out to the tree farm or not. Maybe a tractor was pulling us? Either way, I know I was there. I know I was with my entire family. I am grateful for the time we all spent together. I am grateful for that outing. A lovely outing, that I can remember all these years later. I’m grateful that they, as adults, spent their time, with us, very young children. So that we could have these memories, as adults, today. I’m grateful and thankful… So much so that as I stood in a small red farmhouse barn, far removed from the farm country of Michigan, three blocks from the Atlantic Ocean, in sunny and hot coastal Florida, on San Pablo Island, in Jacksonville Beach, kiddy corner from Jimmy John’s and opposite the local Publix, living a completely different life, and after meeting God himself, on Black Friday, in Rockaway Gardens... roughly thirty years after that family Christmas tree outing, standing there within and amongst that dreamy scent of Christmas… which evoked such happy memories of my Christmas’s past. Only because of that past am I standing right there, right then. Only because of that past, am I capable of smelling Christmas in the air, right there, right then, and with that scent also evoke all those happy memories. We toured the entire greenhouse, inside, and out. We saw various styles of holiday wreaths and swags. The swags are my favorite. Oh wait, scratch that. The wreaths shaped into candy canes are my favorite. Oh wait… Never mind. I can’t make up my mind. If it’s green, smells of pine, balsam, fir, is reminiscent of Christmas - that one is my favorite. What did you say? You asked if I particularly like the Hallmark Channel this time of year? Yes, I’m a fan. We still don’t have cable, or streaming, though. I can dream. We turned a corner and were met face to face with an entire room of poinsettias. Just poinsettias. All looking very poinsettia-like. White and red. And one type I never before saw in my entire life. A white, red, and pinkish, mixed and beautifully blended color poinsettia. I love that one the most. Oh, wait. I thought of my grandma right then, in that room. Every Christmas she was alive and I knew her, she always gave everyone a poinsettia. I was given one when I still lived at home with my family growing up. I put it on my dresser in my bedroom. I got married, and hubby and I were given a poinsettia each Christmas. We were also given more poinsettias to pass on to others for her. She’s been gone for some years now already. Time does fly. But I can’t see a poinsettia, without seeing Grandma. Moving on, there was an entire area of succulents. Orange trees. Lime trees. Palms. Etc. If it was alive and growing, and taking our carbon dioxide away from our lungs, it was at Rockaway. And since we were in Florida. And since it was hot outside. Most all of these beauties were all just sitting there soaking in the outdoor sun. Some in the actual greenhouse, some under netting. But mostly, I toured and browsed and strolled through a beautiful outdoor piece of winding garden property; a garden much larger than I expected. After thirty some years of Christmas’s up in the Chicago area, my brain still has a difficult time grasping and understanding the concept that I am still outside, wearing flip flops, shorts and tank, big sunglasses, hot and sweaty, and it’s Christmas time? Where’s the snow?! I’m not complaining though. We were nearing the end of our tour. Our informal browsing. We came upon tables set for an upcoming event. I wondered what was going on? There were drink cups out. Many. They were expecting lots of people. At some point in the very near future? Table clothes spread and draped over the tables. Something was happening? I looked up. At the clear blue sky. At the bright and blinding hot sun. I saw the dark evergreen cloud in the sky from the corner of my eye…. Wait. There were no dark green clouds on such a clear blue sky day. My fuzzy vision faded in and out from the bright sun laser-beaming into my eyes. I was looking up at a large Christmas tree - on the rooftop! Yes, they put a tree up on the roof. I could tell it had lights strung all about it. My memory snapped to attention. I knew what was going on! They were setting up for a party. Rockaway has their own tree lighting, each year… a tree, up on the roof! How cute. Oh rats! We went there during the day! Not at night. We could always come back that evening to see the festivities. Oh wait. Maybe it would be too peoply out there. It was still Black Friday after all. I wasn’t supposed to be out shopping today. I was just out to grab a number sixteen with no mayo and a cup of unsweetened iced tea at Jimmy Johns... I lost 86 pounds eating that exact sandwich - roughly once a week. It was my weekly “carb” treat. No I did not do a carb-restricted diet to lose the weight. I ate everything, in moderation. But I do tend to consider white bread a treat, so I only ate it about once a week. And somehow throughout my weight loss journey that has since turned into weight maintenance, I started going to Jimmy John’s once a week... You could say my nose led me there. Not out of routine, not out of desperation or a feeling as if because I lost the weight eating Jimmy’s sandwiches then I must keep doing it to keep the weight off? Not that at all. I just like it. That’s all. Someday I might tire of good ol’ Jimmy, but not yet. To be fair, it is kind of hard to tire of fresh white dough raised into fresh white perfect bread. So yeah, we were out for lunch. We were NOT out to witness a tree lighting. Box shaped stores, or anything else that day. It was the dreamy scent of Christmas that led me to Rockaway. But it was also the thoughts and dreams of my own Christmas which told me to now go home. After all, it was Black Friday. Yes, it definitely was very peoply out there. I’ll go home and put an ol’ Yule Log… on the ol’ You Tube, and trim my own tree. No, I didn’t buy anything at Rockaway that day. Pennies are tight sometimes. Pennies are watched. I do consider myself a professional shopper and there were many things I wanted to buy there, including swags and candy cane wreaths and poinsettias galore, but I resisted all temptation... I reminded myself that after losing 86 freaking pounds, my wardrobe is still a cluster of nothing that fits me because it was long ago donated to charity, and what remains are only a few quite simple repeating new and fresh outfits that do now fit. I’ll save all the pennies I can for new clothes. 86 pounds of work reminded me I’d rather buy clothes that last a long longer and will come in very handy for me, than a piece of clipped greenery that will surely die by season’s end. So all purchasing temptations were managed! ‘Tis a rare day indeed for such a pro of a shopper! But I didn’t leave Rockaway empty-handed. No. The scent of Christmas came home with me. It was all over my hands, inside my very light and empty and missing shopping bags, steamed into my wild hair, and mostly, it was in my nose. In fact, the scent was so strong, I still smelled it on me and on all those new clothes that I had been wearing, later that evening when I got ready for bed. Yes, it’s very important to surround oneself with such a magnificent and dreamy scent. Don’t let this beautiful and festive and happy and difficult and challenging and magical season go by without smelling some Christmas into your nose. Don’t waste a moment to catch a breath of fresh pine-scented air. Whether you are standing on a vast and beautiful and picturesque farm up in Michigan cutting down a green tree for your living room, or standing on a coastal barrier island in the south while eating a number sixteen with no mayo… be sure to breathe it all in. Remember all the good times and all the good people in your life that come into your brain when you inhale that special aroma. Then - bottle it up, keep it forever, store it somewhere special where you keep all your treasures, and never remember where you put it. ~
11/29/2019 0 Comments #27) Thanksgiving & Pete’s Bar ~ Not All Resolutions Need Be Fulfilled On January FirstAt the beginning of every January I write a list of goals for the upcoming year. I don’t classify them as resolutions… I tend to dislike the term. There’s something about the word ‘resolve’ that’s so formal and ‘contract-binding’ like. “We hereby resolve to…” It’s as if you didn’t solve the resolve that you have failed? The contract and agreement you made with yourself was a disappointment, a let-down. You then become further discouraged. And you then give up on the whole idea that sparked the resolution in the first place. So I like to use the word ‘goal’ better. A goal is less formal. And reaching that goal then becomes a little less formal too; giving you more leeway as to how to get there, and when to accomplish said goal. It becomes about the doing, and less about the deadline, due date, and resolution itself. Just do - don’t resolve to do. So yeah, I write down goals for the year, each year in January. And it doesn't have to be January 1 - it can still be December, it can be mid January. But roughly around that time of year, I plot out some goals for the upcoming year. I write it all down on actual paper...wood from a tree. Not in my iPhone - but on paper. Did you know that the act of handwriting your goal instead of merely typing it out produces inside of you a whopping 40% higher chance of accomplishing that goal? Who said paper is dead? Right? Get a journal. It can be a cheapo one, a fancy one, a very expensive one…Just get one YOU enjoy looking at every day. Any way, get a journal and start writing down your goals. Then follow up with those goals. About half way through the year, roughly June, or somewhere into July, I follow up with the goals I wrote down on paper in January. It’s a reminder and a refresher for my brain. Oh yeah! I forgot about that one! Oooh… wahoo, I did that one! Or, oh yeah, that one’s still coming up! Pete’s Bar was one of those such goals. One coming up. One I had to wait all year for. It was the act of attending a Thanksgiving morning party that could not be achieved or solved on January 1. Thanksgiving 2019, I finally accomplished that bucket list of a goal. And it was such a good time that it goes without me even having to tell my brain I already know this is going to be a new tradition - an obvious must-do for next year. In 2017, just after moving down here from Illinois, I found out about the Pete’s Bar tradition. I intended to go that year. And it was that year in 2017 we had a Florida rainstorm of rainstorms early Thanksgiving morning. We did our turkey trot, and ran straight to the car. It was a summer rainstorm, in November. It might as well have been a hurricane. It was quite a rain. And we skipped Pete’s Bar entirely that year so hubby and I so we could reach dryer grounds. After all, we had been standing on pavement that had inches of water sitting on it, and cold and soaking wet gym shoes and feet, from doing our turkey trot in a flood. In 2018. we had driven up to Illinois to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family. But that meant yet again, Pete’s Bar was missed by us. And knowing even more about the tradition last year, I told myself - next year, for sure! So then 2019 came along. January was here, and I wrote down my goals for the year. I tend to think broadly and brainstorm broadly. It allows for more creativity and flexibility in all my goals that I aim for. I put down some really fabulous ideas… like starting my Etsy Shop, making my first and very own set of business cards, creating a few wave paintings, attend some more painting workshops, etc. And really a whole page in my journal of purely business goals. I have accomplished ALL. OF. IT. Not one thing left undone for 2019 for Christine’s Floridian Dreams’ small business venture. So I continue working onward. My personal goals are quite different. They are more detailed. Specific books I wanted to read this year, restaurants I wanted to try, towns I wanted to visit. Maybe a specific ice cream shop to try or a new coffee shop I want to visit. And my list is long. Very long. And that’s ok! I write down so many varied and quite unique goals for myself that I know I might not accomplish them all. And that’s ok too! That goes back to GOALS - not resolutions. We all know that the gym is alive and well, breathing, and packed on January 1. Every year. And we all know that by the end of that very month, and onward into February, gym attendance rates drop significantly. Every year. Without fail. People RESOLVE to hit the gym on January 1. And by February they are discouraged and give up. I tend to think they give up because they only thought BIG on January 1. And they forgot to think SMALL as well. Think year-round. It’s those small and incremental changes that work best in life. Don't start BIG on January 1! Start small… And start today. Why not start today? Why not start on November 29. Who said you can’t? Who said you have to wait until January to change your life? If you think of something you want to do, just go ahead and do it, now - get started - now! My goals are broad, and many. I don’t mind one bit that I don’t accomplish all of my goals. I pick and choose the ones that inspire me at the time. I pick the ones that make the most sense to me throughout that year and at that moment. I pick the ones that speak back to me. It’s God’s hand in my goal-setting and it’s God’s hand in my action-taking. Only through what he tells me do I know what I’m going to do next. He leads me. Well, fate and the Lord above, did lead me to Pete’s Bar on Thanksgiving morning of 2019. So this weekend finally arrived, and watching on the news all the absolute crazy winter storms raging all across the country and stranding travelers everywhere, made me relieved and filled with great and deep gratitude that we did not attempt to make the drive up to Illinois. Finally, and after two years of missing it, I wasn’t about to let Thanksgiving 2019 head out the door, before I walked in the door - of Pete’s Bar. And I did just that. It was the BEST DAY EVER. As I've told my family and friends and the internet world and social media. So thank you Pete’s Bar, for a fabulous community gathering like nothing I’ve ever seen. No, not all resolutions, goals, dreams and aspirations, are fulfilled on January 1. Some are resolved or completed on that holiday Thursday of November that comes round each year. And that’s A O K. If you think small, and detailed,, instead of resolving big and broad, you are goal-aiming. Your aspiring. You’re ON THE WAY to getting to where you want to be. You’re deep in the knitty gritty. You. Are. Working. The journey counts too. If I was in purely resolution-mode, instead of goal-mode, when I didn’t reach one of my first resolutions in January, it would have started a downward decline of potentially giving up on my next resolutions. Failure-mode. If one is in failure-mode, it’s that much harder to get where you want to be. It might have led to a completely different year. It may have been more negative than positive. Instead, I live each day in the positive, no matter what happens. No matter what is going on, today is a great day! So go into it all thinking positive. Thinking about the journey. Thinking about flexibility. And thinking each day is a new beginning. SO WHAT!... If you didn’t reach your five pound per month weight loss goal last month. Nobody says that means you have to stop altogether. Maybe you lost 4 pounds instead of five. Maybe you lost one pound. Guess what? You’re still one pound lighter for it. You’re still on the journey. Maybe you gained weight instead of losing? Gasppp… Guess what?... So what! Suck it up - and keep going. Then, GASP again, because of all that breathing and movement you are continuing to do. ***The only difference between those you don’t reach their goals, and those who do, is that fact that achievers just don’t give up! Period. They just keep going. So, just keep going! So what if it takes a month longer. So what if you gained weight and want to lose a huge chunk of it. In failure mode, you’ve already given up. In goal mode, you keep going, no matter what. Eventually, because you are not giving up, you will get there. Well, what if it takes you eight more months to lose the weight? What if you wanted the weight loss done by six months, or a year? If, five years from now, the weight is lost, and you are on your way to doing other new and exciting things… are you really going to care that today, all those years back in the past, that it took you eighteen months to lose the weight, instead of twelve months? Or if the weight loss took three years of the next five? So what? Who cares? Five years from now the weight is off and you are living a different life and you are grateful for the time it took, because the TIME is what made you into who you are five years from now! Don’t hate on time. Don’t complain about time. Use time - to your advantage. Pete’s Bar was a different kind of goal to have. It was one that had to take place on Thanksgiving for me. It wasn’t one I could do during the year. Well, actually, I could walk in Pete’s and visit there, yes, any time. But it was the act of attending ‘Pete’s Bar Thanksgiving Morning Gathering’ that I officially wanted to accomplish. So yeah, this year I did do just that. I pursued all my other goals every other day of the year, browsing and picking and choosing which ones I wanted to work on. Then when Thanksgiving came up to the calendar, I told myself, yes, we’re doing it. No matter what. And that’s exactly what we did. We raced our turkey trot. And went over to Pete’s. The tradition is this: Pete’s is the place to be at the beach on Thanksgiving morning. And there’s nowhere else I would have wanted to be! And it ended up being goal-day all around. I raced the 3.1 mile Tony’s Turkey Trot. Without training and without any prep workreally. My body is now resilient enough to handle the task. That’s something a few years ago would have NEVER worked for me. Hence why it was a great goal accomplished that I merely even went out there and winged it. And then, I took a fall during the race, got back up, and kept going. I tell you this because, a fall such as this one, in the past, is something that would have been devastating to me. It would have destroyed me. It would have turned the dial on me into failure-mode… Leading to further failures. Yes, this Thanksgiving I took a hard, and quite ridiculous fall onto the pavement. And only about a quarter mile into the race. I tripped on one of those huge yellow reflective strips in the middle of the road. It was sticking out of the ground about an inch. It stopped me dead. I fell forward from my momentum and to my left side, pushed my arms out to catch myself. Landing on the glass screen of my Apple Watch of my left arm, my phone and right hand of my other arm sliding and burning onto payment, My left knee hit the road hard and slid and burned my skin from from the scraping as I skidded. And my left shoulder and neck area took the brunt of the fall slamming the pavement with more bruises from that. The fall felt like it took ten minutes. I might as well have been tumbling down the road for a mile. Life went in slow motion. Just like in a movie. I couldn’t stop and couldn’t believe what was happening to me. It was surreal, and a strange feeling. I lost all control, and down I went. I haven’t hit the payment that hard in an athletic event or workout in years upon years. I have fallen so many times in the ancient past, have already had many bruised knees, that the scabbed up and burned left knee I have today from yesterday is merely a fresh coat of paint added onto layers and layers of art from endurance activity of the past. But you wanna know what? The fall did NOT last ten minutes. It lasted maybe a second. And as soon as I was face down on the ground people came by and literally picked me up off the road floor! It all happened faster than I could even believe. And then I just kept running! The very next breath and the very next thing I did was JUST KEEP GOING. I knew I was gonna hurt later. I knew I was hurt right then. But I also knew I didn’t break anything either. And I felt that in that moment as I stood up that I was FINALLY resilient enough to withstand the fall that just happened - hitting the pavement, bruises and blood and all. It was because of the past, all the hard work throughout the recent years, all the resiliency I built up, that led me to having the ability to stand up straight, continue onward, finish the race, and head on down to Pete’s Bar. Ahead right toward a goal I set in January, and meet it with confidence in November. That’s why you KEEP GOING. Because, all those days of movement, all those days when it’s tough, you don’t feel like it, but you do it anyway, even if it's the tiniest action ever, you just keep going. And one day, when you really need it, your body will be strong enough to withstand the pain. The incident. The accident. The heartache. The sadness. Whatever it is that hurts you in that moment. You will be able to bounce back from with a resiliency that you never knew you had. And it will be utilized right then and there, 100% when you need it the most - which is the most important thing to know. And the kindest of kind thank you’s all around to the people who stopped their Thanksgiving Turkey Trot goals themselves, to help me get off the ground. When you feel it’s time to lose faith in all of humanity, all the chaos of the world, don’t. Be that person who stops, for even a second, to help someone else. I honestly didn’t expect to be picked up. In the long ten minute twenty four hour one second that my face was eye to eye with the hard and black roads of Atlantic Beach, I thought how can I possibly pick myself up?! But faster than I could even complete that thought bubble, I had been picked up by others! So beyond my resiliency, it was other humans who helped me initially. We are a team, world. And thank you, from a fellow teammate, for helping me out on Thanksgiving morning. Because you helped me carry on, that act helped me finish my race. And go on to continue to have the best day ever. After my race was over, they ran out of water! And with still tons of people coming in to the finish, and another one mile fun run to go, that wasn’t good news for lots of people who needed a drink. That usually doesn’t happen at the countless running events I’ve participated in during my life. And not even counting my fall as bad, it was the lack of water that was the only real bad thing that happened that day. But I’m assuming they already learned their mistake and will be recalculating their water purchase for next year. Luckily, living in Florida heat, we don’t go anywhere without water in our car. So we walked back to the car to grab my water bottle, I chugged it down. And then we headed back on out to the party I had patiently waited all year for. It was the only race I’ve ever been to where people weren’t filing out to their cars afterward to get on back home quickly to cook their Thanksgiving meal. More people were coming in. By the time we left the party, there were more cars on the streets of Neptune Beach that even the 4th of July. And the 4th tends to be the biggest event in town, or so I thought. I’ve never been to a party like this one. And yes, it really was the best day ever. It reminded me of college spring break in New Orleans. LOL. It reminded me of Key West. It reminded me of VACATION. It reminded me of the best of the best and most fun memories of my life. It reminded me why I’m so very glad I call the beach my home. Thank you to Pete’s Bar for literally throwing the event of the year, here at The Beaches. We purchased two drinks from one of the street tents. Made with champagne and orange juice, and champagne with cranberry juice. I told hubby to order two… not just so he could drink them both, but so we could both stand in front of Pete’s Bar sign, and take a selfie holding our drinks. Mission Accomplished. I am that dork, yes. And yes, we were photo-bombed. It officially ranks as my best photo-bomb to date. And then we went in Pete’s. It was awesome. No other word for it. And it was just as they all said it would be. There were literally rows and rows of premade Bloody Mary’s and such. Get on up to the bar, take your drinks, and pay, fast. They had countless people coming in and out. All leaving to go stand in the street with drinks in their hands, going to talk and drink in front of Pete’s. There were pool tables set up with mixers and garnishes on top. There was another table covered with funny tee shirts and hats for sale. An embroidered turkey holding a Bloody Mary hat. We bought two at $15.00 a piece. They will get used. We left Pete’s so we could let the countless others waiting in line to come in and get their Thanksgiving morning cocktails. We stood outside. We walked all around. The weather was perfect. It was quite a holiday morning indeed. We walked up and down the entire barricaded-off streets. No cars needed or wanted in Beaches Town Center this festive Thanksgiving morning. More people kept coming. I then heard the strangest screeching sound. First, I thought someone was just having a little too much fun… you know, from all the Bloody Mary’s, Mimosa’s, beer, and countless bottles of champagne sitting in buckets of ice under tents, tended to by the local area businesses. But then I heard the screech again. Much louder, and much closer to me. I had to stop and look around. What was that strangest of strange sounds? Omg. It was a parrot. Two actually. And meeting my new parrot friends and holding a parrot for the first time in my life, was another reason all kinds of life goals were achieved Thanksgiving morning of 2019. It wasn't’ the turkey trot, the 5k distance, the act of falling onto pavement, the getting back up and trying once again, not all of that. Been there done that. It was holding a parrot for the first time ever, that really sealed the deal. Yes, it was the best day ever. The man tending to the parrots told me to just hold my arm out. That he won’t bite me. That I shouldn’t be scared. How could I be scared? The person in front of me was a mere small child holding the parrot, if she could do it, I could do it! The blue one came gently onto my forearm. He slowly inched his way up my arm. He kept getting closer. Hello, he said. Hello! I said to him. The parrot keeper said this parrot I was holding was 37 years old! I was in shock at that age for a bird, knowing very little about them. I said, oh hello again, I’m 38 years old! He spoke back to me some more. We were conversing on how good we both look for our similar ages. Sadly, I’m not very sure what he was trying to tell me after that point, though, he kept talking. But yes, we bonded. We’re now friends for life. I miss him already. I tend to think he wished me a Happy Thanksgiving. So moving onward to walk up and down all of Town Center, there was a stage set up by the beach entryway between One Ocean Resort and The Lemon Bar. There were photo booths. There were food trucks serving Atlantic Beach BBQ, and Cuban sandwiches. And walking beyond all the tents of various alcohol for sale, Southern Grounds was open for business! Southern Grounds is one of my favorite places on this earth. And to see them open on this holiday made my day even that much better. The Courtyard was packed! There was a singer and guitar player there as well. We walked in and waited in line for coffee. I’ve been there countless times. It was definitely this busiest I’ve ever seen Southern Grounds. The line for coffees and various tempting pastries was wrapped around the store and to the door. Thank you for being open on Thanksgiving and serving fabulous coffee drinks to the post turkey trot racers and the local community. We sat outside there for a while with our coffees, enjoying the live music. We walked to the end of the street, by the Bookmark. And leaned by the Neptune Beach police cruisers who help make this friendly and casual street party possible. We stood there and looked down the street and took it all in. We said, THIS is a new tradition. And it was at that moment, late into the morning, the sun high in the sky, that a thought came through my head. I realized that had I been home right now, I would have been tending to my turkey by this point. It was then at that exact moment yet another thought bubble popped above my head. Yes, there I stood at the far end of the block party, watching all the fun, the easily thousands of people, thinking it was the best day ever; and my thought bubble informed me that my turkey was still sitting patiently in our freezer. Ha. I finally did it. I am 38 years old after all. I had forgotten to defrost our turkey this year! That never happened to me before. It was bound to happen; after all, I am as old as a blue and yellow parrot. It was either my old-age, or maybe I could attribute that act of forgetting about my turkey to all those above-mentioned goals that I’ve been working on. But, never fear, when we got home we put our turkey in a sink of hot water... That helped do the trick. Two big thumbs up to us. We hung out on the street some more and laughed. When it was time for us to leave, We walked back through the crowds, sipping our coffee, taking it all in, saying goodbye to Pete’s Bar. I will definitely be back. I texted my family and said they really should be considering spending Thanksgiving in the South with us next year. It was the day of days. And we hadn’t even cooked yet. I still had tons of good food to look forward to! Yeah, it really was the best day ever. Now, it’s your turn to have your best day ever. Stop resolving. Stop waiting. Stop being patient for January 1 to come rolling on by. January 1 is NOT your start date. TODAY is your start date. Whatever it is you are wanting. Whatever you are dreaming up inside your head. Whatever throughout bubble forms in the clouds in the sky above your brain. Stop waiting. And start doing. Listen to those bubbles. They may be delicate but they tend to be the thoughts that shine the most. And when you fall, and you fall hard, let others pick you up if need be. Know that you will fall at some point. It’s guaranteed actually. Because you cannot achieve without failure. There is always darkness before the dawn. So accept your fall on the hard ground for what it is. A moment. Get up once again. Let others help. Dust yourself off. And keep going. Cause no matter what day it is, It’s ALWAYS a good day for doing something you’ve always dreamed. So get started today. Set a goal today. Take action. Get out there and make this day, this very Black and very random of Friday’s, the very best day of your life. ~
I love bakeries. I love everything created and made by hand inside of bakeries. My favorite bakeries are the small ones - the local ones - the ones that aren’t part of any chain - the ones no one’s ever really heard of, except those who live right there in that same town alongside it. Sure, I seem to always find time and room for Dunkin and Starbucks, etc. In fact, where else do I run to while on a long road trip but for a Dunkin coffee to keep me awake while I’m driving? But what about all those bakeries scattered across the country that don’t have a drive-thru attached? The bakeries you actually have to get out of your car for, and go inside the building to place your order??? Those bakeries... tend to be the best bakeries. I like to think that my passionate love of bakeries and their heavenly creations runs in my blood... My grandfather was a baker for well over forty years. And when he wasn’t working, both he and my grandmother were at home. They spent hours upon hours in the kitchen. Always cooking. And always baking. Some of my favorite memories with both of them include time well spent in that small kitchen. My sisters and I helped them cook all kinds of food. But my favorite foods they made were their baked goods, of course. My Papa taught us how to hand-roll the dough to make kolacky cookies. We always started by pouring flour onto the table-top - that was my favorite part - making a purposeful and deliberate mess. We rolled the dough and we put in the jellied fillings. We watched them bake. My grandparents made hundreds of cookies, each and every Christmas, before their health declined and they could no longer do it. It seemed to me that everyone they knew was given a large and heaping full silver aluminum tray of kolackys to take home and enjoy on the holiday. I’ve yet to be able to replicate those amazing cookies. I am continually determined to try though. I believe my grandparents teaching us these skills in the kitchen has held influence on my life and transformed my love of food, and really just helped me become the person I am today. Foods are tradition. And when my husband and I bake now, not making nearly as much at a time that my grandparents did in their prime, we are always sure to pass some goodies along to a neighbor, a friend, or to whomever we will be seeing in the coming days. This holiday season I am looking forward to baking chocolate chip cookies, frosted sugar cookies, and Angeletti cookies with my husband. It is now tradition in my home, and someday I’m going to replicate that kolacky as well… maybe even this year. When I lived in Illinois, there was an abundance of local bakeries. I could go in any suburb surrounding me, living just outside of Chicago, and find a bakery. There was never a shortage of places to pick up special cookies for Easter, a coffee cake to bring to a party, or a cake for a special occasion. And my hubby’s favorite item served at any bakery are always their frosted sugar cookies. Me - I like the chocolate donuts. Simple, basic, and the best ever. In my hometown, the Orland Park Bakery is one of God’s best creations. I make it a point to stop there at least once, and most likely always much more than once, every time I go up for a visit. Some years back, I remember one cold December day, my husband and I decided to make the trek all the way out to Chicago just to visit a local bakery and pick up their special St. Nicholas Day gingerbread cookies. My hubby had them in his youth every year, so we wanted to bring the tradition and memories back, and he really wanted me to try them for the first time. Well, being a self-proclaimed bakery connoisseur by this point in my life, I should have well known that making the very long trek fighting through Chicago holiday traffic and ridiculously sloppy weather to arrive at a bakery around two in the afternoon... is really not the best time to arrive at a bakery. Bakeries thrive in the mornings. They are the place to be - in the morning. After almost two hours in the car and arriving mid-afternoon, what in the world was I thinking? We definitely should have gone in the morning for this adventure? But that was a different life I lived, and now I am fully awake by five am daily. Anything later - I tend to consider myself sleeping in. We parked and walked through the icy cold and the busy and festively decorated street to find the bakery, just about to close. The window displays were empty. And once inside, the shelves were near empty as well. Sold out for the day of all product. I was crushed. We inquired... And somehow, by some miracle of the bakery Gods up above, they still had a few St. Nicholas Day cookies left… We’ll take them! We were ecstatic. We took all that remained. Thrilled. We also snagged up a pre-arranged box of their sprinkle cookies simply because it was all that reminded for sale, sitting on a counter and patiently waiting to go home with someone. It was only after this outing did I learn that I could actually pre-order special product at bakeries to guarantee them available when I arrive to pick up. So we were on our way out of the bakery to leave them be as they closed up for the day. It would be many more years before I learned my lesson about “sleeping in” and my enrollment in my own 5am Club membership. To me, at the time, we had simply just ‘lucked out’ that’ they had some cookies left for us to purchase. We then strolled just a short ways down the street from the bakery and dined at a local Bohemian restaurant. It was an old building, and a place beautifully decorated for the upcoming holiday. It was an altogether lovely outing. An outing entirely revolved around bakery as the destination. When I moved to Florida, it was my definite perception and really became quite hard to find a good bakery. They weren’t nearly as abundant as they were in Illinois. And when we did find a bakery - it didn’t taste the same as up north! I am extremely biased though...Chicago has the best food, and nothing else even comes close. So it’s very difficult for me to compare the delicious food from the north with the different food in the south. Today, bakeries are still part of my life. I recently lost a lot of weight and made a complete lifestyle change these past few years. I am much healthier than I was during the earlier part of this decade. I had gained weight during a lot of inactivity, and now I have lost it all, and am quite happy to say that I am very healthy. I lost 83 pounds lost to be exact. I go into great detail on my weight loss journey here if you’d like to check out how I lost 77 of those pounds in one year’s time. How can I be so healthy now and still eat donuts regularly? The answer is simply moderation. And - Discipline. I can eat ALL THE THINGS. Just not ALL THE TIME. I believe that when one fully grasps and understands that simple and basic concept, it can truly be life-changing. And I love baked goods so much that I currently plan a once-a-month outing to our local bakery - Cinotti’s, located in Jax Beach, FL. “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Declared on the top of each box. I lost 83 freaking pounds, while eating treats and breads and pastas and pizza and ice cream - AND - bakery, lots of Cinotti’s Bakery. By establishing that roughly once-a-month outing, this allows for me to have the tasty treats that I love and never, ever want to give up, but also allows for discipline and patience in between outings. All that discipline and patience make for a stronger person. I don’t eat donuts every day - I eat them roughly once a month. And as I’m sure you’ve probably read in every magazine out there preaching at you on how to get healthy - don’t restrict. Don’t eliminate… Meaning, don’t erase foods from your life to get healthy. Learn to live WITH the foods you love. Because life is too short not to eat donuts. Just don’t eat them all the time. Simple, right? These outings are so important to me I classify them by name - and time-and-date stamp them into my iPhone calendar as well. I then share the calendar event with my hubby so he knows when we are going out for donuts. Yay! We have called these visits many things… Fabulous Friday, Wacky Wednesday, Tasty Tuesday, and Terrific Thursday. Whatever we call it isn’t important though; it's simply putting a name to an event on the calendar that is now tradition. Right now, hubby and I are living through our monthly ‘Totally Terrific and Tasty Tuesdays’ - That means we go to Cinotti’s, once a month, on a Tuesday. And my iPhone tells me as much, once a month. So simple, and sooooo delicious. And for our November visit to the bakery, our furry baby Madeline was officially included in this little tradition of ours…. When I happened to glance down while we were paying, and underneath the cash register area toward all the little holiday trinkets for sale inside the shop... dog bones! Better yet - BAKERY dog bones! I was thrilled once again. How absolutely and utterly adorable. Made with flour and peanut butter and really just a few simple ingredients safe for a doggie’s tummy, and with a label calling them Canine Cookies… I HAD to purchase them! When we got home Madeline had the single best treat she ever had in her life. I know this not because she told me in English, but because she literally cried out loud for more after she was done with her very special bone. Even dogs love bakery. And now that I know there is life out there at five am, and that is also roughly when bakeries are usually turning on their lights for the day, we would never now show up at the bakery at such a late hour as two in the afternoon. When that time of the month arrives, and my iPhone vibrates and jingles to tell me it’s our Totally Terrific and Tasty Tuesday, we go outside and exercise before the sun rises, and then head right on over to Cinotti’s. We arrive there fairly early in the morning, when they are fully stocked and selection is overflowing. Parents are bringing in their school-aged children up to the counter so they can pick up a special treat on their way to dropping them off at school. I think of my Papa and all his years upon years of hard work in the bakery. I walk outside carrying my taped, cardboard box of goodness, and I miss him terribly. This box of bakery is a special way of remembering him. Yes, life is too short not to eat donuts. And we bring home our box along with some peanut butter baked dog bones to our very happy, little, eight year old puppy. ~
If you’ve been looking for the finest beignets on the island - and not just any random beignets - then look no further than Another Broken Egg Cafe… Because THEY have the best beignets at the Beach! And, I know, this is definitely not New Orleans… beignets are not plentiful around here. But they really are the best around. I’ve had the opportunity to visit NOLA three times thus far in my life. The most recent trip being in 2016, which feels like an eternity away from such fabulous memories. Such a very special place and a vibrant city that I could easily move to in two seconds flat. So it was 2016 the last time I was blessed with the opportunity of being able to dine upon beignets. On that most recent visit, my hubby and I had arrived in NOLA by rail from Chicago; Amtrak specifically. I remember sitting outside at a table at the famous Cafe Du Monde. It was Thanksgiving weekend. The Christmas season was officially starting and beautifully decorated trees were popping up everywhere I looked. Everything we ate and drank that weekend was divine. But the beignets were the best of it all. We ordered a plate of the traditional beignets, and each a cafe au lait to sip. I remember powdered sugar being everywhere. It’s was draped all over the seat I sat upon. It was layered throughout the entire ground floor of the outdoor patio. It was floating through the surrounding air in swirling motions. It was ghostly and magical at the same time. It had snowed powdered sugar in the city of New Orleans - and it was magic. Because whether or not it was real snow falling, we were sitting at the very heart and soul of NOLA. We sat there and soaked in all the excitement. All the wonderful sights and smells and sounds. If you ever make it to New Orleans, be sure to plan a stop at the Cafe, and remember to get a table for a more leisurely experience. There is also a quick service line area, which mostly caters to the countless tourists who need to taste the piece of heaven but are in a rush to see everything else too. So if you have the time on you hands, take the seat and sit a while. Because sitting down and observation can sometimes be the most moving and important aspect of your travels. And as for the beignets themselves, they were heaven on this earth. And the ones I ate this past week were too! And who would have guessed that ‘Another Broken Egg Cafe’ was born in Louisiana? They really serve up some fabulous southern hospitality at the Broken Egg as well. We had the friendliest server, and the first thing she asked my hubby and I was if we had ever been to the Cafe? No, we said, this was our first visit. We had attempted to dine there a few times, mostly on the weekends, and the place was always packed - too packed to even find a parking space. Most recently, we had made inside the front door. It was a Sunday morning. And everyone in Jax Beach goes out to breakfast on Sunday mornings. We had somewhere to be that day and thought we could “squeeze in” an outing to the Cafe beforehand. They had a one hour wait; sigh - sad face. We had to leave. We reminded ourselves to try them again, on a weekday. So just the other day, which happened to be a Wednesday and just after the lunch time rush, we walked into the Cafe. We literally had the place to ourselves! Such a lovely and peaceful time to dine out sometimes. Since we told our server that this was our first visit, she said she’d be right back. Upon return, she mentioned that an order of beignets had been started for us. It was on the house - it’s their way of welcoming us in, she said, and wanting us to come back again. And as you can tell by the fact that I’m writing about this magnificent food creation, we will most definitely be returning. I ordered what I had intended to order after I had searched their online menu earlier in the day - the classic French toast, a side of baked bacon, and unsweetened iced tea. We each drank at least two glasses of their fabulous tea. The beignets were a very unintended surprise, so I hadn’t planned that food into my day. A few months ago I completed a personal weight-loss journey and major transition to a very healthy lifestyle. But one of the commitments I made to myself during that change was that I would always allow myself desserts. I lost a total of 83 pounds, while never giving up desserts. I love treats too much to eliminate them entirely from my life, and I refused to restrict myself in that area. So any weight loss that occurred had to occur while allowing access to treats. The only difference now being continual moderation. So, with complete confidence - as the completely unplanned powdered beignets were served to me, I was able to sample them. And THAT sample and THIS picture below are the prime reasons that desserts remain a part of my life. Wow. Amazing. Their ‘biscuit beignets’ were heaven on this earth. No words can accurately describe them - and they should definitely not be missed out on. I highly recommend visiting the Cafe and placing an order. Or, better yet, mention that it is your first visit if it truly is, and you’ll probably be treated to a very special treat. The photo at top shows their “half order” that was served to us, which comes with four beignets. A full order comes as a batch of eight.. After my first bite, I immediately inquired if diners are able to place to-go orders. And during this inquiry I multi-tasked... and I dreamed of picking up a full batch of biscuit beignets on a regular basis and eating them all in front of the tv in the evenings, by candlelight… I can dream, right? Yes, of course, our server mentioned. She said that she personally was bringing home a batch for her teenage son that afternoon. She wanted him to help her clean up the house, and her son’s response, can you bring me some beignets? Smart kid. My husband ordered an omelette with a side of baked bacon, and he also drank an unsweetened iced tea. Both of our meals were much too large for us to finish in one sitting. So we had a second meal for the next day made from our leftovers that we brought home. Second-day breakfasts can be the best. But second-day breakfasts with a beignet on the side IS the very best. Beyond our doggie bag, we were also each sent away with to-go cups of yet another glass of iced tea. You definitely get your money’s worth there, that’s for sure. And then, after we paid, our server presented us each with a sealed return certificate. Put them in your purse and don’t open them, she mentioned. When you come back, your server will open the sealed envelope for you and each certificate is a winner… maybe even an order of beignets. After the shock of the beignets wore off, we paid our check and were ready to leave. I made a mental note to myself on the way out the door. We will be back… and while it’s been a very long few years since I made it to NOLA for a visit, something tells me it won’t be nearly that long before I make the trek down A1A for a visit to the Broken Egg Cafe. ~
10/25/2019 0 Comments #17) Fall Flavors ~ Six Simple Steps I’m Taking This Fall To Maintain My Massive Weight LossLiving in Florida, it can be hard to notice the changing of the seasons. I sometimes need to use the drink menu at coffee shops to gauge where we are at on the calendar. And right now, whether we know it or not, it’s still Autumn. And besides driving past a set-up pumpkin patch display in front of a local church the other day, the only change I’ve seen in all the weeks since fall has officially started, is with the drink menu offering all those special, seasonal additions at coffee shops and grocery stores. The most famous of those seasonal drinks being, of course, the Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks, McDonalds, and Dunkin Donuts (Dunkin makes a delicious pumpkin donut by the way). The only other seasonal change I notice here is specifically in Orlando - where Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party has been taking place at the Magic Kingdom now - since August… Yes - you read that right - August. Visitors dressed in their Halloween costumes, trick-or-treating down the festively decorated Main Street USA, since the middle of our hot and Endless Summer. Considering I lost massive weight this past year and am extremely interested and determined to maintain that healthy lifestyle, when all the seasonal pumpkin drinks started to appear on the coffee shop menus, I really wanted to know how many calories are floating around inside those highly-flavored drinks. Well, the news is not so good: ***380 calories for a Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks (!) ***310 calories for a medium Pumpkin Spice Latte at McDonald’s (!) ***420 calories for a medium whole milk Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Signature Latte at Dunkin Donuts (!!!) The amount of calories in just a single one of those drinks is now an entire meals worth of calories for me. I absolutely cannot even imagine drinking that much sweetness at once anymore. So, to help me maintain weight loss, I have been sticking with my usual unsweetened iced tea, or plain, black coffee this season. It took me a little while, over a year ago now, but I am very used to ‘plain’ drinks now. Just the thought of ordering one of those lattes makes my stomach turn around. It’s definitely a good thing for my overall health that I don’t even really want or desire those drinks anymore, and I have also learned and acquired a few other wonderful and simple ways of feeling and enjoying the scents of fall without all the extra calories that can go along with it. Below I’ll explain a variety of ways I’m acknowledging and enjoying the change of season while watching my calorie intake. These are just a few simple ways I am enjoying all that the Autumn season has to offer, without gaining weight, maintaining my weight loss, and not overindulging at all. Specifically, here are six simple ways I’m enjoying Autumn 2019: 1~Candles! Yes, they come first! Because as they say - candles set the mood. And indeed they do. I went out and purchased a few pumpkin scented candles (room sprays work well for this too) and the scent in my home reminds me of all at fall has to offer. I think of hay rides, picking pumpkins, carving those pumpkins, and the scent of homemade pumpkin pie. And the bonus is that breathing in that heavenly scent doesn’t put one extra calorie into my mouth! And since I’ve personally been staying away from Bath & Body Works for a few years now, I shopped around for the best autumn scented candles I could find. I enjoyed browsing around my local Pier 1, admiring all the adorable seasonal decor. And I purchased two three-wick pumpkin spice candles on sale for ten dollars each. I thought that was a reasonable price and keeps me away from Bath & Body Works where I used to spend too much money. And because I love candles so much, we picked out some autumn-scented candles at Target as well. 2 ~ I Avoid ALL The Seasonal Drinks - ALL THE TIME This one is a no-brainer for me. For me - myself - and I - I’ve personally been staying absolutely away from all those high-calorie drinks that happen to be advertised everywhere I look. I stick with my usual drink order. I do NOT indulge in drinks that have calories attached. My usuals are plain water, water with lemon or lime, always ice cold; plus, plain hot coffee, and hot or iced tea. Club soda or sparkling water. Period. Zero calories drinks. I do not indulge in that department. It works for me. It’s become a lifestyle for me and once something is lifestyle it’s easier to maintain. I do recommend trying it out. Plus, in place of all those high calorie drinks, I purchased myself an Alex & Ani ‘Pumpkin Spice’ spice bracelet that I’ve had my eye on since last autumn - and I wear it every day. I enjoy IT - and not the extra calories it implies. 3 ~ Get A Real Pumpkin So simple, right? By purchasing a real pumpkin, which can go for under ten dollars, and small ones, just a couple dollars at the grocery store, you get to enjoy the purest symbol of autumn, every single day. And if you get yours by visiting a pumpkin patch, all the better! And, pumpkins always look fabulous sitting on the front porch, balcony, or lounging in front of a fireplace mantel. Plus, you can turn the pumpkin into a project by then painting it or carving it out. 4 ~ Bake Pumpkin Seeds At Home After we purchase our chosen pumpkin and enjoy the sight of it, on Halloween we carve the pumpkin and scoop it out. Then we bake the seeds in the oven. I always enjoy the scent that is released when carving open the pumpkin… Always so fresh, and smells like a pumpkin patch. I first clean and rinse the seeds, then lay them on a baking sheet on top of non-stick foil with some sea salt sprinkled on top, and bake the pumpkin seeds in the oven. After they are finished being toasted, the seeds have a taste that cannot be replicated by any store-bought seeds. There is always something most refreshing about toasting the seeds on my own. It tastes better, fresher, and it really is. Plus, pumpkin seeds are one of those autumn delights that are very healthy! No weight gain on this one - in fact, eating nuts and seeds is a fantastic way of maintaining my weight loss. 5 ~ Eat the Seasonal Chicken Pot Pie - Just NOT The One Costco Sells With fall comes an abundance of warm and seasonal recipes, like chili… and chicken pot pie. Every autumn I used to look forward to the seasonal changes at Costco by picking up one of their chicken pot pies. We would cook it for dinner and use the leftovers for lunches and dinners throughout the week. But most store-bought chicken pot pies, including Costco’s extremely large pie, are loaded with tons of calories that I do not need or intake anymore after weight loss. The chicken may be healthy, the veggies inside the pie may also be healthy - but the rest of that pie is definitely NOT healthy. And at 525 calories per ⅙ slice, the pie is extremely high in calories. So, I’ve decided that with fall, I can still enjoy the seasonal meal of chicken pot pie. I’m just NOT purchasing the Costco version. I don’t need to give up the food. I just need to enjoy it in a more healthy manner. I’m also staying away from the easy-bake Marie Callender's version - which has a whopping 600 calories - in the smaller version! Instead, on a busy week, we now grab Blake’s Pot Pie. It’s in the freezer section, has 370 calories per pie, and tastes just as good as any other store-bought version. I serve it with a side of steamed green beans, and an easy, healthy, and low-calorie dinner is ready in a flash. I haven’t had the time this season to make a healthy and homemade version though, so if you have a chicken pot pie recipe that you make I’d absolutely love for you to share it with me in the comments below - please! 6 ~ Indulge - Without Overindulging Yes, I still eat the pie. I just don’t eat ALL the pie. We bought a pumpkin pie two times this season from the local Winn Dixie. I can enjoy a slice, or two, even including whip cream on the side. But I don’t eat pie all the time, and don’t worry at all if we don’t finish the whole pie before it goes bad. And yes, I absolutely have thrown out the leftover pie, and more than once. I’m not ashamed. I try not to waste food, but a part of weight loss and weight maintenance is knowing that some food WILL GO TO WASTE. I freeze what I can, I portion out for other meals what I can, I plan ahead like crazy. But there are still some times that food will be thrown away. And part of this pumpkin pie that we purchased did make it to the garbage can. Without my feeling any guilt or feeling bad that food was wasted. If you are looking to lose weight, or to maintain massive weight loss like I am maintaining, you will likely run into having to throw some food away. I have accepted this and do the very best I can not to, but with treats it does happen. I have learned how to indulge - without overindulging. That means some food waste, some times. Part of my weight loss is allowing myself to continue to have all the treats that I love. In moderation. How can I let autumn pass me by without a piece or two of pumpkin pie? I can’t. I have to be able to eat the “normal” seasonal foods that I love without overindulging. Without - missing out. As they say, yes - everything in moderation. Although, as I mentioned above, I do not drink all the fancy and high-calorie coffee drinks anymore. The difference there is lifestyle. I have removed any and all high calorie drinks from my entire lifestyle. So I am used to not having them anymore. To the point that the thought makes me ill just thinking about having one of them. I have very successfully removed those drinks from my life. That’s a choice I made. But I love desserts and treats too much to give them up entirely. I WILL continue to eat desserts - a choice by me to keep them IN my lifestyle. Desserts and treats remain. Which is why I moderate, and why I still eat pumpkin pie, and why I am ok with and understand that some of that dessert will end up in the garbage. And yes, as the saying goes... “Better in the trash, than sitting on my *ss.” Here are a few other ways I’m enjoying the season… So even though I don’t drink all those amazingly fun and delicious autumn-themed drinks anymore, I do watch for their arrival onto the menu each autumn as a way to gauge what season I am currently living in. And then, I go about my usual routine. Adding in the flavors of fall in a very healthy, and very sustainable way. ~
There’s nothing like a warm and delicious pot of chili to help mark the transition to the fall season. Bean’s Soulful Southern Chili will take you into autumn and boost your enjoyment of this festive and colorful time of year. Food was such a large part of my family traditions while growing up. Whether we were making by hand homemade Italian rice balls or cookies at Christmas time, German kolaches, PaPa’s pound cake at Easter (always shaped into a lamb, of course), I learned that each food meant a season, and each season was meant to be celebrated. And celebration meant food! These homemade meals and many more remain a large part of my family traditions today. And as I now find reason to celebrate most anything and everything in life, there is always a food or dish that I can easily match up to help mark any occasion. Whether celebrating a milestone or accomplishment, a season, birthday, or holiday, these events in life go hand-in-hand with appetizing food that’s good for the soul. And with good food comes... Chili! Plus, to make it even better - Bean’s Soulful Southern Chili is part of my healthy lifestyle. I’m a firm believer that any food, dish or recipe can be made in a healthy and satisfying way. My husband and I cooked this chili recipe many times during the year of my weight loss journey and we continue to cook it today. Protein and fiber were my best friends while losing weight, and they remain my best friends now that I am maintaining weight loss. And this recipe is loaded with both protein and fiber. Check. Check. Hooray! Why do protein and fiber make me so very happy? I believe both are key ingredients to help me maintain a healthy weight. Both help my stomach feel full - and feel full longer, and both take time and energy to digest. And the feeling of fullness and not overeating to feel that sensation of being full is key; making both protein and fiber crucial components to not overeating, and thus, not gaining weight. After losing weight I’m very aware that when I’m very hungry now my goal and focus is not to eat more than I should be eating to maintain my weight. If I did eat too much in order to feel that full feeling it can lead to weight gain, even a tiny bit of weight at a time. That seemingly tiny amount of weight gain can add up fast when multiplied meal by meal - real fast; meaning just one meal at a time can lead to weight gain down the road. So, I believe it’s vital to feel satisfied after a meal. Consistently eating a meal and feeling satisfied is important with each meal, every day, and that consistency is key to weight maintenance. And this recipe is well balanced and will help to counteract all those hunger signs. One bowl of this chili for dinner, with a small and sensible dessert, and my stomach is not hungry all evening. How is Chili a part of my family and food traditions throughout the year? I make this chili recipe guaranteed on three specific dates, plus any other time of year we simply have a taste for it. But these three dates have become a food tradition in my home. I make Chili on the first day of autumn, and I always make chili every year on Halloween, as well as every New Year’s Day. Some of these days are times when we tend to be home… chilling out, reading a book and burning a pumpkin scented candle, or watching a good film. It’s just an absolutely lovely feeling to know that a good and healthy dinner is simmering on the stove top, with not much prep work at all, and helps boost relaxation. So go ahead and make a nice hot pot of chili and sit down with a good book while it simmers. Ingredients: 1.5 LBS lean ground beef 1 sweet onion - chopped 1 large 28 OZ can Cento tomato purée 1 15 OZ can tomato sauce 1 15.5 OZ can dark red kidney beans 1 15.5 OZ can light red kidney beans 1 15.5 OZ can navy kidney beans 1 tsp McCormick Chili Seasoning 1 tsp Peppercorn from a freshly ground peppercorn grinder 1 tsp olive oil Pinch of sea salt to taste Directions: *Pour olive oil into large pot. *Put ground beef in pot and start simmering. *While ground beef is simmering chop onion. *Add peppercorn and sea salt while simmering. *Continue cooking beef low to medium heat and as simmering ground the meat with wooden spoon into smaller chunks - not too fine, just small chunks. *Pour chopped onion into the simmering beef and continue simmering low to medium. *When ground beef is browned, add all cans of beans, then tomato purée and tomato sauce. *Add chili powder seasoning. *Add about one 15 OZ can of water. *Stir. *Put lid on pot and simmer on low about an hour, stirring about every 15 minutes. **Optional: Serve over pasta shells and/or add Parmesan cheese on top. ***Enjoy! ~ Now it’s time to feed your soul! ~~ For more of Beans’s recipes, click below: Beans’s Minestrone Soup Recipe
9/13/2019 0 Comments #7) My ‘Before & After’ ~~ How A Single Act of Kindness, Lime Bubly, and MyFitnessPal Helped Me Lose 77 Pounds in One YearWell I never thought I would have a weight loss “before and after” — but here I am with my very own story to tell. Including the photos that I am now plastering onto the internet, with no shame, no remorse, no guilt, and no regrets. I share it with the hope that it reaches even one other individual who may benefit from my journey in some positive way. I never thought this would be me at 38 years of age, having a personal weight loss success story, mostly because when I was younger I was always very athletic during my entire early and young adult life. I was a runner, and played lots of different sports in school and all the way into college with two-a-day practices. Weight was nothing I ever, and I mean never, ever, needed to worry about. I did not gain what they then called the ‘freshman fifteen’ at college. And I ate ice cream every darn day in the university dining hall. Sprinkles ALWAYS included. After college I started working, and still my weight was just fine. Then, at about thirty years old, everything changed. I fought the change hard, and even tried to run through it, literally. My entire life had changed, slowly by the day, and yet, overnight as well. Running came to a dead halt - in fact, I honestly thought I would never run another step in my entire lifetime. I had some extremely complicated health issues come up; and I no longer felt in control of my own life. And on top of it all, I started to gain weight. The weight slowly crept up and up for most of my early thirties. I watched all of this change happening to me and felt truly and completely helpless to it all. It wasn’t a good life change. It was bad change. And change is the singular reason I gained weight. I could be ashamed of it and regret it and hate myself for it… but I’m not ashamed, and I don’t regret it, and I definitely don’t hate myself for it. ZERO shame, ZERO regrets. And ZERO embarrassment either. Because if I did I wouldn’t be able to get past it all and change my life for the better. No regrets, because if I didn’t live through what I lived through I wouldn’t be living my very best life — right here, right now. Below = Me - Before (at my heaviest): Weight gain and weight loss is as simple and as complex as any and all change really. It can happen fast; it can happen slow. And how an individual responds to any change can help develop their character... Their character that can continue to mold and change and grow a person further into who they are meant to be. In August of 2018, my family in Chicago came to visit me and my husband down in Florida. They took the long two day drive down, and with that drive came their car stocked full of supplies for the road, including a cooler and snacks of course. On the first full day they were down here, we all went on a wonderful mini road trip up north to Amelia Island for the day. And not getting to see my nephew very much, since our move away from Illinois had occurred just before he was born, I embraced riding in their car with them for the day. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to spend some quality time with my newest family member; every time my nephew said ‘hi’ over and over again on repeat, and ‘big truck’ for every large vehicle he saw on the road, I laughed. While enroute to Amelia Island and taking the car onto the auto ferry and out across the St. Johns River, my brother-in-law was kind enough to offer me a can of Lime Bubly to drink that they had stocked in the car. This one pure and simple act of kindness and generosity really can ripple effect and change someone’s life forever. I had never found a sparkling water brand that I liked. And I LOVED Coke. I always knew if I wanted to be really and truly healthy I needed to say goodbye to Coke and soft drinks from my life. I gladly took the Bubly from him and embraced trying this different brand of carbonated water for the first time. Later that weekend at the grocery store I stocked up my cart with Lime Bubly. I devoted an entire shelf in my refrigerator to those bright green and happy looking cans. The cans have the words ‘oh hi’ printed on their cap… I thought of my nephew… oh ‘hi’ on repeat. Every time I wanted pop or that distinct feel of carbonation and bubbles in my mouth I took out a Lime Bubly. I stopped buying pop. I promised myself that much… that I could stop drinking pop. Even if nothing else changed regarding my health, I was going to be healthier for that one singular change. And with that one act, between August and into September, I lost seven pounds. I was utterly and truly amazed! I was absolutely fascinated that I could lose weight — even if it was just a few pounds in the bigger picture — without pills or any other strange and unnatural concoctions. I was truly shocked with each pound that had come off... And with that initial accomplishment, the thought then entered my mind that maybe I could actually lose the weight I had gained during this tumultuous past decade of my life... I became determined. I had given myself the momentum I needed, and was ready to take massive action. You see, momentum doesn’t just occur, or happen on its own, it has to be propelled by your very own initial movements. And once momentum is gained, it then becomes ever and increasingly difficult to stop once you’ve taken off and started the ride. I had the keys in my hand, I had started the engine, and now I had just hit the gas. I accelerated… it had just taken me a very long while to know that I was the one who was sitting in the driver’s seat all along. Being a very visual person, I knew if I stood any chance of success that I would need a way to track my progress, and track my food. I needed a way to see those seven pounds and the unknown number of future pounds in a graph format. I wanted to see the speed and rate of pounds lost. I needed to see it written down or visualed somehow to grasp the concept of the weight lost. And most importantly, I needed to understand how much energy (calories) to take in every day for success with both weight loss and weight maintenance. I had started traveling down the road; I now needed to know what lane was best for me to get into for safe travels on the journey. Being a runner, while growing up I had counted and logged every mile I ran throughout high school. I logged so many darn miles run that when I graduated my parents put that crazy number on my graduation cake written into the frosting: 2,551 miles run in high school alone. If I can track thousands of miles run over the course of my early life, without the internet, then I can track the calories I ingest every day, today, with all the technology of the world at my fingertips, no problem. I remembered my dear friend talking about MyFitnessPal a couple years ago. My perception was that she really embraced the use of that app and had molded it into her lifestyle very nicely to help her track her calorie intake, accurately, and with great success. In the back of my mind and in the front of my mind I knew whatever I was going to do from there on was going to have to be a lifestyle change. Not a short stint. No 21 Day Fixes for me. I needed routine and craved routine and needed to make gradual lifestyle changes, nothing abrupt. So on September 12, 2018, and seven pounds down, I went ahead and downloaded the MyFitnessPal app. For the first time ever I typed my own weight into a digital database. It was NOT a good feeling. But I fought the horrible feeling and continued onward. I followed all the prompts. I read all the articles. I read all the notifications. I did what it said for me to do, and in my own way. I wanted MyFitnessPal to be a tool, and not in any way for it to ever become a necessity or a hindrance in my life. And by this I mean I wanted to utilize MFP and other such tools to help me reach my goals, but for these tools to not become something I depended on for the rest of my life. Unless I really wanted to, I didn’t want to need the app to be successful in my journey. I didn’t want to become addicted to it for the physical changes to happen or stay with me. If the Internet ever went down, I wanted to still be able to know how to eat and intake a healthy amount of fuel each day. I told myself whatever change I made had to be a change I could do every day no matter the circumstance. No matter what technology provides us in the future, and no matter what food inventory was being sold at the grocery store on any given day. I never once told myself that I needed the app or that I would gain a ton of weight without access to that app. Thus, I chose to remain on the free version of the MFP, and still have never once enrolled and paid for premium access. The only thing I truly needed - was me… Me, and my knowledge, and experience, and the correct use of tools, to appropriately help me get where I wanted to be. I logged everything into MyFitnessPal for one single, solitary day. The next day the app suggested I take a picture of myself. Aghhhh!! The picture, it emphasized, would be to show my progress. At this stage I was absolutely mortified of a starting picture. Or a ‘before’ picture. Before WHAT??? I thought. Before. What. What is going to happen to me that I would progress from that point? I was honestly scared. The thought was almost too much to handle. I nearly quit the app right then and there. I could barely even stomach the thought of telling my husband that I had joined what I thought was a calorie-counting app, let alone take a photo of myself at the beginning of this - whatever ‘this’ was. So I was about to log out of the app and not take the photo. Go ahead Christine! - Delete your newest online account. Unsubscribe. I had horrific, fearful thoughts of not succeeding in any way. It would kill me, I thought, to not succeed at such a large and monumental task. I was on the verge and ready to give up. As I was contemplating these actions, I remembered that I had already given what I deemed at the time the most important of important information into the app the day before. I had already told MFP my current weight! If I could do that, then I could take a picture of myself, right? Movement. Action. Momentum. Action. Massive action. So, before going any further in either direction, I decided to do some initial and brief reading on weight loss before and after photos. I was absolutely and positively mesmerized! Wow! People took photos of their weight loss journeys and posted them online?! It was shocking and very motivational. There’s an entire online industry of weight loss and health and fitness individuals who inspire people to change their own lives! This is a big, and I mean BIG, industry! I just didn’t know how big, and was never even aware of it, because I was never needing to even be aware of it before then in my life. So after some initial perusing online, I said, omg, what the heck, I’ll take the photos. Go ahead Christine, follow the prompts. Take the darn photo. My God in Heaven, what in the world was I doing? What was I getting myself into?! One photo can help change your life. Take that photo. Do it. Embrace it. On September 13, 2018, one solid day into MyFitnessPal online, I took what would become my official ‘before’ photo. And that initial photo now stands in contrast with me, present day, September 13, 2019. And a loss of 77 pounds. My very own “Before & After” weight loss success photo. How did I lose those 77 pounds? Through much patience, discipline, routine, and logging. I also got over my fear of even talking about the process and told my husband right away when I got started. For some reason I thought he would be mad at my attempt - but he wasn’t. Quite the contrary - he has been immensely and extremely supportive. And this entire past year of the process he has been with me and encouraging me every step of the way. I also lost the weight through the use of great tools. I successfully molded MyFitnessPal into my newly embraced ‘Lime Bubly Lifestyle.’ The cool green cans and the app were great TOOLS for me. Tools I could utilize, but tools I made sure I never NEEDED to survive. I would go days or weeks WITHOUT the Lime Bubly just to prove to myself I didn’t need it to lose weight. But gosh, the weight was falling off me. I tracked my calorie intake with MFP and ate the amount of calories it told me to eat. And yes, I made plenty of mistakes. I just didn’t let those mistakes derail me or my progress. I embraced each mistake and learned from it. This made my drive and determination and motivation grow even further to succeed. I read. I watched videos. I listened to podcasts. Lots and lots of podcasts. Some of my favorite online health and fitness humans are Corinne Crabtree of ‘Phit & Phat’ on podcast, and John Glaude of ‘Obese To Beast’ and Alan Roberts of ‘Every Damn Day Fitness’ on YouTube. I really resonate with these three amazing individuals the most, and highly recommend listening to them or watching them or following them if you want to lose weight for real, for good, and to help you change your life for the better. They are as real and as raw as me and my story. They are honest and truthful. They can act as that extra ‘push’ you might need every day to keep going. With the help of those weight loss rockstars, and many others, I really educated myself on the process of losing weight. I came to understand that weight loss is math. It’s mathematics - and it’s science - and it’s physics. Weight loss is simply eating less fuel than your body needs to maintain its current weight each day. So with MFP helping me add up the daily math, and my grasping and understanding of that simple scientific concept, nothing could stop me from succeeding. I lived and breathed and ate and logged and ate and logged. Repeatedly. Repetition. Routine. And now today I have reached a one year milestone achievement of this newly embraced, and most welcome, healthier lifestyle. It’s all real. It’s untouched. And it is my sincere hope that this story, and with associated visuals to coincide, may help you, or someone you know… Someone who may be in the initial stages of weight loss; someone you know who is well into their weight loss journey but isn’t finished yet, or someone so lost and so far back behind the starting line that they’ve never even seen the internet world of “Before & After” yet - someone just like I was a year ago when I didn’t really know that there was a whole world out there of people who struggled with weight gain just like I did. The weight has been coming off for over a solid year now, falling strategically and healthily into a range I am so very happy with. I loved myself before, but I love myself more now. It’s not because I look different; I love who I have become and am so very happy with ME. The physical pounds coming off my body have changed my life both physically and mentally. I have made lots and lots of life changes since I moved across the country a few years ago, but so very many of them have grown and magnified and developed into a life all their own during this past year of weight loss. My confidence is intact and strong and growing stronger every day. I spend money differently now, and am very strategic and responsible with every penny I spend (and I had kept a budget for years before this change too). Plus, I’ve really embraced minimalism, even more so now than when I started seeking a minimalist lifestyle a few years back. Below = Me - During ~~~ Enjoying the ride... And finally, I’ve joined the 5am Club. Yes, that dreaded nightmare of a club, where I wake up every day at five o’clock. And by doing it every day, I am an official card-carrying member. I recommend it highly — Do it. Join it. It may just be the single best card you carry in your wallet. And yet, gosh, I tell you, it’s not an easy club to join. And the membership fee is pretty steep. But if you join, it will change your life in ways you never dreamed of. In this past year of journeying through seventy seven pounds leaving my body, and waking before the sun rises, I am happy to report that my health is improved, I published my website, started my very own Etsy Shop, make tee-shirt designs, have a fully functioning art studio in my home, and am writing my own lifestyle blog. But joining the 5am Club gets a big bold bullet point of emphasis all its own. Waking that early - on purpose - and even many days before five in the morning, is literally the swift kick in the BE-Hind that I have always needed to push myself beyond my limits. And at 38 years of age, I love that push, I embrace that push, and I love who I have become because of that push. I love challenging myself every day, and I wouldn’t change a thing… Although I do fully embrace any change coming my way. And yes, I still do eat ice cream — sprinkles included — just not every day. So with all that being said, I do hope by sharing with you the story of my journey, that any one part of it may have resonated with you in a change you have made or are looking to make in your life? Please let me know in the comments down below your thoughts, and what steps you are taking daily to improve your own life? But most importantly, let me know if you also like a nice, cool green, icy cold can of delicious Lime Bubly.
February 2025
CategoriesAll 100th YouTube Video 12 South 12 South Nashville 12th Annual Deck The Chairs 15K National Championship 1935 Hurricane Memorial 1 Hour Loop Ocean Sounds 1 Mile Fun Run 1st Place Sports 1 Year As A Livestreamer 2020 2024 2024 Periodical Cicada Emergence 2024 Sleighin' Sweets Scented Plush 2025 2025 Planner 225 Christmas Trees 26.2 With Donna 30 Minute Beach Walk 3D Wood Dog Ornament 44th Birthday 4Ocean 4th Of July 4th Of July Travel 5K Race 9/11 A1A ABBQ Acosta Bridge Acrylic Acrylic On Canvas Acrylic Painting Acrylic Painting On Burned Wood Acure Acure SPF 30 Day Cream Adairsville Advent Calendars Adventure Adversity A Guy & A Golden A Guy And A Golden Alan Roberts Alba Botanica Alba Botanica Hawaiian Coconut Sunscreen SPF 50 Alba Botanica Kids SPF 50 Al Carius Alligator All Wheel Drive Amanda Moon Art Amazon Amazon KDP Amelia Island Amelia Island Coffee Amelia Island Florida Amelia Linen & Wood Amelia Schoolhouse Inn America American Red Cross American River Cruises Amphitheater Amtrak Amtrak Auto Train Amtrak Roomette Amtrak Silver Service Amtrak Silver Star Angeletti Cookies Angel Food Cake Angies Grom Angies Subs Anna Maria Anna Maria City Pier Anna Maria Florida Anna Maria Island Annual Tradition Another Broken Egg Cafe Appetizer Apple Cider Donut Apple Watch A Quiet Morning Arlington Lions Club Park Art Artist Arts Education Art Studio Ascension St. Vincent's ASMR Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach Arts Market Atlantic Beach Barbecue Atlantic Beach Elementary School Atlantic Beach Fire Department Atlantic Beach Heritage Tree Atlantic Beach Police Department Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Ocean Auntie Anne's Author Auto Ferry Autumn Autumnal Equinox Autumn In Avondale Autumn In Florida Autumn In The South Avenida Menendez Aviles Street Avondale A Year Brushed Upon Canvas Azure Oceanfront Residences Baby! BabylissPro Hair Straightener Baby Steps Background Ambience Back To School Sales Tax Holiday Bacon Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts Bahama Mama Bahia Honda Bahia Honda Key Bahia Honda State Park Baker Bakery Bake With Me Baking Baking Night Baking Powder Bali Balis Park Basic Invite Basketball Batch Bay Breeze Cottages Bayfront Inn Bayfront Marin House Bayfront Westcott House Bed & Breakfast Baymeadows Beach Beach Ambience Beach Boulevard Beach Cottage Beach Diner Beach Diner Ponte Vedra Beach Beaches Art Fest Beaches At Vilano Beaches For Australia Beaches Go Green Beaches Green Market Beaches History Museum Beaches Museum Beaches Oktoberfest Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol Beaches Town Center Beaches Veterans Memorial Park Beaches Water Tours Beach Fest Beach Getaway Beachin' Beach Style Beach Town Beach Vibes Beach Walk Beach Walkover Beans Baking Series Beans Basement Bash Beans Best Award Winner Bean's Best Bakery Blowout Beans Coffee Shop Challenge Beans Recipes Beautiful Beef Stew Before And After Beignets Bennie Furlong Senior Center Ben's Soft Pretzel's BEPREADY Best Western Best Western Historic Bayfront Best Western Oceanfront Betty Crocker Betty Crocker Angel Food White Cake Mix BeYou Jewelry Big Talbot Island State Park Bird Bird Island Bird Island Park Birds Bird Watching Birthday Birthday Party Birthday Zoomies Black Friday Blackhawk Bluff Blackhawk Trail Black Raven Pirate Ship Black Raven Pirate Ship Adventures Blowout Blue Angels Blueberry Muffin Bluebird Bluebird Of Happiness Bluebird Of Happiness Statue Blue Bloods Blue Cypress Fishing Pier Blue Moon Blue Orchid Thai Cuisine Boardwalk Boat Parade Bontill Boo Buckets Book Launch Book Proposal Boone Park Boone Park South Boxty Brach's Brach's Halloween Mellowcreme Pumpkins Bradenton Beach Brayden Of Mickey Views Breakfast Breakfast Review Breezy Coffee Shop Breidert Green Brewery Review Brick Restaurant Bridge Of Lions Broad Street Broad Street Chattanooga Broadway Bronchitis Brooklyn Bryan Pieper Bucee's Buffalo Check Burger Republic Butter Butterball Turkey Talk Line Butterfly Butterfly Garden Cafe Du Monde Calhoun California Calming Cal-Sag Channel Cal-Sag Trail Candy Cane Cookies Cantina Louie Carnival Cruise Line Carnival Elation Carriage Way - Centennial Bed & Breakfast Carriage Way Inn Bed & Breakfast Casa De Buenos Bed & Breakfast Casa Marina Hotel And Restaurant Casa Monica Resort & Spa Castaway Island Preserve Castillo De San Marcos Cat Cafe Celebrate Celebration Celebration 5K Celebration Florida Cell Phone Centennial Park Centre Centre Street Change Change Your Life Characters Charms CC Charms CC On Etsy Chattanooga Chattanooga Tennessee Chaunies Coffee Truck Cheap Holiday Photo Cards Cheers Cheeseburger Cheeseburgers In Paradise Chicago Chicago Food Chicagoland Chicago Pizza Chicken Chickens Children's Arts Children's Book Children's Book Illustrator Children's Books Chili Recipe Chill Chimney Chocolate Chip Cookies Chocolate Chip Muffin & Quick Bread Mix Christmas Christmas Cookies Christmas Cookie Tin Christmas Cookie Week Christmas Day Christmas Decor Christmas Decorations Christmas Eve Christmas In Avondale Christmas In The South Christmas In The Sunshine State Christmas Lights Christmas Merch Christmas Pajamas Christmas Pop Up Bar Christmas Shopping Christmas Tree Christmas Tree Trail Christmas Vacation Church Cicada Cicada Coemergence Cinderella Castle Cinottis Bakery Jax Beach City Of Angels City Of Atlantic Beach City Of Jacksonville City Of Jacksonville Florida Special Events City Of St. Augustine City & See Civil War 2.0 Clark Griswold Clay County Clay County Historical And Railroad Museum Clay County Historical Society Clinique Clinique Moisture Surge SPF 28 Clinique Superdefense City Block SPF 50 Clover Coastal Birds Coastal River Town Coastal Town Coast Guard Coffee Coffee Plantation Cafe Cold Cold & Flu Season Cold Press Watercolor Paper College Columbia Restaurant Comfort Comfort Zone Community Community Blood Drive Community Garden Community Loaves Community Of Dreamers Community Presbyterian Church Atlantic Beach Compass Competition Consistency Constitution Plaza Content Creator Cook County Cookie Dough Cookies Cook With Me Coola Cordele Cordele Railway Park Cordova Street Corinne Crabtree Corona Coronavirus Cottage By The Sea Courtyard By Marriott Courtyard Marriott Jacksonville Beach Oceanfront CoVid19 Crane Island Creative Discovery Museum Crescent City Crescent Lake Crisp County Crock Pot Crocs Cross Country CSX CSX Railroad Cumberland River Cumberland River Greenway Downtown Connector Trailhead Cummer Cafe Review Cummer Museum Cummer Museum Of Art & Gardens Cupcakes Curiosity Daily Activity Daily's Place Dames Point Bridge Dames Point Bridge Park Dancin' In The Street Dangerous Ocean Conditions Danny Reagan Dapper Dans Daschund Daylight Savings Time Daytona Beach Day Trip Debby December December Birthday December In Florida Deck The Chairs Deck The Halls Declaration Delicomb Deltona Dessert Detailed Cottage Tour Detailed Room Tour Deviled Eggs Diamond Junction Diamond Junction Interchange Dickens On Centre Dick Mondell's Burger & Fries Dining In Atlantic Beach Dining In Jax Beach Dining In Ponte Vedra Beach Dining In St. Augustine Dining On The Water Dining Review Dining Review Vilano Beach Directions Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday Disney Disney Girl Kim Disney Munchling Disney Parks With Love Janel Disney Parks With Love - Janel Disney Springs DIY DJI DJI Air 3 Drone DJI Phantom 4 Drone Doctor Appointment Dog Birthday Party Dog Days Of Summer Doggie Stroller Dog Life Dog Ornament Dog Pajamas Do It Yourself Dolphins Don't Forget To Hang Up Your Sock Don't Tread On Me Donut Decision Day Donut Decision Day 2024 Donuts DoubleTree Doubletree By Hilton Hotel St. Augustine Historic District Dough Day Downtown Fernandina Beach Historic District Downtown Jacksonville Downtown Lemont Historic District Downtown Nashville Dream Dream Big Dreamers Dreaming In The 904 Driftwood Jax Beach Drive On Beach Drive Thru Lights Driving Tour Drone Drone Video Duck Pond Ducks Dune Restoration Project Dunkin Dunkin' Dunkin' Blueberry Muffin Dunkin Donuts Dunkin Munckins Dutton Island Preserve Duuuvall Duval County Shore Restoration Project Duval Street Each Day Is A New Beginning Earth Earth Day East Coast Greenway Easter Easter Sunday Brunch Ebay Eclipse Box Edens Leaf Naturals Edgewood Avenue Eggnog Element Element Jacksonville Beach Element Jax Beach Eleven South Review El Faro Memorial Ellie And Emma Ellie Golden Life Embarkation Embassy Suites Embassy Suites By Hilton St. Augustine Beach Oceanfront Resort Emerald Coast Endless Summer End Of Summer Escape Etsy Etsy Seller Everbank Stadium Every Damn Day Fitness Everything Bagel Executive Order Exploration Explore Explore Amelia Explore Georgia Explore With Me Exterior Walking Tour Facebook Fairfield Inn & Suites Fairfield Inn & Suites Jacksonville Beach Faith Falcon Heavy Fall Fall Front Porch Fall In Florida Fall In St. Augustine Fall O Stream Fall-O-Stream Family Family Traditions Father's Day Fernandina Beach Film Review Fireplace Fireworks First Coast Life First Day Of Fall First Watch Fish Fishing Fishing Pier Five Points Flag Day Fletcher Park Floating Generation Florida Florida Cold Front Florida Cracker Kitchen Florida East Coast Railway Florida Endless Summer Florida Keys Florida Man Florida Skimboarding Pro/AM Tournament Florida's Oldest Race Florida State Of Emergency Florida State Park Florida State Parks Florida Sunshine Florida Winter Flour Flour Explosion Flowers Football Stadium ForestCulture ForestCulture Etsy Shop Forest Preserve Forest Preserve District Of Cook County Forest Preserve District Of Will County Fort Clinch State Park Fort George Island Fort. George Island Fort Nashborough Fort Sackville Foundation Foundation Of Faith Four Four Points By Sheraton Foxtail Coffee Co. Frankfort Frankfort Country Market Frankfort Fall Festival Frankfort Fire Protection District Frankfort Grainery Frankfort Illinois Frank Reagan Frazier Park Freedom Freight Train French Cafe Fresh Off The Palette Friday Night Live Friday The 13th Friendship Friendship Fountain Frosting Fuller Warren Bridge Full Moon Full POV Fundraiser Fun Facts Garlic Artichoke Dip Gate River Run Gateway To South Georgia Geese Genevieve Genevieve Noel Genevieve's Homemade Blueberry Frozen Dog Treats Genevieve's Homemade Pumpkin Peanut Butter Dog Treats George Rogers Clark Memorial Georgia Georgia Southern & Florida Railway Get Ready With Me Gina Cristine Photography Gingerbread Haunted House Gingerbread House Gingerbread House Competition Gingerbread House Kit Girvin Road Give Some Away Giving Glade Pumpkin Candle Golden Hour Golden Retriever Golf Carts Goodbye Good Morning Good Tidings Goo & Matt Goo To You GooToYouLIVE Gourds Grace Grandpa Grape & Grain Exchange Grateful Gratitude Great Blue Heron Great Florida Birding & Wildlife Trail Green Cove Springs Green Spaces Green Springs Park Green Sulfur Spring Groundhog Groundhog Day GRWM Guana River Preserve Gulf Coast Guy Fieri Halloween Halloween Advent Calendar Halloween Decorations Halloween Ghost Mug From Target Halloween LED Purple Lights Halloween Merch Halloween Pumpkin Mug From Target Halloween Squishmallow Mystery Box Halloween Trees 2 Pack Hallow Stream Hallow-Stream Hampton Inn Hampton Inn Jacksonville Beach Oceanfront Hampton Inn St. Augustine Beach Hampton Inn & Suites Chattanooga/Downtown Hampton Inn & Suites St. Augustine Villano Beach Hampton Inn & Suites St. Augustine - Villano Beach Happiness Happiness Found Happy Birthday Happy Fall Happy Groundhog Day Happy Halloween Happy Holidays Happy Jimmy Buffett Day Happy Labor Day Happy Monday Happy Monday! Happy New Year Happy New Year's Eve Happy Thanksgiving Happy Veterans Day Hauntingly Good Times On Amelia Island And Beyond Hawkers Asian Street Fare Heart Of Georgia Railroad Hemingway Henry Flagler Heron Hey Boo Hey JB Hialeah Hibiscus Hickory Creek Hickory Creek Preserve Highway I-4 Hills For Helene Hills For Helene Miles For Milton Hills For Helene - Miles For Milton Hilton Hilton Curio Collection Hilton Garden Inn Hilton Garden Inn St. Augustine Beach Hilton St. Augustine Historic Bayfront Historic Historic Avondale Historic Bridge Street Pier Historic Downtown Fernandina Beach Historic Downtown Frankfort Illinois Historic Downtown St. Augustine Historic Downtown Valdosta Georgia Historic Downtown Vincennes Indiana Historic Old City Jail Historic San Marco History Hocus Pocus Holiday Holiday Baking Traditions Holiday Decorations Holiday Event Holiday Inn Holiday Inn Express Holiday Inn Express Jacksonville Beach Holiday Inn Express St. Augustine - Vilano Beach Holiday Organization Holiday Season Holidays In Jax Beach Holidays In Neptune Beach Holiday Spirit Holiday Week Holly Holly Berry Holly Branch Home Hospital Hot Chocolate Hotel Palms Hotel Review Hotel Room Tour Hotels Howard Gilman Memorial Park Howell Park Hoyt House Inn Huguenot Lagoon Huguenot Tennis Park Humans Helping Humans Humidifier Hurricane Hurricane Beryl Hurricane Debby Hurricane Disaster Reief Hurricane Helene Hurricane Joaquin Hurricane Kit Hurricane Milton Hurricane Relief Hurricane Season Hyatt Place St. Augustine Hydrate Ice Cream Iced Coffee Iced Tea Iguana Illinois Illustrator I&M Canal I&M Canal Trail I&M Canal Trail Passage Indiana Ingredients Interactive Pet Puzzle Intracoastal Intracoastal Preserve Intracoastal Waterway Intuition Ale Works Review IPhone IPhone 16 Pro Max Ireland Irish Blessings Irish Blessings To You Irish Food Irish Mode On Irving Berlin Isaiah David Hart Bridge Is It Humid Out Today? Islamorada Island Donuts Isle Of Eight Flags Italian Restaurant It's Cold It's Gonna Be May Jack-O-Lantern Jacksonville Jacksonville Beach Jacksonville Beach Fishing Pier Jacksonville Beach Tennis Center Jacksonville Grand Prix Jacksonville Northbank Riverwalk Jacksonville Preparedness Puppy Cricket Jacksonville Public Library Jacksonville Riverwalk Jacksonville's Brooklyn Neighborhood Jacksonville Track Club James Bond Jamie Reagan Janel Love January Jarboe Park Jarboe Park Christmas Tree Jax Jax 4 Kids Jax Beach Jax Beach Art Walk Jax Beach Coffee Shop Jax Beach Pier Jax Beach Vintage Flea Market Jax Ready JaxReady Jax Today Jellyfish Jerusalem Jesus Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Day Jimmy Buffett Memorial Highway Jimmy Buffett Sunset Cruise Jimmy Johns Joe's Crab Shack John Glaude John Ross Joliet Joliet Iron Works Historic Site Jolly Holiday Joy JTC Running Keep Shaking Your Tail Feathers Key Largo Key Largo Florida Key West Key West Florida Key West Half Marathon Kilwins Kindness Kindred Spirits King Tide Kiss The Sun Goodnight With Me KitchenAid Kona Ice Kookaburra Coffee Krispy Kreme Labor Day Lake Katherine Lake Katherine Nature Center & Botanic Gardens Lake Monroe Lake Monroe Historic Bridge Landon Park Latte Lemon Bar Lemont Lemont Area Historical Society Lemont Illinois Lemont Metra Train Station Le Petit Paris Let's Paint Together Liberty Library Life Along The Coast Life Before Facebook Lifeguard Chairs Life Is Like A Hurricane Life On The Coast Life Story Lifestyle Light Up Ceramic Haunted House Light-Up Ceramic Haunted House Light Up Ceramic Pumpkin Light-Up Ceramic Pumpkin Lilly Pulitzer Lime Bubly Limestone Lined Notebook & Little Donuts Live Oak Tree Livestream Livestream On YouTube Livestream Schedule Livestream YouTube Poll LIVE Walking Tour Lizard Los Angeles Love Love Life Love Muffin Love Yourself Low Tide Luck Of The Irish Lumi Bean Candles Luna The Mini Cockapoo Maggie Smith Magic Magic Beach Magic Beach Motel Main Street Main Street Bridge Main Street USA Make Your Monday Matter Mallory Square Manatee Mantanzas River March Before You Feel Like It Margaritaville Margaritaville Beach Hotel Jacksonville Margaritaville Beach Hotel - Jacksonville Margaritaville Beach Hotel Jacksonville Beach Marina Marion Motor Lodge Market Street Market Street Chattanooga Marriott Marriott Bonvoy Marshmallow Marsh Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Mary S. Holden Massive Action Matching Pajamas Max Velocity Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic Jacksonville Mayo Clinic Jacksonville Florida Mayo Clinic Pain Rehab Clinic Mayport Mayport Cats Mayport Florida Mayport Village May The 4th Be With You... May The Sand Be With You... McDonalds McDonalds Boo Buckets Medium Meeka The Husky Mellow Mushroom Memorial Day Merch Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Cards Merry Christmas Day Merry Christmas Eve Merry Cove Life Meteorologist Brian Shields Meteorologist Patrick Hammer Metra Metro Diner Mexican Food Mexican Restaurant Mezza Luna Ristorante MFPMilestones Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party Mickey Views YouTube Channel Mickler's Landing Mike Buresh Mile 0 Miles For Milton Mile Zero Milk Bone Milkweed Milton Minestrone Soup Mini Donuts Mini Golf Minnie Mouse Ears Mistakes MLK MLK Jr. Mokena Mokena Illinois Momentum Mom's Park Monarch Butterfly Monday Mondo Llama Moonlight Moonrise Moose Mug Morning Motivation Morning Routine Morning Walk Morning Walk With Me Mosaics Motivation Mourning A Loss Movement Mrs. Breadsticks Mr. Weatherman Muffins Mums Munchling Murals Murray Hill Murray Hill Preservation Association Murray Hill Theatre Music City MyFitnessPal My Morning Routine My Own Irish Blessing Mystery Box Mystery Munchling Mystery Pack My Wish For You Nabisco Nabisco Create-A-Treat Nao Trinidad Naples NASA Nashville National Donut Day National Hurricane Center National Monument National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration National Park Service National Register Of Historic Places National Weather Service Nation's Oldest City Natural Disaster Natural Disasters Nature Nature Preserve Navi Waterfront Bar & Grill Nemo Park Neptune Beach Neptune Beach Community Garden Nestpark New Lenox New Lenox Commons New Lenox Community Park District New Lenox Illinois New Merch New Orleans News 104.5 WOKV News4Jax New Year's Day New York City NHC Nights Of Lights Night Walk Nine Eleven NOAA NOAA Fisheries Nocatee NOLA Norfolk Southern Railroad Northbank Riverwalk North Beaches Art Walk North Pole North Pole South Notebook November Nurse Shark Nutcracker NWS Nylabone Oak Park Avenue Oak Park Avenue Train Station Oaxaca Club Obese To Beast Ocean Boulevard Oceanfront Dining Oceanfront Park Ocean Fun Facts Ocean Sounds Ocean Vibes OceanView Lodge October Oktoberfest Old Chicago Pizza & Taproom Old Plank Road Trail Old Town Trolley Tours Olivia Shore One Ocean Resort One Ocean Resort & Spa Opening Of The Beaches Opening Of The Beaches Parade Oreo Gingerbread House Oreos Orlando Orland Park Orland Park Illinois Osborne Street Outside Overseas Highway Pacifica Pacifica Sunblock Pacific Palisades Pain Rehab Clinic Paint And Coffee Paint By Number Paint-by-Number Paint-by-Number Kit From Etsy Palatka Palm Sunday Palm Valley Palm Valley Holiday Lights Boat Parade Palm Valley Outdoors Bar And Grill Palos Heights Pandora Pandora Bead Pandora Charm Papa Paperback Parade Of Trees Paris Olympics 2024 Parking Shuttle Pasta Pasta Party Pastries Patience Pawsitivity Peace Peanut Butter Bubbles Pecan Tree Pelicans Pelindaba Lavender Peppermint Peppermint Candy Cane Cookies Peppermint Extract Perserverance Perseverance Personal Update Perspective Peterbrooke Chocolatier Pete's Bar Petes Bar Petes Bar Thanksgiving Morning Gathering Pet Friendly Pet Loss Pet Parents PetSmart PetSmart Charities Pharmacy Phit-n-Phat Phone Call Pickleball Pier Pierre's Pub Piggy's In A Buggy Pigs Pigs Of Instagram Pillsbury Creamy Supreme Seasonal Cream Cheese Frosting Pina Colada Pine Avenue On Anna Maria Island Pinhole Projector Pink Lemonade Pirate Ship Pirates Paradise Pirates Paradise Souvenir City Plan Planet Earth Plant City Plants Plaza Plaza De La Constitucion Pluto Pluto Thanksgiving Sandwich Pneumonia Poinsettia Polar Plunge Pollyanna Ponte Vedra Beach Ponte Vedra Beach Branch Of The St. Johns County Library Ponte Vedra Inn & Club Porpoise Point POV Prairie Pralines Prayers PRC Pre Hurricane Helene Pre Hurricane Milton Pretzel Nuggets Prissy And Pop Prissy_Pop Progress Prospect Five Points PSL Public Beach Access Public Butterfly Garden Publix Pumpkin Pumpkin Candles Pumpkins Pumpkin Spice Pumpkin Spice Edition Pumpkin Spice In Paradise Pumpkin Spice Latte Purpose Quick Update Quiet Race Expo Railroad Bridge Rain Raintree Restaurant Random Acts Of Kindness Ranking RAP Reaction Real Christmas Tree Recipe Recipes Red Boat Tours Red Boat Water Tours Red Food Coloring Red Sauce Regency Inn & Suites Relaxation Relaxing Stroll Residence Inn - Jacksonville Downtown Restaurant Review Rest Stop Rick Burnett Artist Key West Ripley's Red Train Tours Ritas Jax Beach Riverfront Park Riverside Riverside Arts Market Riverside Avondale Riverside Avondale Preservation Riverside Duck Pond Riverside Memorial Park Riverwalk Road Race Road Trip Rockaway Garden Rod & Reel Fishing Pier Rollin With The Nolans Ronnie Phillips Ron On The Go Room Tour Rooster Roosters Rory Ross's Landing Routine Royal Mess Running Ryan Hall Safe Harbor Safe Passage Sago Coffee Jax Salt Salt Air Inn & Suites Salt Life Salt Life Food Shack Salt Marsh Salty Salvation Army SAM Shoreline Excursion Railroad Sandbags Sandcastle Competition Sand Dunes Sanderson Sisters Sanford San Marco San Marco Avenue San Marco Balis Park San Marco Bookstore San Marco Lions San Marco Lions Fountain San Marco Preservation Hall San Marco Preservation Society San Marco Town Square San Pablo Island Santa Claus Santa Was Here Saran Wrap Sautéed Onions Sawdust & Lace Studio Sawdust & Lace Studio On Etsy Sawpit Creek Boat Ramp Saying No Saying Yes Say Yes Seacoast Bank Sea Cottages Of Amelia Seafoam Seahorse Oceanfront Inn Sea La Vie Jax Beach Sea Oats Seascape Condominiums Sea Shells Seashells Seaside Park Seaside Sculpture Park Seaside Shoppes Sea & Sky Sea & Sky 2024 Sea & Sky Jax Season's Greetings Seas The Day Sea Turtle Maze Sea Turtle Nests Sea Turtles Sea Turtle Statue Seawalk Music Festival Seawalk Pavilion Seaweed See You In St. Marys Seinfeld Self Care Self-care Self Help Self-help September 11 Set Up Sevier Park Shadow Shamrock Shamrock Zoomies Shark Shells Shell World Shelters Sheltie Sheltie & Friends Sheltie & Friends Easter Coloring Book Shetland Sheepdog Shimmering Shimmering Snowman Notebook Shimmering Snowman Notebook: Let's Roll! Shionren Shipwreck Shoppes Of Avondale Shopping Shorebird Shorebirds Sights & Sounds Silicone Baking Trays Skaya Siberian Skimboarding Skin Care Small Towns Snail Sneakers Sports Grille Snow Social Media Soft Pretzels Solar Eclipse Sous Chef Southbank Southbank Riverwalk Southern Belle Riverboat Southern Grounds Southern Living Idea House Southernmost Point Southern Swells Southern Wind Inn Souvenir Souvenir City SpaceX Spanish Street Spanish Street Walking Tour Spooky Garland Spreadshop Spring Spring Break Springhill Suites By Marriott Springhill Suites Jacksonville Beach Oceanfront Spring In The South Spring Park Spring Park Coffee Spritz Pet Banner Squishmallow Mystery Pack Squishmallows Stand Mixer Starbucks Starfish Star Wars Star Wars Day State Of Emergency Stationary Statue Of Liberty St Augustine St. Augustine St. Augustine Beach St. Augustine Beach Farmers Market St. Augustine Lighthouse St. Augustine Nights Of Lights Stayc-66 Stayc-66 EBay Seller Staycation St. George Street St. George Street Walking Tour Stingray Stitch 626 Day St. Johns Avenue St. Johns County St. Johns County Dunes Restoration Project St. Johns County Emergency Management St. Johns County Ocean & Fishing Pier St. Johns River St. Johns River Ferry St. Johns Town Center St. Marys St. Marys River St. Marys Waterfront Park St. Nicholas St. Nicholas Day Stocking St Patricks Day St. Patrick's Day St. Peter's Episcopal Cemetary St. Peter's Episcopal Church Strawberries Streamlabs Streetcar Street To The Beach Study Sounds Sugar Sugar Cookies Summer Summer 2024 Road Trip Summer Beach Run Summer Beach Sounds Sun Sunblock Sunflowers Sunrail Sunrise Sunrise Beach Walk Sunset Sunshine Sunshine & Hurricanes Sunshine Skyway Bridge Super Bowl Sunday Supergoop Supergoop Sunblock Supermoon Supermoon Blue Moon Supper Club Surfers Sweetly Southern Chattanooga Gifts Take Out Dining Talking To Camera Tampa Tampa Bay Target Target Halloween LED Orange Lights TBI TECO Line Streetcar System Teddy Tennessee Tennessee Aquarium Tennessee River Tennessee Titans Tennessee Titans Football Stadium Tennis Teresa Echols Thai Food Thai Smile Thankful Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Merch Thanksgiving Week That Crazy Disney Lady The Adventures Of Mrs. Breadsticks The African Queen The Ancient City The Boathouse The Caffeinated Cat The Castillo Inn The Chattanoogan Hotel The Continental Hotel Site Landmark The Cricket Chronicles The Cuddle Collab From Target The Day Before The Dis The Donna The Donna Foundation The Donna Marathon The Economy Inn The Great War The Green Monster The Keys The Lazy Dog The Lodge & Club The Lone Sailor TheMakersMap The Mini Bar The Old Powder House Inn The Passage Water Memorial The Peach State The Perky Pelican Christmas Shoppe The Player's Championship The Reach Resort Key West The Reef The Renaissance The Renaissance St. Augustine Historic Downtown Hotel The Saint Augustine Beach House These Are My Christmas Dreams These Are My Dreams These Are My Dreams The Podcast The Shoppes Of Avondale The Spark By Hilton The Spark By Hilton St. Augustine Historic District The St. George Inn The St. George Inn St. Augustine The Sunshine State The Year Of The Cicada This & That Gifts Tide View Preserve Tide Views Preserve Time Savings Tinis Martini Bar Tinley Park Tinley Park Illinois To Do Downtown Jacksonville To Do In Celebration Florida To Do Jax Beach Togetherness Tolomato Cemetery Tony's Turkey Trot Tonys Turkey Trot Review To You And Yours Tracking The Tropics Tradition Traditional Irish Pancakes Trail Of Tears Train Depot Train Ride Trains In The 904 Trains Magazine Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Travel Trays Full Of Goodness Treasury Street Treasury Street Walking Tour Trick Or Treat Rhinestone Headband Tropical Disturbance Tropical Smoothie Cafe Tropical Storm Debby Trout Creek Trout Creek Community Center Tucker And Todd Tucker Budzyn Tumovo Luyan Art Turtlehead Lake Turtles Turtle Spotting Twistee Treat Uber UF Health Jacksonville Ugly Cupcake & Muffinry Ulta Products Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier Unboxing United Nations Unity Plaza Universal Endless Summer Universal Epic Universe Universal Orlando Resort University Of Florida University Of Florida Health Jacksonville University Of North Florida Unsalted Butter U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers U.S. Highway 1 U.S. Route 1 Valdosta Valentines Day Venice Venice Beach Pier Vertical Livestream Veterans Day Veterans Memorial Vicks Vicks VapoRub Vilano Beach Vilano Beach Fishing Pier Vilano Beach Nature Boardwalk Vilano Beach Pavilion Vilano Beach Pier Vilano Coffee Shop Vilano Grill 180 Vilano Road Vilano Town Center Vincennes Vincennes Historic Farmers Market Vincennes Indiana Virtual Railfan Visit Chattanooga Visit Florida Visit Jacksonville Visit St. Augustine Visit St. Marys Vlogmas Vlogmas 2024 Volleyball Volunteer V Pizza V Pizza Jax Beach Wabash River Waffle House Wake Up The Sun With Me Wake Up With Me Walk Walking Tour Walkover Walk With Me Walnut Street Pedestrian Bridge Walt Disney World War Memorial Warming Centers Watch With Me Watercolor Watercolor Painting Waterside Suites & Marina WaveMasters Weather Weight Loss Weight Loss Success Weight Maintenance Welcome Wellness Western North Carolina Wetlands WFLA News Channel 8 WhatANut White Bison Coffee White Christmas Whit's Frozen Custard Whits Frozen Custard Whits Jax Beach Who Builds It Better? Wicked Lick Wildfires Willaford Railroad Museum Will County Williams Sonoma Willowbranch Creek Winston Family YMCA Winter In The South Winter Meals Winter Park Winter Park Florida Winter Storm Winter Wonderland With Love From Florida Wondershop Wood Art Wood Slices World Market World Ocean Day World War 1 World War 19 World War II Worst To Best WWI WWI Memorial Xray Yacht Basin Park Y'all Yamasi Trail Ybor CIty Year In Review YMCA YouTube YouTube Anniversary YouTube Community Post YouTuber Youtube Shorts YouTube Update |
My Floridian adventures on YouTube! ______ My motivational merch shop! ______ © 2025 Christine's Floridian Dreams. |